How to choose a coffee machine - what to consider before buying

It is believed that a good morning begins with a cup of hot, fragrant coffee. Today, the counters of all supermarkets and small shops are packed with all kinds of jars with a variety of varieties of this wonderful drink.

Manufacturers offer a variety of coffee;In addition, there are always its soluble "types" on the market, as with additives, for example, cream, cognac, vanilla, and ordinary, black. In addition to making coffee in the usual way for us, that is, brewing in a cup, the coffee is cooked in a special dish - a Turk or prepared in special apparatuses, called coffee machines. The information presented in this article will be of interest to those who are wondering how to choose a coffee machine for home?

This wonderful machine appeared in the middle of the XIX century in France. Its inventor, Edward Loisel de Sante, presented his work at the Paris exhibition in 1855.The coffee machine was a huge success, as it was the first machine in which coffee was prepared with steam. The first machines were very expensive, they could only be used by the most expensive coffee houses and restaurants.

Modern coffee machines

The first coffee machine was cumbersome, its use at home was impossible. Now the espresso machine is a fairly compact, neat device, thanks to which everyone can be pampered with a magical drink. Manufacturers offer models with a variety of functions and capabilities - from the simplest to those that are capable of preparing exquisite "cocktails."

What you need to pay attention first of all by choosing an espresso machine

In order to better understand what kind of coffee machine to choose, you need to pay attention to the following points.

When choosing a coffee machine for a home, first of all pay attention to the tank of the device. The presented models have different reservoirs - from 2 to 3 to 24 servings of the drink. The volume of the tank is a rather important indicator, worthy of attention, since it depends on this parameter how much ready coffee you get. For those who are ready to limit themselves to a cup of morning coffee, the model with a small reservoir is quite suitable. But lovers of pampering themselves, friends and relatives with more frequent "coffee-drinking" should think about more capacious apparatuses. Models with large tanks are mainly used in coffee shops.

Software settings

This parameter includes many points, including such as:

  • temperature control of the finished beverage;
  • temperature control dishes;
  • water volume control;
  • regulation of the supply of additional ingredients;
  • adjustment of the degree of grinding of coffee beans and many others.

All of the above has a huge impact on the final result. Modern models of coffee machines allow you to prepare various drinks - ordinary black coffee, latte, expresso, makiato, etc. Some machines suggest the possibility of setting coffee brewing programs, for example, you can directly adjust the water temperature or its quantity, cooking time or grinding degree.

A favorite function for fans of a soft drink

Foaming milk is a particularly valuable program for those who prefer, for example, a delicate latte. It is for such amateurs that manufacturers supply coffee aggregates with a cappuccino. This function will be especially in demand in coffee machines for cafes. A machine with such a device that represents a special nozzle on the tube for the preparation of so-called milk foam. Milk from the outer container, passing through this tube, gets into the cup in the form of whipped foam. In addition, separate units are equipped with a special foaming system - IFD.It is represented by an automatic dispenser, which prepares cappuccino.

Fans of this drink prefer that coffee machines for office or home are equipped with this function, but do not forget about the volume of the tank.

True coffee connoisseurs know that its preparation requires not only quality raw materials, careful processing of grains, but also clean water. And the water must be perfectly clean - special filters are used for this. Built-in filters, which are equipped with these wonderful "helpers" fulfill this crucial role.

They not only soften the water, but also minimize the amount of scale in the unit, thereby increasing its service life. The standard filter is designed for about 50 liters of water, disposable filters, of course, require regular replacement. In addition, there are nylon filters that are usually included in the kit( 60 brewing resources) and the so-called "golden" filter - a practically perfected variation that is covered with a special composition - titanium nitride.

However, a potential buyer should remember that the full work of your "assistant" for the preparation of coffee depends on the timely replacement of supplies and proper, service maintenance apparatus.

The speed of cooking a fragrant drink is another of the highlights that deserve special attention. For each type of coffee often requires a different cooking time. The duration of cooking depends on the quality of the finished drink, for example, digested coffee, has excessive bitterness, undercooked coffee will be sourish. For those who prefer to adjust the duration of cooking on their own, the machines equipped with the function of adjusting the duration of coffee preparation are ideal.

Unequivocally answer the question of which coffee machine to choose for the house, it does not work, because the preferences are different for everyone. It makes sense to acquire a model with those functions that will be used. The purchase of such a device is quite a costly exercise, there is no sense in overpaying for new-fangled functions that are not intended to be used.

Before making a final decision, carefully evaluate your preferences, analyze the conclusions and only then go for a miracle assistant.