- Do you need adjustment?
- Why do they diverge?
- Seasonal setting of
- Is it possible?
- How to define the setting?
- We accept the decision
- We begin preparation
- Some rules
- How to correct the position of the flaps?
- Adjust horizontally
- Check the setting of
One of the important stages of preparation for winter is the insulation of windows. Adjust the plastic frames faster and easier than to glue wooden, however, and this takes some time and some preparation. How do I move windows to winter mode and do I always have to do this? You will learn about this from our article.
to the contents ↑Do you need adjustment?
Setting up plastic windows in winter mode is not a must. The design of most double-glazed windows provides this possibility, however, as a rule, quality and correctly installed windows and are so tight. But there are situations when the valves from long operation cease to provide reliable thermal insulation. Such frames protect from wind and street dust no better than their wooden counterparts. Then it becomes necessary to regulate them.
It also happens that when the window is opened, the leaf is shifted. In the summer it is not particularly important, but with the onset of cold weather you will certainly begin to feel that the room is colder than it should be. This is also an excuse to see if everything is in order with your frames.
to the contents ↑Why do they diverge?
When the windows were installed, the masters carefully checked all the gaps, as well as the position of the doors in different modes. But even if the installation was carried out perfectly, after a while the valves will begin to disperse. The main reason for this phenomenon is the different coefficients of thermal expansion. If the windows were set in winter or early spring, the following occurs approximately:
- The temperature in the street rises.
- The plastic expands.
- The temperature goes down.
- The plastic decreases in volume, but it does not always take the same shape as it was originally.
Important! The same happens if the double-glazed windows were set in the summer, only when the temperature is lowered the material is compressed. But in any case, the technical characteristics of the product change slightly, resulting in gaps. The adjustment of the windows to the winter mode serves to re-tighten the loose leaflets to each other again.
to the contents ↑Seasonal setting
In general, quality double-glazed windows have three modes:
- standard;
- winter;
- summer.
Manufacturers advise to set a standard adjustment or to use year round year round. If the windows are correctly and accurately maintained, the standard adjustment equally well provides fresh air in the warm season and reliable thermal protection in the winter. You do not need to seal the frames.
Important! For the marine and temperate continental climate, this regime is quite enough, since in regions with similar conditions, summer usually is not too hot, and in winter rare severe frosts occur.
You can lose the leaktightness of the window at any time of the year, and it is necessary to put it in order. To choose the right adjustment of the plastic window for the winter is especially important if the climate is sharply continental, with a large difference in summer and winter temperatures:
- In this case, it is necessary to ensure a constant air circulation in the summer, and to prevent intensive abrasion of the coating during opening and closing. In addition, you need to protect fasteners from unnecessary loads.
- In winter, the leaflets must be snug against each other to keep as much heat as possible.
Important! The need for adjustment also occurs if the flaps have slackened or moved horizontally.
to the contents ↑Is it possible?
Before adjusting the plastic windows for winter mode, make sure that there is indeed such a possibility. You can reconfigure the hardware if you have windows from companies:
- Maco;
- Roto;
- Siegenia Aubi;
- GU.
Important! At cheap double-glazed windows such function can and not be, though now all manufacturers try to let out models at which it is provided.
To test:
- Inspect the side parts of the leaflets.
- Try to find the trunnions and learn their markings.
- If nothing like this, it means that you can not adjust the frames, you have to deal with them differently - for example, change the seal.
A cam ring is a rod with an eccentric attached to its end. It serves to press the seal. But you do not need it yourself, but its outputs, that is, the hole for the key. They can be in the form:
- asterisks;
- hexagon;
- in the form of a conventional screwdriver;
- oval.
These elements will prompt you how to configure windows for winter mode.
Important! If the seal is qualitative and is in good condition, it is not necessary to change the mode to winter.
to the contents ↑How to define the setting?
Before setting up the plastic windows for winter mode, you need to determine, and in what position the fittings are at the moment. There are several ways to check - they depend on the shape of the eccentric.
Option 1
You need to evaluate how much the window sash is pressed against the frame:
- Take a sheet of paper.
- Place it between the frame and the sash, leaving the tip on the side of the room.
- Close the window.
- Pull the sheet: if it goes easily - the window is set to summer mode, in winter mode, the paper is likely to break.
Option 2
You can determine the mode visually and carefully examined the eccentrics:
- Find the mark on the round eccentric - a point, an asterisk or a dash.
- Look, where it is directed: if into the room, then - the windows are in summer mode, if on the street - in the winter.
Option 3
If the eccentric has an oval shape, the mode is determined by its position: The
- vertical position indicates a summer setting, the
- horizontal position gives a more intensive clamping of the sash against the frame, which indicates a winter setting.
Important! During the installation of double-glazed windows do not forget to ask the masters, in which mode the fittings are displayed and whether it can be adjusted.
to the contents ↑Accept
solution Before moving the windows to winter mode, decide whether you will do it yourself or call the masters from the company that installed your windows. The second option is convenient, since you trust your window with the hands of experienced people. They, of course, have to pay, but it's not so expensive.
But if you want to adjust the hardware can and the home master, who has the necessary tools and he imagines what will have to deal with.
Important! All work will have to be done carefully, because the slightest negligence can lead to damage to the accessories, and then the adjustment or even replacement will cost much more than the call of the master for adjustment.
to the contents ↑Begin preparation
To begin with, determine the front of the work, that is, find all the eccentrics. Usually there are three, but in general the amount depends on the size of the window leaf. Adjust, of course, have everything.
Clean the windows
First thing to do is clean. For this you need:
- mop with telescopic handle;
- glass cleaner;
- detergent for accessories;
- paper towels;
- silicone grease;
- hard brush or brush.
If you regularly care for your double-glazed windows, the glass and fittings can not be very dirty. To prepare them for the winter, it is enough detergent that you always use:
- Wash or at least wipe the glass.
- Wipe the frames.
- Clean the joints and joints.
- Clean the accessories well - a hard brush or brush is suitable for this.
- Thoroughly wipe off all elements, especially those where there was grease.
- Lubricate the fittings with silicone grease - just a few drops.
- Determine in which position you want to put the trunnions - you can find out by marking exactly the same as you did when determining the current adjustment.
- Place the pin in the desired position.
- Apply the grease again.
- Grease also the hinges.
- Check to see if you have coped with your task with a sheet of paper.
Than to twist?
Before adjusting the windows for winter mode, it is very useful to acquire the necessary tool. It can be:
- hex wrench;
- screwdriver;
- pliers.
Tools are best to buy immediately, as soon as you put the windows, because the need for adjustment can occur at any time.
If the eccentric is "drowned"
Eccentrics do not always stick out. Now it's very fashionable to put them so that they completely hide in the sash. In this case, before turning, they must be pulled outward, and then the desired position is given. After you turn the eccentrics, again drown them. If you have ever worn a mechanical watch, you will easily cope with this task.
Important! Do not forget that the label should be on the side of the street, if you install the fittings for the winter mode, and in the direction of the room, if the summer.
to the contents ↑Some rules for
You have figured out how to set up a double-glazed window for winter mode, but this does not mean that you have to grasp the screwdriver right now, even if the winter is on the nose, and the mark is directed toward the room. Several considerations should be considered:
- You should not change the modes if your windows are in the first year - the double-glazed windows have just been installed. The sealer did not have time to wear out, therefore it is not necessary to expose the accessories once again to mechanical action.
- Change modes should be no more than twice a year, with the winter period lasting less than the summer.
- If the winter is not very frosty, you can leave the double-glazed windows in summer mode. But leave the winter adjustment for the summer is not necessary - the seal worn out faster.
How to adjust the position of the flaps?
Regardless of the mode in which the fittings are located, the flaps must not be skewed. Sometimes you have to correct their position, otherwise - the adjustment of plastic windows on the winter mode will not give a result. Due to skewing or sagging, the sealant very quickly spoils.
You need:
- ruler;
- soft pencil.
Preparation of
All work must be done carefully and effortlessly to avoid damaging the plastic:
- Close the window.
- Circle the flap along the perimeter( you need to draw on the frame).
- Open the window.
- Measure the distances from the lines to the frame opening along the entire perimeter.
Important! The distances should be the same from all sides, the difference should not be more than 7 mm.
Correct the position of the sash vertically
If you think the right edge of the sash is above the left, or vice versa, align it:
- Remove the decorative insert.
- Tighten the screws at the bottom.
Sometimes it is necessary to raise the sash - if the distance from the upper side is greater than the bottom:
- Half-screw out the upper screw.
- Check the position of the casement - if it is higher than it should be, turn the screw a quarter turn, if lower - unscrew, also a quarter.
Adjust horizontally
The screws located on the hinges correspond to the horizontal adjustment. They need to be tweaked:
- Open the window.
- Locate the hole for the hex key.
- Slightly turn the screw until the leaf is in the correct position.
- Check how much the flap enters the frame - you just need to close the window. If the leaf needs to be closer to the loop, rotate it clockwise, if it is moved away - against.
Important! You can move the window horizontally no more than 3 mm in either direction.
to the contents ↑Checking the
setting The plastic window, of course, is not a musical instrument, but it also needs to check the setting, including by ear. How does the perfectly adjusted window behave?
- The doors open and close freely without obstacles.
- The window does not make a sound or creak.
- All screws that determine the position of the leaf are approximately in the same position.
- The seal around the perimeter has approximately the same shape and thickness, returns to its original position easily and without obstacles.
In this article we told you in detail about why you need to customize your frames, when you need to do it and how to put windows into winter mode. Use this information so that your home is always warm and cozy, even in the harshest cold.