The best remedies for papillomas

There are many tools used to combat neoplasms, and among them it is not easy to find the best remedies for papillomas. We have prepared a list of the ten most effective drugs that help in the treatment of benign neoplasms.

The cause of the appearance of papillomas is human papillomavirus. Treatment of tumors should be of a complex nature, because for today there are no drugs for the purposeful disposal of papillomas. Usually, each patient develops individual treatment regimens and selects drugs. Some drugs can not affect the growth at all, while others can quickly get rid of papillomas. To establish the correct diagnosis and correctly selected treatment, you should always consult a doctor and do not engage in self-medication, without any sense of wasting time.


Feresol Price 300-350 rubles

"Ferezol" is the most effective tool against papillomas. The drug has cauterizing and bactericidal action. The active components of the agent are phenol and tricresol. When using "Ferezol", the papilloma is destroyed due to the chemical burn of macromolecules of the neoplasm. When applying the drug, you must be careful not to let it get on a healthy skin. Lubricate the papilloma for 15-30 minutes, depending on its size.

The drug is not used to treat neoplasms for children under 7 years and during pregnancy and lactation. Approximate price of the funds is 300-350 rubles.


Solkoderm Price 600-700 rubles

Among the best means of papillomas is a solution of Solkoderm .The composition of the product includes several acids that have a cauterizing effect. The drug should be applied neatly on the neoplasm, not allowing it to get on the skin. After applying the remedy, the papilloma becomes yellowish or grayish in color. In the future, the tissue treated with the drug is dehydrated and mummified. Within a few days the newly formed scab falls off. If the primary treatment has not yielded a result, the procedure is repeated after a while.

The average cost of the drug is 600-700 rubles.


Dermavit Price 300 rubles

"Dermavit" - one of the effective remedies for papillomas. Has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The drug is quite aggressive, so before using you need to protect healthy skin with Vaseline or fat cream. The agent is applied pointwise on the build-up. It should be washed only after darkening of the papilloma. The duration of treatment on average takes about a week.

The drug is not used to excrete papillomas and warts on sensitive areas of the skin: in the groin, axillary hollows, on the mammary glands.

The average price of the funds is 300 rubles.


Superchistotel Price from 30 to 59 rubles

One of the best preparations from papillomas is the cosmetic product Superchistotel .With a real celandine, the drug has nothing in common. It consists of sodium and potassium alkali.

The drug is applied to the papilloma with an applicator once a day. The duration of treatment is 1-3 days, depending on the size of the build-up. About a week later the peeling process ends and the skin clears. If the first treatment fails, the treatment is repeated.

This product does not apply to the removal of papillomas in children under 7 years of age and pregnant. It is not recommended to use the drug on the face and other sensitive areas of the skin.

The average cost of the facility is from 30 to 59 rubles.


Isoprinosine Price 700-800 rubles

The drug "Isoprinozin" proved itself well in the treatment of papillomas. It has antiviral and immunostimulating action. Increasing immunity and increasing the body's resistance to all kinds of infections play an important role in the treatment of papillomas. The drug contributes to the restoration of lymphocyte functions with a decrease in immunity and this accelerates the elimination of tumors.

The disadvantage of isoprinosine is a high price.

The average cost of the facility is 700-800 rubles.


Lapid pencil Price 120 rubles

The list of the best tools for papillomas includes lapis pencil .It has a cauterizing effect on neoplasms. Included in the composition are potassium nitrate and silver nitrate, which act on the macromolecules of the papilloma at the protein level. The procedure is recommended once a day.

The main advantages of a pencil:

  • availability - you can purchase it in any pharmacy;
  • the low price;
  • user-friendliness. The approximate price of the drug is 120 rubles.


    Cryopharma Price 750 rubles

    An effective remedy for papillomas is aerosol "cryopharma" .Its effect is that it "freezes" the skin's neoplasms with the help of the refrigerant that enters the composition."Cryopharma", in fact, allows the use of cryotherapy at home. The papilloma is frozen at a temperature of -57 ° C. To do this, press the applicator against the papilloma and press the nebulizer for three seconds. Frozen skin will disappear in one to two weeks. If necessary, the treatment procedure can be repeated. One can of the drug is designed to handle 12 papillomas or warts.

    The only drawback of the drug - a high price.

    The average cost of the facility is 750 rubles.


    Verrukacid Price 200 rubles

    "Verrukacid" is an effective remedy for papillomas. The cauterizer is highly effective and is used to treat neoplasms both in medical institutions and at home. Active components of the drug: metokrezol and phenol. On the impact on the papilloma is similar to "Ferezol".The agent leads to the necrosis of the skin cells and the death of the papilloma.

    Of the shortcomings is worth noting the sharp smell of phenol. The drug is not used to remove neoplasms in children under 7 years, during pregnancy and lactation.

    The average cost of the facility is 200 rubles.


    Panavir Price 800 rubles

    gel "Panavir" is one of the best tools for complex treatment of human papillomavirus. The drug is a gel, which includes plant components. It not only helps to reduce the amount of papillomas formed, but also fights the virus inside the body. It helps to strengthen immunity and protects the skin from scarring."Panavir" penetrates deep into the skin and is not washed off for three days.

    Treatment with the drug is carried out for two weeks, then you need to take a break.

    The shortage of Panavir is a high price.

    The average cost of the facility is 800 rubles.


    Viferon Price 160 rubles

    Among the effective remedies for papillomas is "Viferon" .It is used for complex therapy of neoplasms. The drug blocks the spread of papillomavirus and does not allow it to produce protein for reproduction. Approximate price of the funds is 160 rubles.