Bladeless fan: a unique idea

New items of technical thought can sometimes very well fit into our everyday life. Even the most unusual ideas can find use, such as a bladeless fan. Now it is a trend that is in great demand. It looks like an ordinary ring on a stand, but this ring works like a fan, driving air through itself. How is this possible? And is it possible to independently build this device from scrap materials? It turns out that nothing is impossible, the author of the YouTube channel has proved it. ALL IDEAS. And, guided by his master class, you can repeat this experience at home.

Read in the article

  • 1 The principle of operation of the device, and what is required for its manufacture
  • 2 Assembly of the bladeless fan base
  • 3 Air ring assembly

The principle of operation of the device, and what is required for its manufacture

So what is the secret of this device? How does it work? The invention of this design belongs to the American Jason Dyson, who used the aerodynamic properties of an airplane wing to create know-how. The device has a fan in its design, but it is hidden in the stand, and its task is to take air from the bottom and accelerate it along the ring, creating a low pressure area on one side, which sucks in air, forcing it to rush through ring. Now such rings are used in the most expensive climatic equipment.

In fact, the device is quite primitive, and you can literally repeat it from scrap materials, such as cardboard.

Bladeless fan
You can make this fan yourself using a cardboard case.
The main detail of the future design is a small fan, which is used in computer system units.
The main detail of the future design is a small fan, which is used in computer system units.

You can use a used one or buy a new one, it literally costs a penny. In addition to it, you will need thick cardboard for the case.

To operate the fan, you will need to purchase a small switch and an adapter for connecting the power supplyPHOTO:
To operate the fan, you will need to purchase a small switch and an adapter for connecting the power supply
The last part you need is a power adapter.PHOTO:
The last part you need is a power adapter.

Assembly of the bladeless fan base

The main mechanism of the device will be located at its base, so this is the most important and complex part.

The body will consist of a cardboard boxPHOTO:
The body will consist of a cardboard box

The dimensions of the box must match the dimensions of the fan. In the lower part of each of the four parts, a semicircular hole is made through which air will be taken. In the side parts, you need to make two holes for the output of the contact for the power supply and the switch.

Assemble the cardboard box by gluing the walls right around the perimeter of the fan with a glue gunPHOTO:
Assemble the cardboard box by gluing the walls right around the perimeter of the fan with a glue gun

Pay attention - you need to step back a little from the edge, about two centimeters.

The assembled box will look like thisPHOTO:
The assembled box will look like this

Make sure that the fan is installed in such a position that it draws in air from the bottom and lifts it up.

Bring the switch into the side wall and fix it with washers from the inside and outsidePHOTO:
Bring the switch into the side wall and fix it with washers from the inside and outside
On the opposite side of the structure there will be a point for connecting the adapter, the output must also be made through the hole in the base casePHOTO:
On the opposite side of the structure there will be a point for connecting the adapter, the output must also be made through the hole in the base case

Air ring assembly

The bladeless fan ring will also be made of cardboard and paper. Draw a circle on the cardboard and make 2 identical rings, the inner diameter of which will differ by one and a half to two centimeters.

In each ring, glue a paper rim, the width of which corresponds to the width of the base of the device, that is, the side of the computer fanPHOTO:
In each ring, glue a paper rim, the width of which corresponds to the width of the base of the device, that is, the side of the computer fan
Fix the rings on the base opposite each other so that one bezel is inside the otherPHOTO:
Fix the rings on the base opposite each other so that one bezel is inside the other

Use a glue gun.

To fix the rings relative to each other, make small cardboard jumpersPHOTO:
To fix the rings relative to each other, make small cardboard jumpers

Then glue another strip of paper over the cardboard jumpers to give the finished product.

Fan decoration is a matter of everyone's imaginationPHOTO:
Fan decoration is a matter of everyone's imagination

You can leave it as it is, paint it or decorate it with decoupage or other decor. Although the construction is made of cardboard, it will work like a real fan.

These bladeless fans have been proven to be much more efficient than conventional models. In addition, they have an important advantage: they are absolutely safe, because there are no rotating parts outside. Such designs are recommended for families with small children, they do not pose a potential danger to them. The child will not stick out his hand or hurt his fingers.

The diagram shows how the device works, its components are indicatedPHOTO:
The diagram shows how the device works, its components are indicated

Such a bladeless fan looks very stylish and unusual. So, if you want to attract attention - do such a thing with your own hands, it is very informative, among other things.

If you like the idea and are ready to use materials that are more durable than cardboard and paper for it, here is a small popular video master class on this topic:

What do you think of such an idea? Did you like it and are you ready to conduct your own design experiment? Write about it in the comments. If you have tried, and you succeeded or failed, it will also be interesting to read your opinion. Send us your master classes with descriptions, the best of them will be published.
