Top 10 games about parkour

Parkour can be called the art of overcoming various obstacles. It can be architectural structures or an artificially created obstacle course. Now parkour - more than sports. It's a way of life. It is actively developing in all corners of the planet and attracts more and more new participants. A person involved in parkour is called a tracer. This discipline assumes the ideal possession of the body, which allows you to instantly overcome obstacles and distances without using improvised means. It's no wonder that this style and lifestyle has become so popular. The theme of our article is the top 10 games about parkour. Let's see if this sport is really good. Unfortunately, there are not so many good games about this fascinating discipline.


Free Running

In the tenth place in the top 10 games about parkour - Free Running .This is a realistic simulator that will teach the basic techniques of parkour. The essence of the game is in performing the most diverse tasks in different parts of the city. In this case, a gamer can choose: to study the city and additional tasks or perform the main tasks. It can be races with other users, collecting certain items, scoring, and so on. Performing tricks, the player receives additional points and opens up new skills and abilities of the character.

Free Running - a realistic parkour simulator, in which everyone can feel himself a seasoned tracer.


Sleeping Dogs

Many games are not specially created for parkour, but carry some of its elements. This RPG Sleeping Dogs , ranked 9th in the top 10 games about parkour. The player will control Wei Sheng - a policeman implanted in the criminal grouping of Hong Kong with one goal - to destroy it from the inside. Sleeping Dogs includes a lot of dynamic elements: the techniques of martial arts, chases, races and car theft. Fleeing from the persecution, the hero will have to perform some techniques of parkour. He can jump from a height, run up walls and change directions at lightning speed. On this, his skills in the discipline end.



On the 8th place in the list of the best games about parkour - Prototype .The action takes place in Manhattan. Alex Mercer, the main character of the game, finds himself in superhuman opportunities. At the same time, a terrible epidemic spreads on the island, turning people into monstrous mutants. The authorities consider the culprit of all the troubles of Alex and begin to hunt him. His abilities include running on walls and jumping high - all this is present in the arsenal of any tracer.



RunBot , a game application for devices based on Android OS, ranked seventh in the top 10 games about parkour. This is the story of a robot who realized himself as a person and refused to follow the established protocol. It is a threat, therefore it must be destroyed. The only hope of salvation is in motion. A hero needs to overcome the labyrinths of a metropolis, filled with deadly traps. And here the elements of parkour come to the aid. To overcome obstacles, they will have to skate on the run, slip under them or make huge jumps. RunBot is a dynamic runner with elements of parkour and magnificent animation of the main character.


Marc Ecko's - the story of the rebel artist in sixth place in the top 10 games about parkour. Before us is the world of the future, in which the protagonist expresses his protest against the existing order, drawing graffiti and tags. That your work is not touched, you need to climb as high as possible. For Trein, the hero of the game, this is not a problem. He has a good knowledge of parkour techniques and can easily overcome the obstacle by jumping or climb up the pipe.


Run Fast Run

Run Fast Run! takes the fifth place in the list of the best games about parkour for Android-devices.

This is a dynamic runner with a lot of missions. The player needs to overcome obstacles on the roofs of buildings, using various methods of parkour. Excellent graphics and addictive gameplay like fans of dynamic games for speed and agility.


Prince of Persia

Prince of Persia in the fourth position in the ranking of the best games about parkour. Even in the first, original part of the game, you could consider the elements of parkour. Then the company Ubisoft, having acquired the rights to "Prince of Persia", thoroughly worked on restarting the game. So there was a new version of the adventures of the Persian prince - "The Sands of Time".Here the hero uses more serious elements of parkour: he makes a somersault, pushing away from the walls, instantly climbs to tall buildings and easily balances on narrow rails and ledges. Applying the possibilities of parkour and acrobatic techniques, the protagonist easily escapes from the enemy.



Another game for mobile devices on Android, which occupies the third position in the top 10 best games about parkour is Vector .A great dynamic runner with excellent graphics, in which the player can use the terrific techniques of parkour. According to the plot of the game, the protagonist decides to challenge the totalitarian state control and become free. Now he is a fugitive, fleeing from his pursuers. Run along the corridors of buildings, city streets and roofs of buildings, more than 40 exciting trails and acrobatic stunts - this awaits the gamer in a realistic Vector Park simulator.


Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed from Ubisoft takes the second place in the list of the best games about parkour. Of course, the plot of this adventure thriller has nothing to do with tracers and their way of life. But the techniques of parkour characters Assassin's Creed use constantly.

The plot of the game is familiar to virtually all gamers - it is the confrontation of the Templars and Assassins, which lasts for centuries. For today, just a huge number of games in this series, in which the characters successfully use tracer skills and techniques in order to quietly get close to the enemy or leave the pursuers far behind.


Mirror's Edge

In the first place, the most famous game about parkour - Mirror's Edge .This is an action, in which the player will control the "running" - the heroine named Faith. The government controls all means of communication, therefore for the transfer of messages resorted to the services of couriers. They move around the city using parkour techniques. This allows you to leave the chase and quietly make their way past the authorities. Mirror's Edge is a pure parkour, which, in fact, inspired the developer to create the game. For the realism of what is happening on the screen, the movement of the camera was specifically tied to the movement of the heroine. This allows you to look at the world through Faith's eyes and completely immerse yourself in the game.