- What is a florarium?
- We choose a place for a mini garden
- We buy plants for a florarium
- We choose a container for a small house greenhouse
- Soil for flowers
- How to place flowers in a can?
- Rules for planting plants:
- Rules for care of a mini garden
Flowers in the house are fashionable, beautiful and useful. And it is thanks to the presence of vegetation in the house, the interior "comes to life", it is more pleasant and comfortable. Growing flowers in pots is an interesting decision, but if you want to diversify your interior with a creative solution, then you can create a florarium of glass with your own hands. What is it and how to create it? Today we will tell you!
to the contents ↑What is a florarium?
Did you notice that in your apartment in the winter dry air, little lighting and cold on the windowsill, and also not enough time to take care of the plants? But, at the same time, you want to have a tropical garden at home! Then the florarium, or a plant terrarium, as it is also called, is the perfect way for you. In fact, it is a small greenhouse at home. Its essence lies in the fact that in a transparent container of plastic or glass plants grow. In this capacity, you can create an exotic garden in the least amount of time.
Florarium is a small type of greenhouse into which live plants are planted. For this purpose, glass containers of various shapes and sizes are used. Often in such a greenhouse, combine several types of flowers and other various various decorative ornaments. It can be stones, rhinestones, beads, cartoon figures and many other things that your fantasy will desire. In this regard, you can create any composition that will be the highlight of your interior.
Important! For the first time florariums appeared in the 19th century. At that time they served as decoration for salons and shops. This is due to the fact that the clay pots and containers were not as aesthetically beautiful as glass containers with live flowers inside.
The main feature of florariums is that you create this creation with your own hands and a unique ecosystem is formed inside. Due to the fact that it can grow tropical plants, which do not take root in our climate. This is ensured by a constant increase in air humidity.
Important! Care for the florarium does not require special knowledge and skills, as in most cases plants create their own climate on their own. They accumulate moisture and prevent the spread of weeds.
Features of creating a florarium
You can create a mini garden in glass with your own hands, and it's quite easy. However, you need to know a lot of nuances that are related to growing flowers. For example, the peculiarity of the choice of capacity for this purpose, which plants are suitable for the greenhouse in the bottle. Below we will consider the most important nuances that must be considered when creating tropical gardens in a small container.
to the contents ↑Choose a place for the mini garden
Depending on the capacity you choose for the greenhouse and what flowers it will grow, the "housing" of your aquarium will be located. So, for example:
- You can not put a huge capacity on the windowsill, so you should choose a place with penumbra. However, when choosing a large capacity for this purpose, you can plant quite large plants in it.
- If you decide to grow succulents, then you should choose the most illuminated location of the mini-garden.
Important! Another important nuance is the combination with the basic design of the room. It is best to put greenhouses on the foreground, as they attract attention and not only the upper part of the plants, but also the filling of the entire container.
It is recommended to put greenhouses in the bottle in the center of the table so that you can view all the "inhabitants" of the container from different angles.
to the contents ↑We purchase plants for the florarium
Before you make a florarium in a pot with your own hands, you need to choose plants. However, this has its own nuances. Let's take a closer look at some tips for flowers in the bank.
Tips for selecting plants:
- All living plants that you plan to plant in a glass container must be resistant to high humidity.
- Pay attention to the fact that plants can not be high. That is, you should give preference to stunted flowers.
- In a glass container, plants grow very slowly.
- All the flowers that you plan to plant in a transparent greenhouse should be combined with each other and be partners.
Important! The flowering of plants in such greenhouses is not recommended, since after wilting the buds, they can start to rot, which is unacceptable for a mini-garden in a bottle.
The most suitable plants for the florarium:
- maranti;
- croton;
- fitton;
- fern;
- Selaginella;
- cereal ayr;
- diffenbachia;
- kalatei;
- alocases;
- peperomy;
- cryptantus;
- Tillandsia and some others.
Important! According to personal preferences, you can grow flowering plants in florariums. However, it is worth taking care of ventilation, so that humidity decreases. Thus, you reduce the risk of decay of faded buds.
A bit about cacti
If you are very fond of cacti, then you should give preference to tropical varieties, as they are able to grow at a high temperature and the same humidity. Ordinary species of this plant, growing at us on a window, will not get accustomed to glass containers. If you do not have tropical species, but you want to grow thorny plants in a jar, then give preference to succulents. They have a similarity to cacti and are very popular among fans of growing plants in banks.
Important! Quite often in a florarium of glass, moss is used, which is sold specifically for these purposes. It serves more decor than a flower. In addition, it retains a sufficiently large amount of moisture inside the glass container.
Separately about orchids
If you like orchids, then you can also grow them in a florarium, but when choosing a glass container it is worth considering that it should be equipped with a barometer, heating and a fan. Therefore, when deciding how to make a florarium of glass for an orchid, it is worth paying more attention than other plants.
to the contents ↑Choose a container for your home small greenhouse
You can make a fllorarium in a can with your own hands in absolutely any capacity, whether glass or plastic. The main thing is that when filling with sand and other similar elements, the container will withstand the load and not crack or burst. If you have a desire to create a geometric form of a terrarium for flowers, then it is recommended that you plant flowers in a special chemical flask or a bottle of another interesting shape.
Important! Florariums made from bottles made with their own hands are very popular, as they do not require a lot of effort. However, there are other forms of creating a terrarium for flowers.
Varieties of florariums:
- Miniature capacity - planting of small plants in glasses, glasses or the like.
- Wall Flower Terrarium. To do this, a container is purchased, which has a special hook for hanging on the wall.
- Aquarium florarium. From the name it is clear that this is a kind of container that should be used for fish, but it was used for growing flowers. Suitable for large flowers and installed in the shady corner of the room.
- Closed type of florarium. It occurs quite rarely, a pallet with soil is installed in it.
Important! We do not recommend the use of a closed type florarium. If you still prefer this capacity, do not forget to periodically remove the lid, as plants need a fresh airflow.
to content ↑Soil for colors
If you already have a fllorarium in the bank with your own hands, then you have the question of what kind of soil to choose for a given capacity. We advise you to give preference to loose soil, which has a standard acidity. That is why it is best to contact a floristic store and buy a mixture intended for fern plants.
Important! However, depending on the planted flowers, it is worth considering their preferences. So, if you grow selaginella, then do not allow limescale impurities in the soil.
Another important nuance when growing a flower in a closed container is that the soil does not need to be fertilized. This is due to the fact that if the earth is saturated with various minerals, there is active growth. It can ruin the whole look of your composition. All soil must be light enough. This will not lead to decay of the root system.
Important! It is possible to prepare soil for the florarium itself. For this purpose, you need to mix perlite, peat and vermiculite in equal proportions. In addition, you can add one tablespoon of dolomite flour. For succulents and cacti, an admixture of sand and gravel is possible in a small proportion.
to the table of contents ↑How to place flowers in a can?
When creating a mini garden in the glass with your own hands, you need to consider how you will stand the capacity after planting all the plants:
- If, on the one hand, it will contact the wall, then it is necessary to arrange all the plants so that the composition is attractive only from above andfrom the front. To do this, higher plants should be at the end of the tank, moss in the foreground.
- It is best to plant flowers in the center and from it to move in all directions in a circle. This is due to the fact that the florarium will need to rotate around its axis in relation to the light source. In this case, you will ensure uniform growth and direction of all colors that are present in the bank.
- If you decide to have an aquarium-type florarium, then you can plant plants there directly in small pots.
Important! If you are going to plant plants in a large enough capacity, you need to create a special drainage layer, which is mixed with the extract in a ratio of one to three.
to the table of contents ↑Planting rules:
- The flower containers must be thoroughly washed and dried beforehand.
- Do not try to plant all the plants in one go. Observe the distance and wait for one plant to settle down. Only then proceed to another.
- When choosing plants, it is worth considering the fact that they should have the same need for moisture, light and soil.
Rules for care of the mini garden
If you have already made a florarium of glass with your own hands, then you need to know how to care for the plants that grow in the tank. All living flowers do not actually require care. This is due to the fact that they can themselves provide moisture. However, it is worth sticking to some nuances when taking care of the terrarium for flowers.
Tips for caring for the florarium:
- For the florarium must be a sufficiently large amount of light. However, direct rays should not fall on plants, as they can leave burns on their surfaces. If you grow tropical plants, then you can put the tank in a shady room.
- You can install artificial light sources near the florarium.
- The moisture should suffice from the plants themselves, which create a microclimate inside the bottle. However, if you notice that the soil has become completely dry, you can to a small extent water the plants or sprinkle with a spray.
- Fertilize plants that grow in a closed container, not worth it.
- Soil is recommended to be changed once every two to three years.
We told you how to make a florarium of glass with your own hands. First of all, it is an amazing decoration for your interior. You can look at such plants for a long time and be touched by their beauty. Create an artificial mini garden to get the most aesthetic pleasure every day!