- Causes of clogging of pipes
- Where does rust accumulate?
- How to clean the water pipe at home?
- Prevent clogging of water supply pipes - what should be done?
How many problems exist in the use of plumbing, then it broke down, then the water pipes system got clogged, all these problems simply head around, but there's nothing to be done, they need to be solved. Without water from the tap in the bathroom or in the kitchen in any way. In this article we will talk about how to clean the water pipe at home, and also give some simple tips to prevent the formation of blockages.
to content ↑Causes of clogging of pipes
Most often, the water pressure decreases due to deposits on the walls of your pipeline. And even if it is made of plastic components, they are still connected to pipes of risers, which are made of metal. It is in this area and look for the cause of clogging the pipe.
Important! A huge amount of rust, which have the form of strata, has a habit of falling off old pipes, the flow of water evenly spreads it along the entire length of your water pipe.
Useful advice for
Although removing sediment and rust from the walls of a water pipe is a rather tedious procedure, do not put it off any time even the smallest suspicions arise. Thus, not only will you be able to ensure the safe use of the water supply system, you will also forget about the problems of low head for about 10-15 years.
Important! Also, the pipes can be clogged with sand or other impurities. The reason for this is that over time the surface of these pipes becomes rougher.
to the contents ↑Where does rust accumulate?
Rust, as well as other deposits accumulate in plastic pipes and in metal pipes. Before you clean the water pipe at home, localize the place of clogging. Thus, you can avoid additional complications when performing the cleaning. In addition to the internal wall of the pipe, clogs are formed, as a rule:
- in the places of cranes, as well as valves;
- on filters;
- in the place where the hot and cold water meters are installed.
Important! A small head, at best, can cause clogging of the mesh obstacle, which is before the washing machine, a column, a counter or a filter of the mixer. In the event that their dismantling together with subsequent washing with water could not help, the conclusion is unambiguous - the pipeline hammered.
Selecting the method
To date, several methods are available for cleaning water pipes. The specific choice of one method depends on the functional state of all these elements of the water supply system, their course, and location. For example:
- To clean a water pipe from rust from deposits in old houses is not the best solution. The clogs in them, as a rule, are in huge numbers. In this case, give preference to the option to replace the pipes with propylene ones or with metal-plastic pipes.
- If special filters are installed in the pipeline, clean them to start them.
- If only one site was problematic, the water pipe can be cleaned of rust by one of the following methods.
How to clean the water pipe at home?
If you are sure that the blockage is not very large and you can clean the water pipe at home, then proceed in one of the following ways - from the simplest to the more complex.
Tapping with an ordinary hammer
To do this, remove the strainer, open the cold water tap completely, and then gently tap the pipe along its entire length. A rapid and strong flow of water will remove all the rust that has peeled off the walls. This method is the simplest. It can be used without the help of professionals.
The above method, unfortunately, does not always help. But you can still use another, more laborious, to clean the water pipe at home. To do this, you will need a small diameter cable:
- Close the water passage to the area to be cleaned, remove the mixer.
- Then insert the cable into the hole that formed.
- Eliminate the broken pieces of rust at the final stage by using an abundant flushing of the pipe.
Dry cleaning of water pipes at home.
This method is only used when there is no possibility to replace the water supply, and a large number of blockages have formed in it. For this purpose, you can use a tool called "Mole":
- Pour the chemical liquid into the system and leave it for a certain amount of time - the period of exposure to chemicals is indicated on the package with the manufacturer's product.
- In the future, simply flush the water system with a huge amount of water.
Complicated version of
If all of the above methods have not been able to help you, there is the most time consuming way to clean the water pipe from various deposits with your own hands.
This method involves dismantling the clogged area:
- After you have blocked the water supply system, do this at the maximum distance from the mixer.
- Once you have dismantled the pipe, connect the hose to it and let the water run at high pressure.
- Water with its head will kill the blockage, thereby clearing the area of the aqueduct.
Important! The use of this method is not always successful. You may need a full replacement of the problem area.
Useful advice
The use of chemistry to remove deposits, rust from the water pipe system requires certain precautions. All this is due to the fact that the chemical hit "Mole" on an open skin area can cause a sufficiently severe chemical burn. For this reason, do this job in protective gloves.
to the contents ↑Prevent clogging of water supply pipes - what needs to be done?
The most important protection is the primary filter. But as a rule, it is called simply a coarse filter. Structurally it is made in the form of an ordinary mesh, which catches large pieces of rust. There may be several such devices in the water supply system.
In apartments of modern high-rise buildings, the filter is placed in front of the counter, and its location is served by a special flange together with a stopper, after unscrewing which you can extract a grid of cylindrical shape from the channel. Do not be surprised if this grid is clogged with deposits so firmly that in order to clean the part, you will need a nail or a screwdriver.
Important! This mesh is specially made of stainless steel. That's why she herself is not capable of corrosion process. But here rust all grows on it quite tightly, while clogging the hole.
In addition to installing the filter, you can take such preventive measures:
- At least once a week, fill a drain hole with a couple of liters of hot water, you can boil water.
- Monthly prophylactic cleaning with folk remedies - citric acid, vinegar, soda.
That's all, the problem is solved, we hope you were satisfied with the result of the measures taken after reading this article. Now you can not only eliminate the clog, but also make it formed as rarely as possible.