- Causes of irritation
- How to prevent irritation?
- How to quickly remove irritation after shaving?
- How to remove irritation after shaving on legs?
- How to remove irritation after shaving in the bikini zone?
- How to relieve irritation on the face of men?
Shaving is the fastest, affordable and easy way to remove excess hair from the hands, face and other areas of the body. The shaving machine is sold in every supermarket, and to learn how to use it, it takes 5 minutes. Not much longer lasts and the procedure of depilation. The only drawback of shaving is skin irritation that occurs after hair removal. This problem united men and women. That's why we decided to dedicate this article to once and for all to find out how to remove irritation after shaving, to learn how to properly care for the skin after depilation.
to content ↑Causes of irritation
Elimination of hairs from the skin is a kind of injury for her, especially if the skin is sensitive or too thin. The causes of red spots, skin peeling, dryness, painful sensations can be:
- Damaged skin. Nerve endings are bare, react quite sharply to any effect.
- The depilation procedure did not take into account the characteristics of the skin or in the direction in which the hair grows.
- Incorrectly selected means for depilation, overly long use of the blade in a reusable machine.
- Inadequacy of basic hygiene rules and hair removal procedures.
- Too often shaving. Skin must be able to recover after the procedure.
- Insufficient moisturizing of the skin before and after depilation.
As they say, the problem is always easier to prevent than to solve. We offer you to get acquainted with the advice and recommendations of cosmetologists, which will help to prevent skin irritation.
to the contents ↑How to prevent irritation?
To make the procedure of hair removal as delicate and soft as possible, use the following recommendations:
- Carry out the depilation procedure after taking a warm bath or shower. Under the influence of hot water, hair and skin soften, and the pores expand. In addition, after the shower, the effect of the shaving aid improves, the skin becomes smooth, which promotes a good sliding of the blade.
- If you can not take a bath or shower before removing excess vegetation, then soften the skin with warm water. To do this, soak the towel, apply to the treated area for at least 5 minutes.
- As all the hairs on the body grow in different directions, first draw several times over the growth of the hair, and then - remove the remaining hairs against their growth. During the procedure, make short, gentle movements with the machine tool. So you reduce the risk of skin damage, extend the life of the blade.
- Do not shave on dry skin. Even a high-quality, very sharp razor will pull and claw hairs before they are cut. During shaving, use special tools to ensure a smooth glide of the blade over the skin. Gels, shaving creams made especially for sensitive skin are best for this purpose.
Important! Remember that most men's shaving products are not suitable for women's depilation. For the intimate zone, get a special remedy, since the skin there is the most sensitive.
- Do not use soap when shaving. Firstly - soap foam can not provide quality conditions for slipping the blade, and secondly - soap dries heavily the skin.
- Use quality razors in order to prevent skin damage. Disposable machines should not be used many times. For shaving your feet, use special female looms that have the sharpest blades.
- Reusable machines after washing thoroughly wash, wipe. After that, treat the shaver with alcohol to prevent the reproduction of microorganisms.
- After shaving rinse the skin with cold water( cold water closes the pores and soothes the skin), soak with a dry clean towel. Do not rub the skin with a towel, as after the procedure the epidermis is irritated, inflamed, and the hard effect of the towel will further exacerbate the situation.
- To prevent redness, dry skin, after depilation, always use moisturizers. They moisturize, nourish, soften, soothe the skin. In addition, cosmetics are disinfected, protect the skin from germs and harmful bacteria.
- Do not touch the shaved area again. You can not scratch your skin, since you not only damage the inflamed and vulnerable area of the body, but also infect the infection.
- Carry out a variety of SPA procedures for skin cleansing and removal of keratinized particles of the epidermis. Use for this purpose special gloves for peeling, loofah, scrubs. Spend SPA procedures immediately before shaving, and if the skin is too sensitive, then the day before depilation.
Important! If you decide to use an electric shaver, then remember that in addition to the advantages of use( it does not injure the skin, no funds are needed before and after shaving), there are disadvantages in its frequent use. The disadvantage is that the hair must be necessarily rigid so that the electric shaver can work with them. In addition, the razor does not clean the pores, which leads to skin contamination and the appearance of acne.
to the contents ↑How quickly to remove irritation after shaving?
If all preventive measures have been followed, but the redness and inflammation of the depilation zones could not be avoided, one should think about the question of how quickly to remove irritation after shaving, what means to apply at the same time.
Important! When choosing a means to relieve pain, pay attention to the composition of the drug. Do not use products containing alcohol, perfume additives and dyes. Preference is given to those products that are made on the basis of natural ingredients and contain various oils, glycerin, herbal extracts and anti-inflammatory drugs - panthenol or bisabolol.
Before you remove irritation after shaving, you should distinguish between irritation after epilation and a serious infection that requires the help of a doctor.
Do not delay the visit to the doctor if the following symptoms appear:
- A large number of red dots that do not pass within 24 hours.
- Pustules on the skin, giving painful sensations.
- Appearance of abscesses and wounds on the skin.
All this may mean that the epidermis needs deep cleaning, and a neglected condition can lead to serious problems. To avoid irritation on the skin, after shaving, eliminate the irritating factors sensitive to sensitive skin:
- Deodorants, colognes and perfumes.
- Shampoos, shower gels and soaps.
- Synthetic clothing.
In order to remove irritation after shaving, use ointments, creams and folk recipes, which will be discussed below.
to the contents ↑How to remove irritation after shaving on legs?
The most correct way to solve the problem is to carry out the procedure as rarely as possible. Perhaps such a radical option is not suitable for everyone, but frequent hair removal only aggravates the problem.
To remove redness on the legs, use the following tools.
Antiseptic ointments will eliminate irritation and soothe the skin
The following drugs are of great help:
- Actovegin.
- Solkoderyl.
- Zinc Ointment.
- Hydrocortisone. Used in medicine for the treatment of inflammation and suppuration.
Important! Do not abuse antiseptic drugs, do not put them in large quantities. Otherwise, the skin will begin to get used, and after each depilation, red dots will appear on it.
Hydrogen peroxide or 70% alcohol
Disinfects the skin and removes irritation very quickly, but dries strongly.
Important! Also suitable baby powder.
Decoction of medicinal plants
Here you will need chamomile, celandine, calendula, string, mother-and-stepmother.
You can combine plants, for example, mint + chamomile. Mint perfectly moisturizes and tones the skin, and chemist's daisy - softens and soothes. Take 1 tbsp.spoon each ingredient and pour 500 ml of water. Boil the mixture for 15-20 minutes. The broth filter and cool. Apply the product in the form of a compress.
Balm from tea tree oil
Any other vegetable oil in a proportion of 1: 4 will do.
Infusion of birch leaves
To prepare the composition: 1 teaspoon birch leaves pour 70 ml of boiling water and insist 1,5-2 hours. Infuse cool and strain. Clean the cloth in a solution and apply it to the irritation site.
Aloe leaves
Natural, universal anti-inflammatory agent quickly eliminates redness and irritation. You can use the cream, which includes aloe, and you can prepare the balm yourself. To do this:
- Grind some fresh aloe leaves and add a small amount of cosmetic oil( any).
- Components thoroughly mix until smooth.
- Finished cream rubbed into problem areas with soft circular motions.
- Leave the cream on the skin for about 30 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
Mask from avocado
For preparation of the product, you need 1 fruit of avocado, sour cream( cream).First, treat the irritated areas of the skin with sour cream, and from above place a cut into thin pieces of fruit. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask.
Fresh mint is an excellent soothing. Add a few drops of mint essential oil to the after shave cream. Prepare the formulation immediately before use.
Sunburn remedy
The composition of any burn remedy actively fights irritation. Thanks to the existing components, the epidermis calms down, and the small wounds heal.
- To avoid irritation of the skin of the legs after depilation, immediately before the procedure, pour your foot with ice water( to make "goose bumps").Hairs will rise and the likelihood of redness will be significantly reduced.
- Before you begin the procedure for depilation, treat your feet with a home scrub to make it easier to slide the blade over the skin. To prepare the scrub, mix the fine salt and honey. With the resulting composition, treat the skin, and then proceed to shave.
How to remove irritation after shaving in the bikini zone?
The bikini zone is the most sensitive area on the body. The slightest awkward movement leads to irritation and redness. To eliminate pain, use the following tips and tricks.
Important! Repeated shaving is permissible only on healthy skin without the slightest signs of irritation.
Method 1
If after shaving there is burning, redness and itching, then use manganese. Place a few crystals in a glass with boiled water. Stir thoroughly. Dampen the cotton swab in a weak solution. Treat the damaged area.
Important! Repeat the procedure several times a day, but be careful not to get a chemical burn of the skin.
Method 2
Quickly remove redness will help tea tree oil. For 100 ml of water, take 15 drops of oil. Mix the ingredients and treat the inflamed patches with the product.
Method 3
In case of severe irritation, use decoctions of medicinal herbs. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial property is possessed by: a turn, mint, sage, nettle, chamomile, mother-and-stepmother. The same properties have the bark of oak.
Pour 2 tbsp.spoons of any healing means with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 2-3 hours. Strain and use as a lotion.
Method 4
If there is no strength to endure itching and discomfort in the bikini zone, dilute the alcoholic infusion of chamomile or marigold in water in equal proportions. Wet the solution with inflamed areas 2 times a day.
Method 5
If alcohol preparations are intolerant, use water infusion of parsley. For the preparation of solution 2St. Spoon chopped parsley pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave the solution under the lid for 20 minutes. Cool the drug and attach it to the problem site.
Important! Discomfort disappears after 10 minutes.
Method 6
Use medications to reduce discomfort. Mix several aspirin tablets with warm water until the gruel is formed. Apply the mixture on the scalp and massage. Then remove the hair and wipe the bikini area with cotton wool with hydrogen peroxide or a slice of lemon.
Method 7
Antipruritic mask is prepared from aspirin and glycerin. To do this, 3 tablets of aspirin grind and dissolve in 1 tbsp.spoonful of glycerin. Apply the formulation for 5 minutes, then rinse.
Method 8
The following medicines will help with irritation after shaving:
- Cream-gel "Malavit".The composition of the drug is safe for the skin, as it consists of natural components.
- Ointment "Neosporin".Shallow scratches under the influence of the ointment heal much faster.
- Hydrocortisone ointment. Antiseptic is effective in neglected cases.
- Cosmetic creams with the content of aloe, glycolic acid, witch hazel.
Important! To dry pimples that appear, use such drugs as Miramistin, Panthenol, Chlorhexidine.
Useful advices:
- Shave the bikini zone only for the night, so that the skin "wakes up" until the morning. Always complete the epilation with a nourishing cream.
- Do not wear a close synthetic or silk underwear so that the lace, the lace and the mesh inserts do not rub the skin.
- If you have tried all the drugs and nothing helps, give the skin time to recover. Try not to shave your hair for a while.
Important! The skin under the arms is as sensitive as in the bikini area. To remove redness and irritation, the same methods and means will do. Use for armpits you can and simple drugs, which are always at hand - talcum powder or baby powder.
to the contents ↑How to remove irritation on the face of men?
All the above methods and methods are suitable for men. In addition, you can use and the following drugs:
- Alcohol solution with water in a ratio of 1: 1 perfectly removes irritation and disinfects the skin of the face.
- Hydrogen Peroxide.
- Special shaving lotions with aloe extract.
- Ointment or cream with 2.5-5% content of benzoyl peroxide quickly removes irritation and redness.
- A mask of cucumber and milk will remove redness. Chop half a fresh cucumber and add ⅓ a glass of milk. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and send the mask to the refrigerator. Apply the mixture to the inflamed skin, and after 7-10 minutes rinse with cold water.
- Tea in bags will reduce inflammation and redness of the skin after shaving. Put the tea bags in hot water and let them get wet. Cool the packets of tea on the inflamed skin, and after 3-5 minutes, remove. Tannins contained in tea, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis.
To date, there are many known ways to get rid of unwanted hair. This - depilation waxing, laser depilation, electro- and photoepilation, but shaving still remains the most simple and affordable. A skin irritation, which may appear after this procedure, can always be prevented if you follow the basic rules of depilation and our recommendations. But even if the problem could not be avoided, there are a lot of drugs and improvised drugs that can remove any redness and make the skin flawless and smooth.