The best books on psychology that turned life around

Words have amazing power of impact. In a word, you can inspire, give joy, but they can also make a person completely lose faith in themselves or lose a goal in life. Only one book can become a guiding light, leading to success and happiness. We offer our readers the best books on psychology that have turned a life - let's talk today about the most inspiring literary works.


Reasonable world. How to live without unnecessary feelings

Opens our list of the best books on psychology "Reasonable world. How to live without unnecessary experiences »Alexander Sviyash .This book, written with a sense of humor, will teach you to treat the world easier, stop showing to yourself and others the inflated demands and accept people as they are, without the desire to change them. The book helps to understand yourself, to gain an understanding of what is happening in your life and change your view of many things. Sviyasha's work is valuable because the author's technique has been successfully tested in a variety of seminars and trainings. There are many exercises in the book that are designed to help the reader find emotional balance.


Psychology of Influence

One of the best books on psychology that changes lives is the "Psychology of Influence" by Robert Chaldini .It is considered to be an outstanding educational tool in social psychology and was reprinted five times, which indicates the enormous popularity of the work of Chaldini. Despite the fact that the book is written in an easy language, it is based on serious scientific research.

From the book of Chaldini the reader learns about the basic methods of manipulation, methods of influencing a person and how to resist them."Psychology of influence" is indispensable not only for those who, by occupation, should be able to convince people, but also to ordinary readers. The Childdini book can be used as a kind of weapon to successfully defend against manipulators.


How to stop worrying and start living

"How to stop worrying and start living" Dale Carnegie is one of the best known and best psychology books that can change a life. This is a classic of psychological literature.

The modern world is full of stresses, and the situation every year only worsens. How to change your attitude to life's difficulties, stop worrying over trifles, establish communication with others - this is taught by the book. It is based on real people's stories and gives a lot of advice. Carnegie uses as examples of situations that have taken place with his friends, relatives and acquaintances.


Radical Forgiveness

Continues the list of the best books on psychology that change lives, "Radical Forgiveness" by Colin Tipping .This work can be advised for reading to everyone, because in the life of every person there were problems with work, relationships, health and self-esteem."Radical forgiveness" is a practice book that helps to fundamentally change life. Whatever difficulties one has to endure, no matter how hard the relations develop, one can get rid of the burden of the past and live in harmony with oneself.


Manipulation of consciousness

"Manipulation of consciousness" by Sergei Kara-Murza is another remarkable book on psychology that can change life. It is included in the curriculum of sociology courses, but it is also interesting for a wide range of readers.

To understand your life, a person should know about the ways and methods of manipulating consciousness. Who and how manipulates the public consciousness, for what it is done and to what consequences will it lead? The author hopes that the reader will make the right choice, determining his future life.


One habit per week

Continues the list of the best books on psychology that change lives, "One Habit a Week" Brett Blumenthal .

The idea of ​​the author is simple - changes in life begin with small steps and small changes. If every day to do a tiny step, not requiring much effort and a lot of time, for a year you can achieve amazing results. The main thing here is not to abandon the business started and not to be lazy. Nothing complicated and unreal - 52 small changes in life, aimed at improving stress resistance, efficiency and memory. In the end, a person brings his life to order and enjoys the fullness of life and happiness. Everything is possible and attainable. The main thing is to go through these 52 steps.


Life and death

One of the best and most extraordinary books on psychology that can change life is the "Life and Death" Osho .Many human problems are associated with the fear of death. We prefer not to talk on this topic, we go around it, but each time I think about death. Understanding the inevitability of death and accepting it makes a person free.

This is exactly what is told in the book of the famous Indian philosopher Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh. It is a series of conversations of the spiritual leader about life and death.


Games that people play. People who play the games

The books on psychology that can change life include the work of the creator of the transaction analysis Eric Berne "Games that people play. People who play games ».

The book became a bestseller and was reprinted many times. Psychologist Eric Berne has developed a system that relieves a person from the impact of scenarios that determine his life. Berne believes that almost all people play games in family and business life and receive emotional "winnings" from them. In his book, he wittily describes more than a hundred games in which people are drawn in and offers "anti-gambles" that will help get out of any imposed game if the person so desires. According to the author, such games distort and destroy human relations. After reading his book, everyone can understand whether he is a participant in the games and learn how to leave them.


Say life Yes!

One of the best books on life changing psychologists - "Saying the lives of" Yes! "By Victor Frankl .Its author has passed Nazi concentration camps and knows how to behave in seemingly desperate situations, how to remain a man in the most terrible conditions and find the strength to resist against everything. Victor Frankl's book leaves a deep impression and is able to help people who have fallen into despair or apathy. It points to true human values ​​and teaches the understanding that life is given to man for a reason.


Transurfing reality

The books on psychology that change life include " Transurfing reality " Vadim Zelanda .What does she teach? Conscious management of life, positive thinking, purposefulness - this is taught by the technique of reality transforing, developed by the author. The book has many concrete examples of how to make your life meaningful and not succumb to extraneous influences.