How to fold a shirt so that it does not crumple in the bag?

  • How to properly assemble a suitcase?
  • How to fold clothes in a suitcase?
  • 4 simple ways of compact packing of things
  • What can I not take from home?

When we are going on a trip, we have to think about how to fold a shirt so that it does not wrinkle in a bag, and all the other items of the wardrobe, cosmetics have climbed into it. In order for all things to fit, you do not need to pack them in several bags, it will be enough to buy one large suitcase that will be convenient for you. Also, you need to take a second look at everything you want to take, and on the suitcase itself. Half can definitely be put in the closet, and how to add the rest of the things in a suitcase, so they do not crumple, we'll tell in this article.

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How to properly assemble a suitcase?

In order to quickly assemble a suitcase, you need to fully form this process. To do this, divide your belongings into several categories:

  1. Cash and documents are the most important of all that you need. Put your documents so that they do not wrinkle into a small folder. Keep all the money with you, keep them in your wallet. Do not forget to make photocopies of your documents and put them in a suitcase, perhaps you will need them.
  2. Cosmetics and toilet items. Before you go on a trip or business trip, specify the level of service at the hotel( whether there are shampoos and other means).
  3. Clothing. Never take a lot of things "in reserve".Take the most necessary items of the wardrobe, which are combined with each other.
  4. Shoes. Take comfortable shoes, and only the one that you need.
  5. First Aid Kit. Be sure to take painkillers, because when traveling from fatigue, the head often hurts, as well as antipyretic and remedies for the elimination of gastrointestinal disorders.
  6. Leisure. Take a small camera, if necessary a laptop or other means for work / communication.

Important! Do not forget to make a list of all the things you need in advance. During the assembly, you will need it, so you can see what you put and what does not.

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How to fold the clothes in a suitcase?

Before folding the shirt so that it does not wrinkle in the bag, it is necessary to sort and correctly prepare all the rest of the clothes.

  • All the things that need to be packed in a suitcase, fold in cellophane bags or wrap with paper.
  • Suit, if possible, you need to put it in individual packaging.
  • Things that do not need ironing can be rolled up and boldly packed in a suitcase.
  • If you pack your shoes in pairs, it will take up a lot of space. Pack each shoe separately.
  • Another trick - if you have small things, then put them inside the shoes, so you will save space.
  • Linen, pajamas, tights and other similar things one by one wrap in bags and also put in shoes or other shoes.
  • All long and thin things can be laid along the walls of the suitcase.

All the space of the suitcase is layered in this way:

  1. Put big things like a dress or trousers to the bottom, so that they hang from the edges of the suitcase. If you have several pants, then place them so that the pants lie on different sides of the suitcase.
  2. The next layer will be small things that you do not need to roll, and you can put it without folding( shirt, skirt).
  3. Then there are the "rolls".
  4. On top of wrapped rolls, stack bulk packed items.
  5. In the spaces between the clothes, add cosmetics and a first aid kit.
  6. Wrap the long things that hang from the edges of the suitcase.
  7. Everything else( laptop, documents, etc.) put in a separate suitcase( you can even in your laptop bag).
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4 simple ways of compact packing of things

So that during your trip all clothes remain in perfect condition, take the following methods of packing.

Method 1

This option is perfect if you are thinking how to put a jacket in a suitcase. If you need a jacket, it's best to carefully place it "shoulder to shoulder":

  1. Unscrew one sleeve in the opposite direction and insert the arm to the edges so that you can reach the edge of the other sleeve.
  2. Stick the other sleeve inside the turned-out and fold the jacket in half.

Important! So you can turn off all the warm clothes.

Method 2

If you want to fold the shirts so they do not get rumpled in the bag:

  1. Fasten the shirts through one button, and fold them up with a raised and straightened collar.
  2. Remove the sleeves of the shirt inside out and lay them on top of each other.
  3. Then place the bottom of the shirt on top of the sleeves.

Important! That your hat is not wrinkled, put things inside it.

Method 3

Do not add clothes, but roll them:

  1. Turn out the thing.
  2. Gently straighten it.
  3. Place the sleeves inside.
  4. Fold in half and roll with a roll.

Important! So you can unite and fold more than two things at once.

Method 4

In the second method, we stack things with a "knot":

  1. We have things that have a sufficient length - pants, dresses, skirts, on the bottom so that their ends hang from the luggage.
  2. Next, put what does not crumple - small things, linen in the middle of the bag. We wrap each item in a separate package.
  3. We seal everything with bundles of clothes.
  4. From above, we cover with the ends of long clothes.

These styling techniques will ensure your clothes look perfect.

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What can I not take from home?

Very often we take unnecessary things with us, and then we think why we took them at all. List of items that you can safely leave at home:

  • Towels. All hotels provide their customers with towels, so you can not worry about these things( you can take only a beach towel, if you know exactly what you need).
  • Additional shoes. Do not take more than three pairs of shoes.
  • Excess clothing. Take only clothes at a minimum and be sure to look at the weather to determine what you need.
  • Umbrella. It is unlikely you will need it if you are traveling to hot countries or traveling in a season with good sunny weather.
  • Jewelery. Do not take them too much. Take a pair of jewelry that fits perfectly with any of your clothes.
  • Large packs of shampoos, personal care products, etc. Shampoos and other products you can pour into small containers or buy samplers.

Important! If on arrival you found that your things are a bit messy, then hang them on hangers, so they will return to their previous condition. To speed up the process, some products can be hung for half an hour in the bathroom, after including hot water. Under the influence of steam, the fabric will quickly straighten.

Using these instructions, you will save your time, energy and patience on packing things in a suitcase. Enjoy your trips!