- How to clean the pots?
- Special cleaner for cleaning utensils
- How to clean an aluminum pan?
- How to clean the enamel pan?
Any cookware, especially one in which we cook food on fire, requires constant care. But every housewife strives to make her life easier, so even today the question of how to clean pots remains invariably topical. Burnt food, fatty drops, escaped milk are far from a complete list of possible problems. How to deal with them and other contaminants on the pans, you will learn from this article.
Important! Each kitchen has a variety of pots: aluminum, glass, enamelled, ceramic. Each material has its own characteristics, which means that each of them perceives cleaning agents in its own way. Before going to the store, be sure to familiarize yourself with effective detergents designed for these or other materials.
to the contents ↑Than to clean the pots?
First, try to clean the pan in folk ways using the tools available in each kitchen. So you can save money on buying special household chemicals, as well as the time you need to visit stores.
This universal tool was used by our grandmothers to clean the heaviest soiled dishes. Use soda as an abrasive: pour the product on a sponge or iron sponge( if the material allows the utensils) and clean the contaminated surface. In this simple way, you can even clean the pan from the deposit.
Another way to use soda is to boil the pan in a solution. Proceed as follows:
- Place the contaminated pan in an even larger container.
- Pour utensils completely with water( water should cover the pan by 2-3 cm).
- Add soda to the water( 0.5 kg of soda for 5-6 liters of water).
- Boil the saucepan in a soda solution for at least an hour( about 50 minutes).
- Wait until the saucepan has cooled down.
- Wash the pan in the usual way.
Important! Nagar and the layering of fat will go away without much difficulty, which means that you will spend a minimum of time and effort to decide how to clean the pan. The same effect can be obtained if you use instead of soda vinegar( proportion with water 1: 2) or citric acid( per 1 liter of 3 bags).
Another universal tool that not only perfectly copes with various impurities, but also has a disinfectant effect. Apply it this way:
- On the burnt surface of the object, pour the table vinegar. Due to the fact that it contains a lot of acid, fat and carbon will dissolve.
- Cover the pan with a lid and let it stand for 2-3 hours.
- Wash with any detergent.
This is a pretty old way how to clean a pan that our grandmothers used. Serum will help get rid of the deposit quickly enough, although vinegar is faster and more effective. Use milk whey as follows:
- Pour into the pan the serum 1-2 cm above the burnt place.
- Leave for 24 hours.
- Drain the milk whey.
- Clean the utensils with any detergent.
Important! Due to the acid content in the serum, the burnt food easily exfoliates from the surface of the pan.
Table salt is much more effective to use together with water: pour the affected pot with a strong saline solution and boil for a little over an hour.
To clean the burnt pan from aluminum or enamel, you can use a soda-salt mixture. This method will take some time, but you will be sure that do not damage the object and do not have to carefully rub the coating with your hands. The way of using this tool is as follows:
- Mix in equal amounts of soda and salt.
- Fill the bottom of the burnt pan with a mixture.
- Add warm water before forming gruel.
- Close the pan with a lid.
- Leave for 24 hours.
- After a day, replace the mixture.
- Add water before covering the burnt place.
- Put the saucepan on the stove and boil the water.
- Boil on low heat for another 30 minutes.
- After the saucepan has cooled, wash it in the usual way.
Important! For a stainless steel saucepan, do not use this method, as dark spots from salt may appear. It is better to boil in the vinegar-aqueous solution for about 10 minutes.
Citric acid
This product is very effective not only with carbon deposits, but also with calcareous deposits. Strong solution of citric acid( 1 st. 1-2 tsp.), Applied to the sponge, wipe the problem areas.
Important! To remove the carbon deposits, you can pour the casserole with citric acid and boil it in larger utensils in the same way as when using a soda solution.
Pour hot water into a saucepan and add liquid soap, you can also use a dishwashing detergent. Boil for 15-20 minutes, and after cooling, clean the pan with a kitchen sponge.
Important! This method is effective if the coke has a weakly expressed character.
Sour apples
Many mistresses of a pot are put in order with the help of acidic apples or rhubarb: it is enough to boil in the contaminated objects a peel from sour apples or rhubarb, and the pan will shine like new.
The onion is very good if the porridge is burned in a pan. Proceed as follows:
- Pour water into the dishes.
- Add 1 large or 2 medium sized bulbs to the container.
- Put the saucepan on a fire and boil.
- Screw the fire and boil on a small fire for 5-10 minutes.
- Allow the saucepan to cool, then wash in the usual way.
Important! The unpleasant onion smell will disappear after a few minutes of cooking the vegetable.
to the table of contents ↑Special cleaning tools for kitchen utensils
If you do not want to wait long, boil, fiddle with folk remedies, then purchase special tools in the store that are designed to remove burnt and fried fats.
Important! Before using, be sure to read the instructions and make sure that nothing will damage your kitchenware.
In a wide range of stores, gels and powders from leading manufacturers are presented. Here are some of them:
- "Schumann".Used for cleaning dishes, ovens, baking trays, suitable for enamel dishes, but they can not clean aluminum. Use it carefully, putting on gloves and goggles.
- "Fairy".We recommend using it as follows:
- Pour water into the pan.
- Add 20 ml of the drug.
- Close the lid of the utensils.
- Leave the dishes for 1 hour.
- Then wash in the usual way.
- "Sanita-gel".This tool contains alkali in its composition, due to which the carbon deposit is effectively removed from the surface of the contaminated dishes. Simply apply the sponge to the contamination and leave for 10 minutes, then wash the utensils in the usual way.
- "Cillit Bang".You can use both a spray and a gel. Apply to the burnt surface detergent, and after 10 minutes, clean the carbon deposits from the pan with a soft sponge.
How to clean an aluminum pan?
Like any other material, aluminum has its own specific features, which must be taken into account when selecting tools for cleaning dishes:
- Aluminum is a soft metal, so the surface of the product made of it is prone to scratches and deformations. When starting to clean the aluminum pan, exclude metallized wire brushes, knives, sand, sandpaper, and sponges, with abrasive coating from the list of tools.
- Aluminum easily comes into contact with acidic and alkaline compounds, so the use of such agents will lead to undesirable visual effects on the dishes. Using aggressive chemicals when cleaning aluminum utensils can lead to loss of gloss and darkening of the surface. Washing powders and products that contain chalk can also not be used to not get the exact opposite result.
- It is also not recommended to wash aluminum dishes in a dishwasher, since the means used in such household appliances are contraindicated to aluminum products: the gloss is lost, the coating darkens.
Important! Despite such a large list of aluminum limitations, there are a number of simple and effective ways to return pots of this material to original gloss and presentation.
The simplest remedy is a soap solution. They can soak the dishes for an hour for 2, and then rinse thoroughly. You can also boil a solution of soda in an aluminum pan to clean the carbon. Means for washing porcelain and glass will do.
Method # 1
To clean the aluminum pan by this method, you will need a large capacity for boiling, 100 g of clerical silicate glue and 100 g of soda ash.
Proceed according to the following scheme:
- Fill the prepared container with water.
- Dissolve glue and soda in warm water.
- Boil the water.
- Pour contaminated dishes into the container so that it is covered with water for 2-3 cm.
- Boil the dishes for 40 minutes.
- After the saucepan has cooled, rinse it with cold water.
Method number 2
You will need 100 g finely grated household soap( no dyes and flavorings), 3 tbsp.l.silicate glue. Boil in a water solution with the addition of soap and silicate glue the contaminated pan. At the end of the cleansing, rinse the dishes in cold water, adding 1 tsp.ammonia. The pan shimmers like new.
Additional care instructions
To save yourself from unnecessary troubles and keep aluminum utensils in order, use our tips and observe a number of simple rules:
- Do not cook dairy porridges and soups in aluminum utensils, since such food always leaves on the walls and bottom of the pantraces that are difficult to get rid of.
- Do not store finished products in aluminum cookware - they may cause stains on the pan walls, and it is not safe for health.
- Do not use aluminum cookware to pickle and pickle vegetables. During the process, a harmful alkaline environment is formed that harms the metal, and besides this, chemical compounds harmful to the body can be formed.
- Do not leave the pan on fire unattended: adjust the fire under the pan and stir the prepared dish in a timely manner.
- After buying aluminum utensils, rinse well with detergent, dry and burn. This procedure will allow the formation of a film of aluminum oxide salts on the upper surface of the tank, which, if used, will protect the metal from oxidation, and thus reduce the likelihood of harmful substances entering the food. For calcination: pour vegetable oil on the bottom of the dishes, add 100 g of salt and warm well. The completion of the process is determined by the smell of burning oil.
- To get rid of dark spots on the inside of the pan - pour it up with kefir or sour milk. Leave the product in the container for several hours, and then rinse in the usual way. For the same purpose, you can use cucumber or tomato brine, as well as sour tomatoes.
How to clean the enamelled pan?
Enameled container requires special care. Remember that after cooking, do not immediately fill it with cold water. First let it cool down, so that the enamel is not damaged by cold water.
Important! Do not use metal brushes for cleaning.
Clean burnt enamel ware can be simple, affordable means that are available in any kitchen. For example:
- At the bottom of the cooled pan, pour salt and leave the container for 2-3 hours, and then wash the dishes with hot water.
- Prepare a steep brine: for 1 liter of water 5-6 tbsp.l.salt. Pour the solution into a container and boil it for 40-45 minutes. During this time, the burned food will peel off from the walls and the bottom.
- To clean the surface of dishes from burnt milk, use activated charcoal. Grind several tablets of the product to a powdered state. Fill the bottom of the container with the product and allow to stand for 30-40 minutes, then pour cold water into the pan and leave the container for another 30 minutes. After such a procedure, the enameled pot will be washed off with any detergent.
- Darkened stains, formed on the surface of the enameled pot, remove with the help of rind of acidic apples. Boil them in a dirty container.
Follow the kitchen utensils, clean it in time and it will last you for many years, pleasing you and your family with healthy, healthy and tasty food.