- Hand care tips
- Hand massage baths
- Hand protection masks
- Hand scrubbing scrubs
- Hand sanitation procedures
The skin on the hands is very gentle, therefore, it needs the most delicate care. Because of the constant impact of various negative factors, the epidermis begins to coarsen, peel and crack. Many women clutch at the head, not knowing what to do about it. However, do not despair, because there are basic preventive actions, adhering to which you can avoid problems. Also there are a lot of folk recipes that are easy to translate into reality. So, what are all the secrets, how to soften the hand skin at home. We will deal with everything in detail.
to the contents ↑Hand care tips
Without regular appropriate care, no miracle masks and creams will give a stable, long-term result. Therefore:
- Take the habit of always using rubber or silicone gloves when doing homework. Especially it concerns the effect on the skin of harmful chemicals. These may include products for washing mirrors, household appliances, floors. Also, wear gloves while washing dishes.
Important! To the hands do not sweat in the prints, you can fall asleep in them a little baby powder without fragrances or on the basis of chamomile.
- The most terrible enemy of the delicate skin of hands is hypothermia. In particular, here you can include wind, rain, frosty air, the effect of ice. Wear woolen mittens or gloves, wear them depending on the weather. In the rain, use leather rains.
- Toilet soap choose according to the individual PH-balance of your skin. The most optimal option will be products consisting of a quarter of the moisturizer, which is based on natural ingredients.
Important! When washing hands, always monitor the water temperature: one should not be too cold or too hot.
- Maintain hygiene. Often people forget to wash their hands in time, and this is unacceptable. Acquire in the store, or better - in the pharmacy, an antiseptic with the mark "for hands".It is issued, as a rule, in vials of 80-100 ml. It can be carried with you in a handbag and used after leaving the car or public transport, an entrance, a supermarket. It is enough to squeeze one drop of the product, rub it between the palms. First you can smell the alcohol, but then your hands are moistened with the oils and ethers included in the composition.
- Not everyone knows, but dry air has a very negative effect on the condition of the epidermis. Get an air humidifier in an apartment or office. If such a purchase is not possible for you, you can do otherwise: put a pot of water on the battery, drip 3 ml of any essential oil in the water, wait for evaporation.
Baths to soften the skin of hands
Soften the very dry skin of the hands with a bath. The duration of such procedures can vary from 14 to 20 days, with a two-day break every week. The course can be repeated endlessly both for therapeutic and preventive purposes. Do not forget after the procedure to lubricate hands with a fat cream or hydrogel.
Hand bath recipes
- Ammonium alcohol. Mix between 35 ml of corn or olive oil, 45 ml of ammonia, 25 ml of glycerin. Pour 1.5 liters of warm water into the basin and add the prepared mixture. Put your hands in the tub and wait 30 minutes.
- Lime + lemon balm. Pour into a basin of 3 liters of boiling water, pour 25 g of melissa, 45 grams of linden flower buds, 30 grams of medicinal chamomile. Infuse the herbs for about 15 minutes, then cool the solution, pour in a small amount of baby liquid soap. Put your hands down for half an hour.
- Kefir. Dilute 25 g of potato or cornstarch with 1.5 liters of water, pour in 125 ml of curdled milk or kefir. Make a bath for 15 minutes. Next, wash your hands well, apply a greasy cream.
- Lemon. Take two medium potato tubers, wash them well, cut into small pieces. Boil the potatoes, squeeze into the broth the juice of one large lemon. Cool the mixture to an acceptable temperature and put your hands in it for 20 minutes. This tool will help not only soften the skin of hands, but also whiten it.
- Milk. Mix the water with whole milk, keeping the proportion of 2: 1.Pour the resulting liquid into a saucepan, heat on a plate to a temperature of 40 degrees. Kapnite there 2 ml of ether rosewood, put your hands in the bath for 25 minutes.
Masks for softening the skin of hands
Thanks to the natural composition of masks, it is much easier to achieve a positive result.
Important! Masks are recommended to use 1 time in 2-3 days. In this case, it is desirable to apply them directly after taking the trays.
Hand Mask Recipes:
- Cocoa. Buy a natural cocoa powder, pour it with hot water at a rate of 100 ml of a liquid of 30 g of the composition. Stir until completely dissolved, add 25 g of gelatin, 15 ml of liquid glycerin to the mixture. After the mixture has swelled, put the mask on your hands, wait 30 minutes.
- Aloe vera. Take two fleshy stalks of aloe vera, wash them well, pass through the blender to make a gruel. Add 25 ml of olive oil, 40 ml of liquid honey. Put the formula on the hands skin, leave for 15 minutes.
- Sour cream. Fill 80 ml of boiling water with 40 g of flax flakes, allow to stand for 15 minutes, and then drain excess water. Add 10 g of food gelatin and 50 grams of fatty sour cream, stir, leave to swell. The duration of the mask is 30 minutes.
- Curd. Buy in the pharmacy badger or cod liver oil in ampoules. Take 45 g of cottage cheese with fat content above 25% and add the contents of one ampoule there. Cut a half-bunch of fresh parsley under the press, add to the curd mixture. This mask is done 20 minutes.
- Med. Melt 60 g of honey in a microwave or water bath and pour 15 ml of liquid glycerin there. Add 10 g of gelatin and freshly squeezed carrot juice. After swelling, cover with a mixture of hands and wait 25 minutes.
- Avocado. Peel two medium avocados from the peel, remove the bones and cut into pieces. Grind into the porridge with a blender and add one quail protein. If your mixture is liquid, you can add a little oatmeal. Put the mixture on your hands for half an hour.
- Carrots. Clean and pass through the meat grinder one carrot or grate it on a grater. Add 50 g of fat cottage cheese and 45 ml of cucumber juice. The mask is done for 45 minutes. After removing the mass, apply olive oil to the skin.
- Bread. Take three slices of fresh white bread and soak it in milk. After swelling, stir it and add 40 g of fatty sour cream. Put the hands in the mixture for a quarter of an hour.
Hand scrubbing scrubs
Specialists do not recommend using scrubs more than once a week. The remedies are designed to eliminate coarsening areas and calluses:
- Coffee. Take 120 g of coffee grounds and add to it 35 ml of baby liquid soap and 40 g of sour cream. Massage the skin of the hands with this composition for 5-7 minutes, then rinse your hands thoroughly with water and apply the cream.
- Sugar. Mix the thick honey with cane sugar so that a paste-like mass is obtained. Put it on your hands and rub against each other. The procedure is done for 5 minutes.
- Sand. Take 200 g of sea or river sand without seashells and rinse it well in boiling water. After drying, add to it 70 ml of corn oil and rub the resulting mass of the hand for 5 minutes.
- Salt. Mix 50 g of fatty sour cream with 50 g of a large sea salt, add 12 ml of any essential oil. Hands rub with massage circular motions for 5 minutes.
Salon procedures for softening the hands
Modern beauty salons offer a variety of various hand care procedures. But we will consider only the most effective, which can soften the skin of the hands quickly.
Spa treatment for hands
Includes such basic stages:
- Superficial peeling;
- Deep peeling;
- Humidification.
First the first layer of peeling is applied by massage circular motions, then the second layer is applied in the same way. On the hands put on polyethylene gloves and wrapped in a warm towel. This procedure is carried out for 10 minutes, then the product is washed off and moistened by hands.
Hot manicure
This procedure is specifically designed to soften the skin of the hands:
- In the electric tray poured a special lotion and heated to 50 degrees.
- Hands soaked in this lotion for 25 minutes.
- Then, with the help of a tissue, the remnants of the lotion are removed.
Paraffin wax and paraffin wax are required for this procedure:
- Pre-cleaned hands with a few scrubs in a row dipped in melted paraffin.
- Then wrapped with polyethylene and a warm towel and left for 15-20 minutes.
- After the procedure, hands must be treated with a moisturizer.
Important! Do not try to do such procedures at home, because it requires equipment, special tools and the experience of a qualified specialist.
Make sure that there are many different means that will help to soften the hand skin at home quickly and efficiently? Then go for it! Choose masks, scrubs and baths from those products that are at your fingertips, alternate different recipes, and the result will not be long in coming. The skin will gratefully accept your efforts.