Best guinea pig food by customer feedback

Guinea pigs are one of the most popular pets. Appearing in the family, these unpretentious, friendly and amusing rodents immediately become the favorites of children and evoke the emotion of adults. To your little pet was healthy and vigorous, it must be properly fed, because the food from your table does not suit him at all. Their food should be balanced and contain in various proportions greens, vegetables, water, fruits, as well as hay and dry food, which are the main food for guinea pigs and usually make up to 80% of their diet.


  1. Which guinea pig feed to choose
  2. The best basic food for guinea pigs
  3. The best granulated guinea pig food
  4. The best grain-free guinea pig food
  5. The best guinea pig delicacy
  6. What guinea pig food to buy

Guinea pig foodwhich firms to choose

Dry feeds have a diverse composition, aimed at providing the animal with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, trace elements, proteins, mineraland carbohydrates. All components of dry feeds are carefully selected by manufacturers and assembled in the right proportions to ensure that your pet has a balanced diet.

We present to your attention a list of leading producers of guinea pig feeds:

1. "Mealberry"

2. "Vitakraft"

3. "Versele-Laga"

4. "Zoomir"

5. Biosphere Ltd.

Each company producing feeds for guinea pigs has its own recipes and product lines: dry and granulated feeds, grain-free feed containing hay, which for guinea pigs is the main part of the diet, as well as various goodies for animals.

The best basic food for guinea pigs

"Little One"

Guinea pig "Little One" from "Mealberry" is one of the best, according to the owners of these animals. It contains all the ingredients necessary for the health of your little pet: seeds, vegetables, fruits, grains and herbal granules, enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Hosts of rodents who purchased food for their pets, confirm the full compliance of the contents of the packaging with the declared composition and note that he likes sea guinea pigs.

Advantages of the feed "Little One", according to customers, are:

  • Food is clean, free of foreign matter, debris and dust.
  • He is pleased to eat even guinea pigs, fastidious to eat.
  • There are no coloring agents, preservatives or flavor enhancers in the feed.
  • The food is eaten almost completely, therefore it is economically spent.
  • The composition of the feed is varied and natural.
  • Guinea pigs eat it with great pleasure.
  • The animals become vigorous and vigorous.
  • The food has a pleasant smell, which is pleasant to both pigs and their owners.

As the shortcomings of this feed, guinea pig owners note:

  • Feed is in great demand and is sold very quickly, and therefore it is difficult to find it on store shelves.
  • There is little fiber in the feed.
  • The mixture is rather fatty and high-calorie.

To avoid obesity, it is necessary to monitor the daily intake of "Little One", which should not exceed 35-50 grams per day, depending on the weight of the guinea pig.

"Menu Vital"

The top lines of the ratings of feeds for guinea pigs can not be avoided without Menu Vital from Vitakraft. This is a balanced food that fully meets the physiological needs of rodents. It includes dried vegetables, cereals, seeds, hay fibers, bran, herbal granules, vitamins and minerals.

The advantages of Menu Vital food, according to the owners of guinea pigs, are as follows:

  • Good balanced composition.
  • The forage contains corn and peas, which are usually flattened and are inconvenient to hold with paws in the usual form.
  • Pigs eat this food with great appetite.
  • Food is enriched with vitamin C, which is very necessary for guinea pig's organism.

This feed, as the owners of rodents note, there are drawbacks:

  • The composition contains dyes.
  • Inconvenient fastener on the package.
  • High cost.

However, according to the guinea pig owners, the price for Menu Vital is compensated by its high quality and good mood of pets, who liked the food to taste.

"Little Beasts"

Many owners of guinea pigs consider the best feed of "Zveryushki" from the company "Zoomir".It consists of herbal granules, seeds, dried berries and vegetables, cereal flakes, carob fruits, vitamin-mineral complex.

According to customers, the advantages of this feed are:

  • Food contains all the components necessary for the health of guinea pigs.
  • The mixture is very diverse in composition.
  • Food is affordable, it can easily be found on sale.
  • Low price.
  • The food is clean, free from debris and dust.

To drawbacks of the mixture "Beast", according to the owners of guinea pigs, it should be attributed:

  • Not all components of the mumps feed eat with the same pleasure. Some animals choose only the pieces they like, and do not eat the rest of the mixture.
  • There are colored granules in the composition.
  • Large amount of grain.

According to the owners of guinea pigs, "Zveryushki" feeds are in the leading position in terms of the best price-quality ratio.

"VAKA Lux"

The fodder mixture "VAKA Lux" from "Biosphere" LLC has grown fond of many guinea pigs and won the confidence of their owners. Food contains all the microelements and vitamins necessary for immunity, health and longevity of furry animals. The composition of the feed includes herbal granules, cereals, dried vegetables, granulated mixed fodder, vegetable flakes and fortified grains.

According to the owners of guinea pigs, the food "VAKA Lux" has a number of advantages:

  • Useful, nutritious and balanced composition.
  • A quality package in which the food is convenient to store, and after it is freed, can be used as a tunnel for mumps.
  • Low price.

To the minuses of the feed "VAKA Lux" owners of the animals carried:

  • The composition of a lot of grain.
  • Low content of vitamin C.
  • Not all components of the feed are completely eaten by mumps.

Owners of guinea pigs, who bought VAKA Lux for their pets, noted good condition of teeth, wool, normal weight, and also vivacity and activity in animals.

The best granulated food for guinea pig

"Cavia Complete"

The best granulated food, according to guinea pigs and their owners, is "Cavia Complete" from the company "Versele-Laga".It is a complete feed mixture with vitamin C, adapted to the nutritional needs of guinea pigs. It consists of ingredients that animals eat in their natural habitat: herbs, vegetable fibers, fruits and seeds, enriched with all necessary vitamins and minerals for health.

According to the owners of guinea pigs who purchased "Cavia Complete" food for their pets, it has a number of advantages:

  • Excellent balanced composition, natural and useful.
  • Food contains a large amount of fiber.
  • Convenient packaging with a lock, keeping the freshness of the feed.
  • Pigs eat this food with pleasure and eat up to the last crumb.
  • A pleasant natural smell.
  • This feed is grainless, which is good for herbivorous guinea pigs.
  • The mixture is sparingly consumed.
  • All pellets have the same appearance, and the pig does not choose the pieces you like.
  • There is no sugar in the composition of the feed.
  • Food should be gnawed, which is useful for grinding teeth.
  • After introduction into the diet of this feed, the pigs ceased to shed, and their fur became shiny.

The disadvantage of this feed, according to buyers, is:

  • High cost.

Nevertheless, the owners of guinea pigs, who are not used to saving their pets' health, acquire "Cavia Complete" for them.

Best non-grain food for guinea pig


Guinea pigs are herbivores. Hay is the main component of their daily diet, and therefore it should always be at the disposal of the animal in unlimited quantities.

The owners of guinea pigs and their pets prefer Vita Verde from Vitakraft.

Among its advantages were noted:

  • Natural composition.
  • Hay is fresh, without straw.
  • The food is clean, it does not need to be touched.
  • Hay has a pleasant herbaceous odor.
  • Guinea pigs really like this food.
  • The hay is pressed, so the packaging lasts for a long time.

The buyers consider the minus of the feed "VitaVerde":

  • The hay is too tamped, in connection with which it is difficult to get out of the pack.
  • High price.

Best guinea pig delicacy

Fruit mixture for rodents "Little One"

In addition to dry food and hay, which form the main part of the diet of guinea pigs, a variety of goodies for these rodents are available for use as supplements to everyday food. These are nutritious crackers, cereals and herbal sticks, biscuits with vegetables, dried vegetables, berries and fruits, edible toys and mouth-watering twigs of trees.

As the best delicacy, the owners of guinea pigs and their pets recognize the fruit mixture for rodents "Little One" from "Mealberry".The mixture consists of dried bananas, raisins and dried pineapples.

Its advantages:

  • Excellent quality.
  • Natural product.
  • A pleasant, fresh fragrance.
  • Quality packaging.
  • No dyes and preservatives.
  • Acceptable price.
  • Pigs eat this dessert with great pleasure.
  • The mixture should be used in limited quantities, so it lasts a long time.

Lack of a mixture, according to the guinea pig owners:

  • Raisins with bones.

The treat "Little One" will be a pleasant addition to the main food of your pet and will give him pleasure!

What food for a guinea pig to buy

If a guinea pig has appeared in your house, you probably noticed that this funny animal always chews something and begs for food. In order for your pet to feel great, he was alert, healthy and in a good mood, his food should be right, balanced and varied.

In addition to water, a small amount of greenery, fruits and vegetables, the daily diet of guinea pigs should be dry food, the daily rate of which must be controlled depending on the weight of the animal. Access to hay in pigs should be round-the-clock and unlimited.

1. If you decide to buy a balanced diet for your pet that completely replenishes nutrients, minerals, vitamins and trace elements in your body, pay attention to the feed: Menu Vital from Vitakraft, Zveryushki from Zoomir"And" VAKA Lux "from OOO" Biosphere ".

2. If your guinea pig is fastidious in eating, fussy, selects only certain components from the feed, and you have to throw out most of it - try to treat it with Mealberry's "Little One" food. Perhaps you will be surprised to see that your pet has eaten it to the last seed.

3. If your choice is in favor of granular feeds, pay attention to "Cavia Complete" from "Versele-Laga".The owners of guinea pigs confirm that this feed is very like their pets and is eaten practically without any residue.

4. If, by choosing a grainless feed, you prefer Vita Verde from Vitakraft, your pets will be grateful to you! This fresh, pure, fragrant hay had to taste to many guinea pigs.

5. Have you decided to pamper your pet with a delicious treat? Your pet will be very grateful if you choose the fruit mix for rodents "Little One" from "Mealberry".

So, to maintain the vigor and health of guinea pigs, they should always have a sufficient amount of hay, and the daily diet should contain the necessary amount of dry food. When choosing it, pay attention to the composition: it should contain as many plant components, herbs and fiber, it should have a pleasant smell and contain vitamin C, which is necessary for the organism of guinea pigs.