- Why is it necessary to wash floors after the deceased?
- How do I wash the floors after the deceased?
- Signs and rules at the funeral
- Useful advices
- How to protect your family if you saw a funeral?
With such a sad event as a funeral every person encounters. I really want my relatives to stay with us always, but this is simply impossible. Sacraments of death always scare people, which is why there are many different superstitions and all kinds of signs associated with this event. It is believed that in order for a deceased person to find peace, relatives and friends who are engaged in rest, should help him to chop off all the exits to this world. It is the relatives who must follow the fulfillment of all rites. Today we will acquaint you with the main of them and tell you how to wash the floors after the deceased so that death does not return in its tracks.
to the contents ↑Why is it necessary to wash floors after the deceased?
Washing the floors for the deceased - refers to a very old tradition. Previously, the floor was not washed, but swept to sweep away all the ills, diseases and death. It was believed that in this case, death can not return to the house, since there will be no trace of her stay.
Any dead person, even the most loved and loved one, carries negative energy after death. And all this negative energy permeates things related to funerals.
Important! A table and stools on which a coffin and a lid were placed. All these things are turned upside down and taken out to the street for a while to clear them of the negative and not bring on a new disaster.
If the negative energy stays inside the house, the people living in it begin to root without pain and even die. Everyone knows that the negative energy is washed away by water and better saint, so it is so important to know how to properly wash the floors after the deceased, so as not to call a new disaster.
to the contents ↑How to wash floors after the deceased?
Beginning of the rite begins with a long time. The floors were earthy at that time. To restore order in the hut, the floors swept, starting from the inside of the room, and finished beyond the threshold.
After the funeral, our forefathers traced the tracks of the deceased to the other side, crossing the windshield with a road through which the departed into the world of another could return. It was from these times that the custom occurred - to wash the floors after the deceased.
To properly perform the ritual, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence and some rules:
- Floors can not be washed by relatives of the deceased and pregnant women. Relatives of the deceased like no one are subject to negativity and danger. They can not come into contact with the funeral attributes, so that the deceased does not draw them to him. Pregnant women, even if they are not related, are also very prone to negative effects and can cause trouble for the unborn baby.
- From the room you need to take out everything related to the funeral: cuts of material for the coffin cover, various wooden chips and all the flowers given to the deceased.
- Ritual washing of floors must begin from the threshold and walls, finishing cleaning in the place where the coffin stood. This must be done so that the deceased person forgot the way back.
- In the event that the floors after the deceased were not washed due to the departure of all to the cemetery, proceed in this way: let one of the women come to say goodbye will enter the house with a broom and repeat the ancient ritual, crossing the way inside. After the ritual, all the others can pass into the room.
Important! Remember the following rule: in the house where the coffin is located with the body of the deceased, you can not carry out any cleaning. Otherwise, there is a risk of "sweeping out" or "washing" out of the house of another tenant. At this time only carpets and paths are removed from the floors. And only after the body is removed the floors in the house are washed to remove the dead spirit from the home.
to the contents ↑Signs and rules at the funeral of
All the signs are formed on the basis of the experience of generations and they must be respected so as not to bring disaster and live happily ever after. Read some of the rules that must be followed during rest:
- The deceased is not left in the house alone - about him are put women.
- Immediately after the person has died, all the mirrors are hung in the house to close the road between the world of the living and the dead. While the soul of the deceased is at home, it can get lost in the mirrors.
Important! Closed mirrors should be 40 days.
- After the person dies, you need to open the doors and go out into the street to spend the soul of the deceased. While everyone escorts the soul, the eldest woman in the house wails over the body.
- The deceased must be washed immediately after the soul is spent. Relatives should not take part in this - they are usually called to wash their neighbors. Only women should wash. Water after washing should be poured out beyond the threshold - to the place where no one walks.
Important! Do not pour water into the toilet.
- Women who washed the deceased, after forty days, give clothes to the deceased. Immediately after death, you can not give clothes, since the deceased will go naked in the next world.
- The deceased wear everything new. To bury a person is taken in clothes appropriate to the weather and season. Shoes should be with a back and presentable. If a person has prepared his funeral clothes while he was alive, then make sure that it is clean and has not been used before.
- The coffin should not be bigger than the deceased.
Important! There is such a sign: if there is a free place left in the feet of the deceased, there will be a second dead man.
- The deceased put their heads in the holy corner, feet to the exit. Carry the dead man forward with his feet.
- Before carrying out the coffin, candles are lit and prayers are sung. Then the candles are extinguished and placed in a coffin.
- Take out the lid first, then the coffin. Relatives become after the coffin, that is, behind the head of the deceased.
- To bury the deceased is necessary in the morning, in order to have the crumbs from the memorial table carried to the cemetery.
- After the body is removed, the floors are thoroughly washed. In the place where the coffin stood, put an ax so that there were no more deaths.
- The broomstick with a washbasin and the rag that the floor was washing is always taken out of the house and discarded.
- After the cemetery, be sure to wash your hands with soap and hold them over the candle. A candle is a symbol of fire, and it is capable of burning all negative energies.
Useful advices
Here are a few more known signs that all who are involved in the rest should know:
- When the deceased is closed, you need to carefully monitor that both eyes are closed.
- If a girl dies, then she is dressed in all the wedding. The purpose of any woman is to become a wife and mother. If the girl died at a young age, and without becoming a wife, she becomes the bride of God.
- Native should not carry a coffin with the deceased. Those who carry the coffin, necessarily tied a new towel on his arm, supposedly the deceased himself thanked these people for their respect.
- You can not leave things that were in contact with the deceased, in the house. Merku, which was removed for the coffin, the ropes with which the hands and feet were bandaged must necessarily be placed in a coffin.
- If there is no cross on the deceased, then it must be worn. The hands of the deceased are added as follows: the left bottom, the upper right. In the left hand put an icon( a woman - the Mother of God, a man - the Savior) or a cross.
- Do not put fresh flowers in the coffin.
- It should not be on the deceased to leave rings, chains, bracelets. Forgotten decorations on the deceased, knots, buttoned buttons can some time cause inconvenience to the soul of the deceased.
- You can not bury in an engagement ring.
- Handkerchiefs with tears are thrown and buried in the grave. From the cemetery in general, nothing can be tolerated.
- Before digging a dead person, all those who came to him, throw a handful of earth on the lid.
Important! People say that if a person does not leave the land, the deceased will find a weak spot and begin to scare at night.
to the contents ↑How to protect your family if you saw a funeral?
Misunderstanding of death, its frightening images give rise to a host of perceptions and protective actions. Here are a few of them:
- If the funeral procession passes by the house, then you need to wake up everyone, even young children. In the people it is believed that during the passage of the funeral procession, the soul of the deceased can take with him the one who sleeps.
- You can not cross the road in front of the funeral procession. It is necessary to stop, take off your hat and pray, so as not to incur misfortune.
A person is born, grows, lives, at every step he encounters with these or that superstitions, signs, warnings. If in life the consequences of the failure to comply with the rules, it can be corrected, then after death this can not be done. Be careful, perform basic protective actions during rest, to live as long as possible, and most importantly - happily.