The most proven option for fertilizing soil without toxic chemicals is manure. But this method has its own nuances - both organizational and aromatic. There is another option that works just as well, does not poison the soil with chemistry and at the same time gives a good harvest. We are talking about siderates. When used correctly, green manure will help you restore soil fertility, make it loose and get rid of many plant diseases.
Read in the article
- 1 Organic fertilizers and their effectiveness
- 2 How are siderates used
- 3 What siderates are most effective
- 4 A special property of siderates
- 5 An example of using siderates
Organic fertilizers and their effectiveness
Organic is the first and safest fertilizer in existence. As a top dressing, not only manure is used. Poultry droppings, peat soil, rotted compost bring benefits. But the green mass of plants is also capable of enriching the soil with organic matter.

How are siderates used
Siderata are sown in September or early spring. It is important that the green mass of green manure grows so that there is something to dig up. If these plants are planted in the fall, the soil will be ready for planting by early spring. If you plant in March, then the first plantings should be planned by the end of May.

What siderates are most effective
You can use different plants to fertilize the soil, but the following are considered the most effective:
- alfalfa, lupine, sweet clover - saturate the soil with nitrogen;
- oats, winter rye - give a whole range of useful organic substances when dug up;
- mustard - loosens dense soil well and fertilizes it with organic matter;
- oil radish - helps control weeds and fights harmful bacteria;
- rapeseed, phacelia, seradella - well restore lean soil even with a single application.

Some gardeners mow the greens and apply them elsewhere, and plow the roots with the stems.
A special property of siderates
Another special property of green manure is the suppression of weeds. This helps a lot to cope with the development of new areas. If you plow the virgin soil and sow it with siderates in September, they will suppress the weeds. Repeat in the spring - and you will get rid of most of the weedy greenery. If you sow the aisles with green manure at least the first years, it will be great to save energy on weeding.

An example of using siderates
So, you have decided to enrich the lean soil with double greening. What should be done? In September, dig up the soil and sow oats at the rate of about 1/3 cup per 1 m2. In about two weeks, seedlings will appear, and by November they will already be about 15 cm tall. Leave the oats to winter.
When the snow melts and the earth warms up a little, this is about March 15, the oats are dug up together with the roots and an oil radish is sown on top of it.

Thus, you achieve many results: the soil becomes loose, enriched with nitrogen and organic matter, weeds are suppressed, the soil is disinfected.
Learn more about using siderates in this video:
Do you use green manure? Share your experience in the comments!
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