💻 How to strengthen the signal of a Wi-Fi router: regular and emergency methods

Not every router has the ability to broadcast a signal over long distances for some reason. This is the presence of walls, and various sources of interference and simply setting the router to a weak level. In this article, we will tell you how you can increase the signal strength of a Wi-Fi router using simple manipulations.

Read in the article

  • 1 Strengthening the Wi-Fi signal using a router
    • 1.1 Choosing the correct location for the device
    • 1.2 Configuring a router to improve Wi-Fi connection
      • 1.2.1 Search and change the channel on the router
      • 1.2.2 Switching the network to different operating modes
      • 1.2.3 Increase signal strength
      • 1.2.4 Increasing Signal Strength with DD-WRT Firmware
  • 2 Additional devices with which you can increase the power of the router
    • 2.1 Installing a repeater or configuring another router in amplifier mode
    • 2.2 Replacing antennas with more powerful ones

Strengthening the Wi-Fi signal using a router

In fact, using regular means, you can fix the problem in two ways: to determine the most advantageous physical location of the router and try to set the optimal settings inside devices. Let's start simple.

Choosing the correct location for the device

Any Wi-Fi router exchanges information using an electromagnetic wave with all the disadvantages and advantages inherent in this phenomenon. In particular, obstacles to the action of the wave, as well as other devices that generate electromagnetic radiation, can reduce the signal strength. In the first case, there is the simplest insufficient wave penetration through walls or furniture. In the second, there is interference that changes the phase or frequency of the signal. Therefore, the simplest solution would be to move the router to the most favorable point for wave propagation. That is, there should be a minimum number of obstacles between the router and consumers - computers, TV or smartphones. It is advisable to locate the router somewhere in the center of the house or apartment.

Configuring a router to improve Wi-Fi connection

Routers are shipped from the factory with standard universal settings. This is done in order to reach the maximum number of users who do not have to customize something immediately after purchase. Nevertheless, several options are hidden inside, changing which will help to adjust the device more precisely, under the current conditions.

Search and change the channel on the router

The declared frequencies of the routers are 2.4 or 5 GHz. By the way, at 5 GHz the device can actually run at 5.2 GHz or even 5.7 GHz. And the starting mark at 2.4 GHz is also, in fact, an approximate figure, since the channels operate at 2412 MHz, 2437 MHz, etc. Changing the channel is relevant when other devices with the same frequency. Sometimes channels can overlap, interfering with each other. Usually on routers this parameter is set to automatic mode.

How to strengthen the signal of a Wi-Fi routerPHOTO: help-wifi.com
Changing the channel and mode using the example of the TP-Link WR841N router

That is, the router itself searches for free channels. But you can also select them manually. Most often, these settings are found in the "Wireless Mode" or "Wi-Fi Settings" next to the mode selection.

Switching the network to different operating modes

A factory-configured router will automatically select the mode in which it will perform best. This works great until a new device is connected to the network that is not capable of supporting modern communication standards. The router detects a slower device on the network and automatically downgrades the mode to the minimum supported for all devices. Naturally, the overall data transfer rate will decrease. In such a situation, you can forcibly set the highest-speed mode, however, by cutting off that very slow device from the network. By analogy with channel settings, you can change modes in the "Wireless mode" or "Wi-Fi settings" section.

Increase signal strength

The signal strength can simply be increased. But not every router is capable of this. And these settings are often buried quite far away. This option can be called “Transmitter Power”, “Device Power” or similar. It is worth remembering that increasing this parameter will expand the coverage of the Wi-Fi network, which, in turn, will enable the device to connect far outside the apartment or house. And with insufficient security settings, attackers can gain access.

Increasing the transmitter power using the example of the TP-Link WR841N routerPHOTO: help-wifi.com
Increasing the transmitter power using the example of the TP-Link WR841N router

Increasing Signal Strength with DD-WRT Firmware

This is probably the most difficult way for an ordinary user. Moreover, in most cases, using firmware to increase power is hardly justified. DD-WRT, first of all, is a full-fledged Linux on board the router. And it is needed to fine-tune network settings. The only case when the new firmware can help is if the router developer for some reason blocked the ability to change the power "out of the box". And since an increase in this parameter is just one of the analogs of an increase in many stock firmware, the expediency of this approach is highly questionable. In addition, although the firmware is constantly being updated and improved, there is still a high probability that the router may be unstable or not work at all. In general, we do not recommend using DD-WRT firmware as the main tool for increasing device power, especially for inexperienced users.

Additional devices with which you can increase the power of the router

Next, we will look at how you can increase the power of your router using additional gadgets. These can be other routers or specialized devices.

Installing a repeater or configuring another router in amplifier mode

A repeater, repeater or repeater is a separate device that receives a signal from a nearby source and transmits it further. That is, it repeats it, due to which the coverage area also expands. The tactics for using it are pretty simple. In the room where the Wi-Fi signal is no longer enough, a similar repeater is installed. It picks up the current network and passes it on.

The repeater is most often a small box, similar to the router itselfPHOTO: help-wifi.com
The repeater is most often a small box, similar to the router itself

The router can also be used as a repeater. Naturally, not all models are capable of this. You can check this in the device settings via the web configurator. The tab on different models may be called "Modes of Operation" or simply "Modes". The modes themselves can also be called differently - "Repeater" or "Amplifier". After switching to this mode, the access point will become inaccessible and the repeater will be able to “pick up” the network using WPS - a special pin-code. To do this, you need to press the WPS button on both the receiving device and the distributor. After a few seconds, the receiving router will start relaying the signal.

Replacing antennas with more powerful ones

Replacing an antenna with another does not always give the expected effect. The fact is that the antenna itself will not be able to increase the transmitter power in any way. But to improve the quality of the transmitted signal and thereby increase its stability - yes. Also, the installation of a new antenna can help if the router does not break through the wall a couple of meters from the consumer. That is, it is necessary to use this amplification method under certain conditions, when the signal is weak even at short distances from the router.

Also, a more "powerful" antenna can sometimes improve signal quality by reducing the effect of interference from other devices. Two or more antennas will further improve the reception quality.

If you know any other unique ways to increase the signal strength of a Wi-Fi router, you can share them in the comments.
