How to choose a tourist backpack: go on a trip

One of the most important attributes in any hike is a tourist backpack. His choice should be approached with the utmost seriousness. After all, a properly selected tourist backpack will greatly facilitate the carrying of the cargo, and also maintain a healthy back and waist during the hike.

An unsuccessfully matched attribute, threatens you with heavy loads on the shoulders and back, which as a result can lead to a curvature of the spine.

At the moment, the range of tourist backpacks is so great that it is rather difficult to determine its choice from all this variety of different companies and manufacturers to an inexperienced person. We will tell you how to choose a backpack.

We choose the design and scope of the tourist backpack

. Depending on the design, all tourist backpacks can be divided into easel, soft and frame.

In appearance, the backpacks are a bag, attached to a rigid frame, which can be plastic or metal.

Of course, metal is more durable and durable, but with such a frame, the weight of the backpack significantly increases, which will cause some inconvenience during the hike. Tourist backpacks of easel construction, are convenient only when carrying heavy loads.

Soft backpacks, very light, cheap and compact enough. They do not have any rigid elements, so to collect such a backpack you need to approach very seriously. If it is not stacked correctly, it will bring a lot of trouble to the tourist during transportation.

The most popular for today are skeleton backpacks. They are based on a frame of plastic or aluminum inserts, which is located in the area of ​​the back. Tourist backpacks of this design are very comfortable during the hike and are the most durable.

Once you have decided on the design of your poor purchase, you should think about its weight. The weight of tourist backpacks is measured in liters and varies between 40 and 150 liters.

If you go on a trip not for a long time, then there will be enough backpack in 40 liters. For a longer trip, adolescents, a tourist backpack with a capacity of 60 liters is best.and more. For women, the optimal volume is 60 to 70 liters, for men 70 to 90.

In order for the backpack to be easy to climb, it should not be equipped with the parts you do not need, and its weight should not exceed 3 kg.

Material and quality of the tailoring

It is very important to pay attention to the material from which the backpack is made and the quality of the seams. Material for the manufacture of modern tourist backpacks serve as an avent, cordura, oxford.

Aviation is a very strong fabric, which does not have a lot of weight and does not have a high price, it's freezing with good frost-resistant properties. The disadvantages of such a fabric include a weak waterproof and not attractive appearance.

Cordura( cordura) is a strong, beautiful fabric. It is resistant to abrasion and has enviable water-repellent properties. This fabric has a relatively large weight and a high price. Still it is not resistant to frost.

Oxford - this fabric is very similar to Cordura, but unlike it, it is thinner, smoother and shiny.

"oxford" with indexes 210, 420 and 840 is more popular. Such fabric is a cheaper alternative to cordura. It is less resistant and durable, but it is softer and light.

The seams of the backpack you like should be stitched with double seams( or covered with ribbon) with a nylon thread. Do not forget to check their reliability by slightly pulling the fabric in different directions in place of the seams.

What should be the back and waist part of the

Recently, the back of the travel backpacks is made of a ventilated mesh that allows your back to breathe. Ventilated mesh can be referred to as "Air Mesh" or "Air flow".The waistband is responsible for the distribution of weight. When using a good tourist backpack, the belt takes on most of the weight, which allows to unload the shoulders and reduce the burden on the back.

The belt should keep its shape, so on the outside it should be hard, and with the inner soft. To maximize the fit of the waist part to the body, its inner side must be trimmed with a net.

What else to look for when choosing a backpack

Slings. Slings are a very important element of the design of a tourist backpack. The sling goes to the straps, side straps, waist belt, volume adjustment and much more.

They are made from kapron fabric and have a width of 15 to 50 mm. For the manufacture of additional straps and fastening of external loads, the narrowest slings are used.

For belts, slings with a width of 30 to 50 mm are best suited. Stronger slings are designed for buckles, for handles and hinges are soft.

Straps. They should be wide and thick, and do not bump into the shoulders. It is best to give preference to tourist backpacks, for straps and belts that can be adjusted.

In some models, a floating strap fastening system is provided, which allows you to adjust the backpack to your height.

Pockets and additional pendants. As for pockets, here you should be determined on the basis of their personal needs.

Many tourists consider them completely unnecessary, some hold a different opinion. It is worth noting only that it is best to find a tourist backpack with a detachable pocket suspension. Then, if necessary, you can always fasten them.

In many models of modern tourist backpacks, a special valve is provided from above, which is very convenient for storing various trifles. In it, you can also add up essentials, in order to sort out the backpack in their search.

Depending on the model, the valve is sewn or detachable. The clip-on valve allows you to change its position, depending on the required height. It can also be used as a separate lightweight backpack.

Fittings. Do not forget to pay attention to the buckles and zippers. They should be durable and comfortable enough to use. A good plastic buckle, capable of withstanding loads of more than 100 kg. Try to give preference to the standard type furniture.

Then in case of a breakdown, you will not have problems with their replacement. Lightning in tourist backpacks can be of two types: "twisted" and "tractor"( having large teeth).It is believed that tractor lightning is more durable, but in practice this is not always true.

How to properly try on and collect a tourist backpack.

Before you buy an attribute you like, it should be tried on. Before this, fill the rucksack with something, only then it will take the right position. Filling, adjust the backpack in size and a little bit like it, then maybe you will find some shortcomings of the model you like.

Before the trip you will need to collect a tourist backpack. This is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Incorrectly folded things, will give you some inconvenience during the hike. It is best to put the heaviest things to the bottom and back. To ensure that the backpack neither outweighs during the campaign, it should be laid in a lying position.

Although many modern tourist backpacks have good waterproof properties, however they will not be able to save your things from heavy rain, so it will not be superfluous to stack everything in packages before laying. Before the campaign, it will not be superfluous to bring along additional carabiners and a few buckles for the waist belt.this is the most frequently broken objects.