- How to make a wish-bank with your own hands?
- What else can I fill a jar with?
- 5 gift ideas with wishes
Very often we wonder what to give to this or that person for the holiday: birthday, March 8 or February 23, Valentine's Day, New Year or any other. A jar with wishes can even be made by a child, and it will be an excellent gift for any holiday! What ideas to take note, how to prepare such a surprise - all this will be discussed in this article.
to the contents ↑How to make a wish-bank with your own hands?
Such an original gift can be made for a loved one, a boss, a child or parents - he will like everything. There are several ways to make a bank. Let's consider the most original of them.
Method number 1.Bank with wishes in vintage style
The jar, decorated in vintage style, can be presented to anyone. It all depends on how you decorate the gift.
Important! When decorating a gift, try to take into account the preferences of the person you want to give it to.
To make such a wish box you will need:
- Small glass or plastic can.
- Paper.
- Twine( jute thread).
- Tea, coffee or milk.
First of all, you need to age the paper. You can do this with tea, coffee or milk and lighters:
- To compose with tea or coffee, you need to brew one of these drinks, pour it into rectangular dishes and drop them there for 15 minutes sheets of paper.
- After this, the paper must be carefully pulled out and hung dry.
- Before use, iron through the fabric is recommended.
Important! After soaking in tea and coffee, the paper becomes fragile and easily torn, so you need to work with it very carefully.
Next steps:
- Use milk and fire to age the paper carefully, too. On the paper sheet squirting milk, and then we spend under the sheet a lighter. In places where milk gets to, there will be yellow spots.
- On aged paper we make labels and wishes. They can be written by hand or, if you are not sure about the accuracy of your handwriting, print it out using a printer.
Important! Labels should have approximately the following content: on the one that will be in front, we write the general theme of the notes in the bank, their purpose. The second label indicates how the contents of the jar are used.
- Labels are glued to the can with two-sided adhesive tape or glue.
- The bottom part of the labels is hidden under the twine, which is attached to the jar with glue.
- The lid can also be decorated a little. Make small drawings, sign to whom the jar is intended, slightly wrap the jute thread around the edges and much more. Do not be afraid to show your imagination!
- Leaflets with wishes turn off into a "roll" and tie a small piece of twine. We add the ready wishes to the bank.
The number of wishes depends only on you!
Method number 2.Bright jar with wishes
An excellent gift will be a bright bank with wishes for the birthday of their own hands. The style in which the jar will be made can be called modern, youthful or bright because of the use of a large number of modern tools.
For work you will need:
- Glass or plastic can.
- Colored paper.
- Decor elements: rhinestones, paints, artificial flowers, etc.
How to proceed:
- Labels and notes with wishes are made from colored paper. You can use sheets of different colors - in this case your jar will be more colorful and bright.
- Labels stick to the bank, and then begins the most interesting - the decor. For him, you can use rhinestones, drawing from them drawings, artificial flowers. You can use decoupage for decoration or draw something yourself.
- Notes can be simply folded several times, you can add different figures from them or band them with ribbons of different colors.
Method number 3.Bank with wishes in a marine style
Such a jar with wishes with their own hands will be an excellent reminder of the rest, a souvenir and a means of relaxing, because many people associate the sea with serenity.
To create such a gift you will need:
- Empty jar.
- Paper.
- Elements of marine themes( shells, pebbles, sand, etc.).
The design of the jar will differ slightly from the previous versions:
- Seashells are attached to one side of the jar with glue or adhesive compounds.
- For the remaining intervals, greased with glue, sand is poured.
- When all is withered, the remains of sand are removed.
- To the front of the jar we glue a pre-prepared label on which you can write the dates of your stay on vacation, the name of the souvenir or the name of the person for whom the gift is intended.
- Notes can also be made on the sea theme.
Important! In addition to the notes in the bank you can put a few cockleshells.
Similarly, you can make your own jars with wishes on other topics.
to the contents ↑What else can I fill the jar with?
In addition to the notes, you can put many more interesting things in the wish box:
- If the bank is thematic, then you can add items that match the main theme of the gift. For example, in a "sea" jar you can put seashells and small pebbles from the coast.
- You can fill the jar with colored beads. This will make the gift even more vivid and unusual.
- Notes can be made from a single word and glued to round flat beads. Such beads fill the jar.
- For sweet tooth, the ideal option will be a pot of sweets with your own hands. In addition to sweets, in the jar you can put notes to raise your spirits.
- If a loved one leaves for a long time, you can give him a jar with your own photo inside. On the back of the photo you can write wishes, confessions and much more.
5 gift ideas with wishes
Gifts with many wishes. A jar of wishes with your own hands is just one of them. Here are a few more ideas for such gifts.
Desire cake
A great gift for any holiday, because it combines two things loved by many people: sweets and good words. True, "sweets" in this case are not edible, but it does not matter.
The idea is this: every piece of cake - a box, which is a note with wishes. You fully choose the decoration.
Important! You can make each piece in its own unique style, and you can choose one for everyone. Of course, in the box you can put not only notes, but real sweets, small interesting things and much more.
Tree with wishes
A gift for all occasions. It can be given for any holiday on its own or on behalf of the company. There are two versions:
- The basis of the tree is the trunk, you can draw or embroider on some surface.
- The second way - to make the trunk volumetric( their real branches or blanks, which are sold in stores).In this case, you will need another vase, a pot or a stand for wood.
Leaflets are cut from cardboard or paper. On each of the leaves are written wishes. To the tree, the leaves are attached using strings.
Important! In addition, you can decorate the tree with beads, flowers and ribbons.
Sweets Bag
"A bag of good mood" will be an excellent gift for children who love sweets. It is simple in execution, but at the same time it gives a bunch of positive to the recipient:
- It is necessary to sew a common bag from the fabric.
- To it we sew a piece of a fabric with an inscription "a Bag of good mood" or that in such spirit.
- A note with wishes is attached to each candy. This can be done with a ribbon or glued directly to the wrapper.
Book of desires
The book is made as follows:
- You can buy a notebook and make a beautiful cover for yourself with your hands.
- And you can make the whole book yourself. To do this, fold the usual office paper in half and fasten it with thread.
Important! The cover is made to your taste. You can decorate it with artificial flowers, rhinestones, beads and other bright things.
The frequency of wishes in the book depends only on the decision of the creator. They can be written in a row or one per page. Also on the pages of the book can be found various drawings and decorations, raising the mood.
To all interesting and creative gifts! We hope that you have used our ideas and you have not only realized them, but you were able to improve them by showing your imagination.