How to clean the tile from cement for re-installation?

  • How to clean the paving slab from cement?- Quick solution
  • Tools and tools for cleaning the paving slab
  • What should be used for mechanical cleaning?
  • Household chemicals for cleaning ceramic, paving slabs and bricks from the old
  • solution. Useful advices:

Repair on the street is an incredibly long process that has been going on for several months. All workers are working hard, but when it comes to handing over the project, it may turn out that stains from cement mortar have remained on the surface of the brick, paving slab. Often with similar incidents, home masters come across, who do not have much experience in this area. And in this case, you need to know how to clean the tile from the cement for reinstallation and simply from stains on the tile. In this article we will teach you how to do it quickly, efficiently and safely for a new cover.

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How to clean the paving slab from cement?- Fast solution

Washing out of a cement stain from a surface of a sidewalk tile is an employment uneasy enough and at the same time very troublesome. The complexity of this procedure is the amount of work done, as well as in the material itself - frozen cement is capable of incredibly strongly ingesting the surface of absolutely any component.

To clean the paving slab from cement, first remove all contamination from the place - a collection of bulk materials. Cement spots occur most often during the installation of curbs - when mounted on a substrate that is made of cement mortar. Sprays may not immediately absorb into the surface of the tile laid, and perhaps you will be able to remove them in the simplest way - a powerful head of water, for example, a mini-sink.

Important! Ideally, absolutely any unnecessary trace of the repair procedure must be immediately removed from the surface. If this is not the case, the work with the stained spots must be done carefully, to avoid various scratches on the working surface.

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Tools and hand tools for cleaning paving slabs

Removing stains from cement with nails, hammers, and chisels is an incredibly barbarous way, and it will only be of use if contaminated tiles are not valuable enough. But the paving slab, in spite of its high strength characteristics - is still a delicate material, so this approach will be unacceptable.

In this case, suitable tools and tools:

  1. In order to clean the paving slab from cement, which did not have time to thoroughly adhere, you can use ordinary salt. It will help to clean the cement coating very qualitatively. Apply salt to a directly contaminated area, moistened with cool water. After a short amount of time, when under the influence of salt, the cement has a loose consistency, it can be gently cleaned with a stiff brush.
  2. In the event that there is a non-rigid crust, or a Bulgarian, you can try to eliminate the contamination by them. During the cleaning stroke, it is necessary to work with them with reduced intensity.
  3. It happens that the spray does not have time to get into a hard surface. You can try to remove all cement stains from the surface of the paving slab using a hammer and a chisel. If the cement spots do not cling, try removing them, tapping the chisel lightly. When you knock on the stains, knock on the center of the contamination. At best, the blot will burst, and then completely separate from the surface.
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What should be used for mechanical cleaning?

You can clean the tile from cement in such ways.

Option 1

This method is suitable when you need to clean the tile from the cement for re-installation or to bring the surface of the new coating to an ideal condition:

  1. Fold several pieces of a small size into a piece of fabric or a small, compacted sponge.
  2. Then carefully soak with the remedy that is intended to remove stains of lime character.
  3. Put this cloth on a dirty surface and leave it in this condition for 2-3 days.

Important! Do not forget, occasionally, in case of drying, to soak the given piece of fabric with a cleansing agent.

Option 2

In the event that the cement stains after all the above actions are cracked, never try again using a more intensive force - damage to the entire cement base is possible.

To clean the surface:

  1. Use a wire brush to clean the remaining cement stains from the tiles.
  2. Carry out this procedure in all directions.
  3. You can try again using a chisel and a hammer.

If this cleaning is carried out, it is more likely that all cement stains will begin to disappear.

Finishing cleaning

For grinding, use a coarse-grained sandpaper or a grinding machine. All these tools help to erase cement stains to the level of paving slabs:

  1. Sandpaper wipe the dried cement, often changing direction, until the stains completely come off the surface of the tile.
  2. Minor residue can be removed with a wire brush or cleaning agent.
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Household cleaning chemicals for cleaning ceramic, paving slabs and bricks from old

mortar If you did not notice the presence of dirty stains of the mortar mix in time and only now were puzzled by the question of how to clean the tile from cement, choose one of the options below:

  • Pollution treatmentHydrochloric acid solution, it is 5% hydrochloric acid. Dampen and wipe with a sponge.
  • In order to remove old traces, prepare a special substance that dissolves the cement mortar, utensils with clean running water, sponges, spatula, rags. Quite suitable are cleaning agents for ceramic products, for example, solvent Sopro ZEA 703 or a substance that dissolves the dried glue.
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Useful advices:

  1. The most suitable options for cleaning stains from the surface of paving slabs are those that contain phosphoric acid. Before you apply a chemical, test everything in an inconspicuous area or on a spare tile, if you have one. It is difficult to say exactly how the paving slab reacts to this or that cleaning agent. For example, it is quite possible to simply decolorize a tile or to corrode it under the action of a tool.
  2. In order to neutralize surpluses of phosphoric acid, use garden lime, soda or ammonia. However, use only one thing - mixing of these solutions is unacceptable.
  3. You can only use each of the above cleaning agents in a safe amount. In the event that the first application in no way contributes to getting rid of cement stains, you can make a second attempt at cleaning.
  4. Any acidic agent contributes to the detachment of stains. But after applying a cleanser of any substance, rub the surface of the treatment with a brush, and then with a clean rag.

Now you have several suitable means for cleaning the tile from the cement for re-installation or to remove the building mix from the ready-made pavement. Achieve the most perfect result of repair work - not only on the part of quality characteristics, but also in terms of aesthetics. Then you will be pleased to enjoy the fruits of your labor for a long time, without discomfort and unpleasant sensations.