Rating of the best vitamins for men

It is believed that full nutrition completely compensates for the need of the human body in all necessary vitamins. But there are situations when to replenish the valuable elements in the body can not do without vitamin preparations. The best vitamins for men - a rating of 2016, compiled for our readers, will help the representatives of the stronger sex choose the optimal set of valuable elements.

We remind you that the information offered to readers in this article is for informational purposes only. There are many vitamins on the market. To properly choose a vitamin complex, you need a doctor's consultation.


Lamin Vision Price 3500 rubles

Opens our rating of the best vitamins for men "Lamin Vision" from the company Vision. The drug is positioned as a remedy for fatigue, which helps to increase vitality. The complex is based on L-carnitine.

"Lamin Vision" consists of natural components. The composition of this vitamin complex includes L-carnitine, leaves of Paraguayan tea, eleutherococcus root, flower pollen and vitamin C.

This is one of the best vitamin complexes developed for the stronger sex. It stimulates physical and mental abilities and helps to withstand stressful situations.

A significant disadvantage is the high price.

The average price of the complex( 60 gelatin capsules) is 3500 rubles.


Orange Triad Controlled Labs Price 2300 rubles

Orange Triad Controlled Labs is number 9 in the list of the best vitamins for men. The drug is aimed at strengthening immunity, improving digestion, improving tone and supporting joints.

The complex of vitamins includes all the necessary vitamins and trace elements in optimal proportions.

The average cost of the drug( 270 tablets) - 2300 rubles.


Wellman capsules Price 550-600 rubles

Vitamins Wellman "capsules" - in 8th place in the ranking of the best vitamins for men in 2016."Velmen" contains 9 vitamins and 10 minerals. The complex stimulates mental and physical activity, improves metabolism, increases body tone and resistance to catarrhal diseases.

The average price of the drug( 30 capsules) is 550-600 rubles.


Oligovit Price 270-350 rubles

The 7th place in the ranking of the best vitamins for men is "Oligovit" .The daily norm of the drug completely satisfies the body in vitamins and microelements."Oligovit" is used to strengthen and maintain the immune system, during a period of great physical and mental stress, with regular sports. There is no special "male" version of the complex of vitamins "Oligovit".

The average price of the drug( 30 dragees) is 270-350 rubles.


Vitiron Suspack Price 1500 rubles

The sixth place in the ranking of the best vitamins for men in 2016 is "Vitiron Suskaps" .The drug includes 11 vitamins, 10 minerals and 3 microelements. The peculiarity of this complex of vitamins is the high digestibility of its components.

Vityron Suskaps is shown for serious stresses, vitamin deficiency, increased physical activity, reduced efficiency, during convalescence and after treatment with antibiotics. A complex of vitamins increases tone, helps to successfully resist colds.

Vityron Suskaps is available in a package containing 30 capsules.

The cost of the drug is 1500 rubles.


Centrum Price 570 rubles

Ranking 5th in rating "Centrum" belongs to the most popular vitamin complexes for men. It contains 24 vitamins and minerals. The drug improves the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, enhances immunity and promotes normalization of vision.

The average price of the drug( 30 capsules) is 570 rubles.


Vitrum Price 450 rubles

Vitrum is one of the popular vitamin complexes. Especially for men, it is not produced, but among the variety of multivitamin complexes of the manufacturer you can choose a drug that brings the maximum effect. So, "Vitrum Superstress" will help protect the body with psychoemotional stresses, "Vitrum Life" provides a daily rate of nutrients for young men actively involved in sports, and "Vitrum Memori" is aimed at improving memory and stimulating brain activity in older men.

The average price of the drug( 30 dragees) is 450 rubles.


Duovit Price 400 rubles

The third place in the ranking of the best vitamins for men in 2016 is "Duovit" .This is a popular set of useful elements, containing a daily rate of basic minerals and vitamins."Duovit" helps to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and anemia, supports hair, nails and skin in good condition.

Vitamin complex helps in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, prevents premature hair loss, protects against stress, infections and adverse environmental effects.

The average cost of the drug( 30 tablets) - 400 rubles.


Man's formula More than multivitamins Price 420-500 rubles

Man's formula "More than Multivitamins" from the company "Farmamed" - in the second place in the rating of the best vitamin complexes for the stronger sex. It contains 20 vitamins, 11 minerals and 4 extracts of medicinal plants.

Man's formula promotes health, improves immunity and improves vitality. The drug is used for increased physical and mental stress, reduced performance, frequent colds.

The average price of the drug( 30 tablets) is 420-500 rubles.


AlphaVit Price 350-450 rubles

"AlphaVit" is one of the best and popular vitamin complexes for men. The drug contains all the necessary for the male body minerals and vitamins. It also includes: taurine, carotenoids,null, L-carnitine and Siberian ginseng.


  • increases the endurance of the body and its tone;
  • protects from the adverse effects of the environment;
  • helps to increase the efficiency.

AlfaVita includes 13 vitamins and minerals.

The daily dose of a vitamin complex is three tablets. Morning and daily doses of the drug contain tonic supplements, and it is undesirable to take them in the evening.

The average price of the drug( 60 tablets) is 350-450 rubles.