Motion sensors to turn on lights: Selecting and Connecting

Search in the dark switch It does not need, if you set the right places for motion sensors light switching. This equipment increases the level of comfort and safety. They are used in both public and private facilitiesAre mounted inside and outside buildings. To correctly select the optimal model, you need to familiarize yourself with the prices, the potential and the characteristics of the relevant technology.

Motion sensors to turn on the light
Specialized sensors are used to automate the switching of lamps

Read article

  • 1 Overview
    • 1.1 The principles of operation of various types of movement sensors
    • 1.2 How to select motion sensors to turn on the light
  • 2 An overview of current market offerings
  • 3 How to connect a motion sensor to light yourself
  • 4 The use of sensors for other tasks
  • 5 Conclusions and further recommendations


The main purpose of this class of device is the inclusion lighting devices at the intersection of man a certain limit. Clarify the necessary functionality can be based on concrete examples.

If the bathroom has no window, useful automated switching of lamps
If the bathroom has no window, useful automated switching of lamps

In this room there are cranes, Sharp corners furniture, Solid surface plumbing. Wet floor also potentially dangerous. Move here better under sufficient light. That's why experienced experts recommend owners to establish an always-on duty "night light", economical Light sourceThat consumes a minimum of energy.

The sensor will detect the movement, then apply with a wide angle of coverage. It is attached to the ceiling. It includes the total light for 8 minutes, or other interval. For long-term hygiene standard applied switches.

Such automated systems are fitted with:

  • entrances of buildings;
  • stairwells;
  • warehouses of industrial enterprises, dressing and storage in residential buildings;
  • walking tracks and car parking.

Important! Motion sensors to turn on the light chosen for their specific purpose.

Outdoors street light sensors are used to activate the light
Outdoors street light sensors are used to activate the light

The principles of operation of various types of movement sensors

Use of active and passive circuit for fixing the moving person. The first group of devices designed using the principles of location. Using electromagnetic radiation in the different bands. Measured changes in the reflected signal. Exceptions are infrared and laser detectors, which are triggered when the beam is interrupted. Such devices are used in security complex for access control, window openings, Perimeters.

The following table lists features of different active systems:

The type of radiationBenefitsdisadvantages
UltrasoundReasonable cost, resistance to interference, ease of processing of the reflected signal from the different moving objects.audibility of high frequency sound for certain types of pets. Limited range of action of the radiator at low power. This sensor does not fix the slow movement.
microwave rangeCompact design, wide range of operation, the exact definition of movements at different speeds. Such waves are able to penetrate through the opaque septaSo the products concerned can be used for covert control.Relatively high cost. Excessive sensitivity significantly complicates setting. As a rule, it is necessary to use special hardware and software systems for cutting off interference and prevent false positives.
infraredReasonable price, the invisibility.I have to install the reflectors, to complicate the structure of the system. Efficiency is significantly reduced when used outdoors in bad weather conditions.
laserAbility to control large length loop using one transducer.Quality equipment is expensive. light visibility. Other disadvantages are similar to those listed for the infrared devices.
Initial parameters of the laser beam worsen: fog, rain, snow. Such systems are best installed in enclosed spaces
Initial parameters of the laser beam worsen: fog, rain, snow. Such systems are best installed in enclosed spaces
Microwave motion detector
Microwave motion detector
Ultrasonic transmitter to the receiver can be used for fixing the displacement, distance measurement
Ultrasonic transmitter to the receiver can be used for fixing the displacement, distance measurement

Note! Microwave radiation is blocked by materials, conductive current. In the embodiment, a hidden installation used gypsum, polymer and other partitions, do not prevent the propagation of electromagnetic waves.

Passive systems recorded without active sensing movement of the surrounding space. In particular, the following motion detector circuit for lighting:

  • The detector uses a microphone. Selecting the appropriate sensitivity, you can set the desired threshold.
  • switched lighting on a user-defined time interval.
  • To save energy during daylight hours, the device is equipped with timerOr photocell. In the latter embodiment requires adjustment of the boundary luminance level.
Powering claps
Powering claps

In broad radiation pattern, the relative simplicity and low cost of these devices have one major drawback. They react to noises. To prevent false alarms they are installed in such premises, closed crossings where such interference is excluded.

From the combination of consumer characteristics best solution is to detect radiation in the thermal range. On these principles established various types of motion sensors to turn on Sveta. They will be discussed in more detail below. Such equipment is characterized by economical energy consumption, good noise immunity.

Basic elements and the algorithm of the model unit
Basic elements and the algorithm of the model unit

The following is a detailed description of:

  • Detectors (1) is recorded in the presence of thermal cure range. Apply several such pyroelectric sensors to extend the range of the instrument.
  • Before they set a special product (2) made up of several lenses. It filters the light to pass only infrared part of the spectrum. Ray focusing lens is performed so as to increase the sensitivity of detectors.
  • When a person enters a "3" zone, the photocell detects infrared waves. With further movement (4 and 5) and restored signal disappears again. He served on the circuit controlling the load.

As is the case with the sound detector, an additional photocell is used to the light setting. There is also a timer that sets the duration of the voltage supply to the lamps.

Note! In modern devices installed filters transmissive wavelength in the range from 5 to 14 microns, which corresponds to the thermal radiation of the human body.

Schematic diagram of the modern infrared motion sensor
Schematic diagram of the modern infrared motion sensor
LED lamp with built-in sound detectors (1), infrared (2) Band
LED lamp with built-in sound detectors (1), infrared (2) Band

Related article:

Motion sensors to turn on the light: the convenience and economic benefitsEnergy-saving lamps. This article describes how energy-saving lamps, types and price. Compare them with alternative sources of light will help to make the right conclusions, and do not make the wrong choice.

How to select motion sensors to turn on the light

Lamps with integrated sensors are used infrequently. They are designed for lighting local areas. It is much more profitable to buy generic devices. These devices can be connected with a total capacity of up to 1 kW and more. The following are other parameters which verify when selecting a suitable model equipment

  • Appearance of the product is important for indoor installation. Typically, the devices provide standard sizes sockets, With neutral color schemes.
  • When selecting these models take into account the magnitude of the radiation pattern in width and height.
  • Also check out: range, sensitivity adjustment range and duty cycle.
  • street study its protection from external influences before purchasing a light sensor to turn on the light. The accompanying documentation manufacturers specify the appropriate class according to IP standard.
Detector with a rotary mechanism for adjusting the focus
Detector with a rotary mechanism for adjusting the focus
ceiling version
ceiling version
Sensor for outdoor installation, with improved protection from moisture and other effects
Sensor for outdoor installation, with improved protection from moisture and other effects
A typical instrument intended for mounting a standard indoor circuit
A typical instrument intended for mounting a standard indoor circuit

An overview of current market offerings

Picturebrand / ModelMaximum load capacity, kWViewing angle, deg. / Maximum range, m.Protection over IP standardprice, rub.
Feron / LX19BFeron / LX19B0,6120/920240-280
Feron / 22014Feron / 220141,2-/1244278-310
Comtech / DD-301 ICComtech / DD-301 IC1,2180/644305-340
Era / MD 02Era / MD 021,2120/1244320-560
Camelion / LX-28ACamelion / LX-28A1,2360/6—360-580
Technolight / ST12Technolight / ST121,2180/1244360-520
IEK DD 010IEK DD 0101,1180/1044385-490
ASD / DD-020B-WASD / DD-020B-W0.8360/620440-650

How to connect a motion sensor to light yourself

If you buy a ceiling detector, it will be provided with control a certain area in all directions (360 °). But it is not always necessary. If it is necessary to organize a dim light in a long narrow corridorYou have to install two wall-mount unit inlet and outlet.

Working detectors mounting scheme
Working detectors mounting scheme

From this figure it is clear that the motion sensors to turn on the Street light are set at a certain height. It should take into account the distribution patterns in order to control the desired area.

Such a lamp is conveniently comprise a local detector by using the wall type
Such a lamp is conveniently comprise a local detector by using the wall type

These examples explain that in any case it is necessary to take into account the particular features of the installation location and operating conditions. The following describes how to set the motion sensor to activate the light hall:

  • Purchased a product of the same overall capacity.
  • It is set in parallel to the standard switch to left possibility to manually supply power to fixtures.
  • Before working disconnected from the circuit 220 V.
  • Connecting device operate in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
  • After connecting the motion sensor configures the lighting network. Adjusting screws set thresholds for the minimum level of illumination and duration of turn-off delay.
The electrical connection scheme
The electrical connection scheme

The use of sensors for other tasks

It should be noted that the original street motion sensors used to guard the perimeters of commercial, military, and other valuable objects. Currently, the cost of electronic equipment has dropped to such a level that was acceptable widely used it to solve everyday problems.

If it is necessary to illuminate a large area, it is possible to install the sensor, combined with a spotlight
If it is necessary to illuminate a large area, it is possible to install the sensor, combined with a spotlight
Such an overlay with battery used to illuminate the door lock
Such an overlay with battery used to illuminate the door lock
Laser sensor apparatus comprising shutter for photographing in a special mode
Laser sensor apparatus comprising shutter for photographing in a special mode
IR detectors are mounted in the alarm systems
IR detectors are mounted in the alarm systems
They are used in gates with electric control circuits
They are used in gates with electric control circuits

Conclusions and further recommendations

Proper selection and installation of the sensors is quite capable to everyone. To eliminate the error, use the information in the complex. During the study of the characteristics of automated switches, always pay attention to the total power fixtures. It is better to make a small margin, to switching equipment operated without a heavy load.