The most profitable shares of Russian companies 2017

In the most profitable shares of Russian companies 2017 were securities of those enterprises and organizations that promise a growth in dividend payments this year. Also, when compiling the list, the criteria for the growth of net profit and the proceeds of enterprises were taken into account. A stable financial position also plays an important role in the choice of securities for investment. Companies and organizations that are among the ten most promising for the current year, in addition, are of great interest from the professional participants of the stock market.


Sberbank of Russia

The shares of PJSC of Sberbank of Russia have a good potential for today. To date, "Sberbank of Russia" is the largest bank not only in Russia, but in the CIS countries. The main shareholder is the "Central Bank of the Russian Federation", which holds more than 50% of the shares. About 40% of shares are owned by foreign representatives."Sberbank of Russia" is well suited for long-term investment, as it brings stable dividend income from year to year.



Shares of Yandex are considered to be among the most promising as of 2017.The Russian-language search engine is engaged in the development of new projects that have great potential in the near future. According to analysts' forecasts, in the near future Yandex's earnings per share will grow by more than 100% in the next three years, and revenue will increase by about half( at the end of 2016 it amounted to 68 billion rubles).


Moscow stock exchange

The Moscow stock exchange is one of the largest and most promising holdings in Russia, created in 2011.According to analysts' forecasts, for 2017 the company's shares will become one of the most profitable. The enterprise acts as the organizer of trading of shares, bonds, currencies, precious metals, etc. The holding also owns the National Settlement Depository JSC and the National Clearing Center. The largest shareholder of the exchange is the Bank of Russia, which accounts for more than 11%.The second largest shareholder is Sberbank, which owns 10% of the shares, and the third - Vnesheconombank with a 8% stake. About 62% of the stock exchange's shares are in free float.



Gazprom is considered one of the most promising gas companies, whose shares in 2017 promise good dividends. Approximately 70% of gas is supplied to the Russian market by Gazprom. From year to year, the company's revenue is rapidly rising. Shares are primarily interesting for long-term investments. In the future, a significant increase in the value of shares is forecasted. To date, the annual dividend yield is in the range of 5-6%.These are not very high indicators, but they are expected to increase in the near future. Gazprom securities are traded on such exchanges as London and Moscow.



The shares of MTS are projected to be the most profitable for the Mobile Telesystems in 2017.MTS is considered one of the most stable dividend companies. The Russian telecommunications company invests significant funds to buy up Russian cellular companies and CIS countries. The controlling interest is held by AFK Sistema holding( 53%), and the rest is in free circulation with the London, New York, Moscow and other stock exchanges. The revenue and profitability of MTS are gaining momentum from year to year.


Russian networks

PJSC "Russian networks" is one of the most promising enterprises operating in the electric power industry. The opinion why experts advise to turn to investing in this company is justified on relatively small debts and rapidly growing revenue from year to year."Rosset" own shares of forty-seven subsidiaries. However, the dividend yield is quite low: according to the results of 2016 it was only 0.7%.


Norilsk Nickel

Shares of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel in 2017 will take a leading position in terms of yield. Mining and metallurgical digging of Russia is the world leader in the production of precious and non-ferrous metals. In terms of palladium and nickel production, Norilsk Nickel ranks first in the world. About 5% of exports fall on the MMC.In Russia's GDP, the share of this enterprise is two percent. Over the past couple of years, the dividend yield of shareholders was about fourteen percent per annum.



It is assumed that shares of OJSC MMK will become one of the most profitable in 2017.This enterprise is the largest and leading steel producer in Russia. From all the metal products manufactured in the country, MMK accounts for about twenty percent. In 2016, the profit of the enterprise grew more than two and a half times( the increase was more than 1 billion dollars).The company pays stable and good dividends, which every year become higher. Foreign assets and alternative activities provide MMK with a stable position.



PJSC "Fosagro" is on the list of the most profitable shares of 2017.Holding "Fosagro", founded in 2001, is a leader in the production of mineral fertilizers. The company shows a good growth momentum, and receives from its activities growing every year with profit. So, last year, revenue figures for "Fosagro" amounted to about 190 billion rubles. Many major funds of the country are interested in buying shares. Dividends paid out for shares in the past couple of years amounted to about 7%, which is quite a high figure.



GDR "Rusagro" is considered one of the best companies for investment. It is the main Russian agro-industrial holding working in such areas as meat, agricultural, fat and sugar industry. In 2015, Rusagro was noted as a fast-growing and profitable company. Among the companies producing lump sugar and margarine, the holding ranks first. The second place was taken by the company in the production of pork."Rusagro" was founded in 1997, and relatively quickly in a short time, it turned from a small agricultural firm into a holding, which is a serious competitor on the market today. Every year the profitability of the company is growing more and more. Rusagro is an ideal option for long-term, long-term cooperation and obtaining decent dividends.