What can not be done in front of a mirror?

  • How does the mirror affect people?
  • What can not be done in front of a mirror?
  • Interesting signs:

Paranormal, and sometimes even mystical, frightening properties of mirrors are known to people for a long time. The depth of the mirror constantly attracts admirers of mysticism and abnormal phenomena. Even the famous alchemist Paracelsus used mirrors for his experiments, and in the 19th century scientists reflected on the properties of the subject. In the opinion of the learned men, the mirror is able not only to reflect objects, people, but also to absorb their energy. Regardless of whether you believe in the energy properties and mystical world of this amazing subject or not, we hope you will be interested to know what can not be done in front of a mirror, because you need to be careful with it so as not to attract negative things to you by accidental manipulations.

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How does the mirror affect people?

In many peoples with a mirror associated with various rites, signs, and in the eastern culture - a mystical object, the treasure of the gods.

Important! Mirrors use shamans to summon spirits. In addition, this mystical subject helped our ancestors on certain days to communicate with deceased relatives.

To understand what can not be done in front of a mirror and why, it is necessary to understand what this mystical object is capable of. Consider the basic energy properties of mirrors:

  • The mirror has never been a symbol of positive or negative, it all depends on who is in it. Even ordinary household mirrors can carry a plume of energy owners.
  • The mirror surface always captures all the events that occur. Especially clearly the reflector remembers negative events: fights, physical violence or murder. Death, which occurred nearby, especially negatively affects the energy of the object.
  • Mirrors can capture the soul of a deceased person. According to religion, the soul of the deceased for a while, is close to the living people, while looking for a way into the other world. But if the mirrors in the deceased's room are not covered, then the soul can get lost and from despair remain in the reflector. If the soul does not find rest, then it will begin to take revenge on those who live. That's where the belief about the "damned mirrors" with pernicious energy started.
  • Mirrors with their energy can affect human health. If you are smiling at the mirror-like surface, then the reflector smiles back at you, at times enhancing the good mood. If you come to the reflector with a bad mood and a frown, the energy of the object can further worsen your state of health. This principle is based on many esoteric practices that can correctly apply the power of the mirror to human health.
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What can not be done in front of a mirror?

Since the mirror is the thing that we constantly use, it is necessary to understand some rules of correct behavior before this mystical object.

Rule number 1.Speak in front of the mirror only the positive words

To put positive energy into the subject, always pronounce before the reflector only good words and positive settings. You can not cry in front of a mirror and abuse your appearance. All negative words will be projected into life, and a bad mood will constantly return to the person.

Important! Do not forget that bad words and negative energy only harm your health.

In order not to attract illnesses, quarrels, poverty and negativity, talk only about good things, for example:

  • What you are beautiful.
  • Healthy.
  • Happy.
  • How everything is fine in your life.
  • You are loved and loved.
  • What wonderful children you have.
  • How many happy moments you have experienced with your loved one.

Words that can not be pronounced in front of the reflector:

  • Disease and pain.
  • Horror. This word is able to draw negativity into the family.
  • Stupidity. There may be problems with memory and mental state.
  • Sadness.
  • Unhappiness.
  • Loneliness and uselessness. Do not talk about their problems in their personal life mirror, it certainly is not a friendly interlocutor.
  • Poverty. This installation can not be given, otherwise - for some unknown reason, money will start to disappear somewhere.
  • Suffering.

Important! Not only listed, but also other negative settings, in no case, can not be pronounced before the reflector. Approach the mirror only in a positive mood and speak in reflection all the best. Praise yourself and imagine that everything is fine with you. The reflector will absorb positive emotions and give you positive in a double size. In addition, a positively charged mirror will become an amulet for all members of the family.

Rule number 2.Do not look in the mirror at night

After dark it is impossible to look in the reflector - this is one of the most important rules. It is believed that twilight and darkness turn a mirror into a special portal that connects us with the other world.

This rule exists for many peoples and beliefs. Especially dangerous is the time between midnight and 3 o'clock in the morning. They say that at this time in the mirror you can see the devil. For the same reason, this period of time is called the "devil's hour".

Important! Following the belief, if a person looks at the reflector in the dark, the otherworldly spirits will be fueled by his energy and vitality.

Rule number 3.Do not eat in front of the

mirror. The older generation has repeatedly told us that you can not eat in front of a mirror.

Important! With the older generation, scientists agree. They argue that in this case the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are inhibited and the juices are not sufficiently active, and this all leads to illnesses. As a result, not only brain activity, but also the appearance of a person suffers.

Here are just a few caveats by which our ancestors believed that there is no front of the reflector:

  • Taking food in front of a mirror, a person "eats" his happiness and memory.
  • If a woman eats a reflector in front of the reflector, then she, along with the food, "eats" her beauty.
  • The health and beauty of the chewer in front of the mirror fall into the other world.

Important! Do not eat food in front of the TV, because, the effect is the same as before the reflector. Digestion worsens, food is poorly absorbed by the body.

Rule number 4.Do not give and do not take as a gift a mirror

With the help of mirrors you can cause harm to a person. Mages and black sorcerers very often do various negative manipulations with a mirror, and then hand this "gift" to their victim. That is why the people accept such a gift with caution and fear.

Do not give a reflector to anyone and do not take it yourself as a gift. If you can not avoid and refuse the gift, then use the following ways to clean the mirror from the negative:

  • Wash the object with running water and wipe it thoroughly.
  • Put the gift in a box and fill it with salt. Leave the mirror with salt for three days. During this time, salt will take away all the negative. Salt discard, rinse the mirror with running water.

Only after such manipulations can you use a reflector.

Rule number 5.Do not show the baby's mirror

Babies do not have a formed biofield, and the baby's soul is very vulnerable, so do not show the child to the reflector so that the mirror does not pull all of its energy.

Important! It is not recommended to place the reflectors in the child's room until it turns 5 years old. Consequences of the impact of the mirror surface can be the following: sudden tantrums, bad mood and sleep, deterioration of the child's health.

Rule number 6.Do not look in public mirrors

There is such a belief that mirrors in public places collect the negative of a large number of people, thereby, they can harm your aura.

Important! It is not recommended to look in the mirror together, as the smooth surface can reflect not only real events, but also hidden ones. A person can see the hidden thoughts of a partner in reflection. It is after such manipulation that many couples quarrel for no apparent reason.

It is especially dangerous to look in the same mirror with a stranger. There are several reasons for this:

  • The evil eye. Even accidentally, in passing, an outsider can inflict a powerful energy blow, because the reflector, like a magnifying glass, projects all negative emotions, for example, envy.
  • Loss of health, beauty and happiness. An outsider can take care of everything that you are so proud of.

Rule number 7.Do not put the bed in front of the mirror.

. If the bed has nowhere to put, except against the mirror or mirror surface of the cabinet, cover the reflectors during sleep, especially those that reflect the bed:

  • First, sleep in front of the mirror causes nightmares.
  • Secondly - at night the mirror smooth surface turns into a portal between the living and otherworldly world.

Rule number 8.Do not be photographed in the mirror

The fashion trend - "selfie" opposite the mirror, can adversely affect human health. And that's why. In the design of the camera is its mirror device. By placing the two mirrors opposite each other, we create a corridor through which evil spirits can penetrate and adversely affect human energy and health.

Rule number 9.Do not hang the mirror in front of the

entrance. The mirror-glass should not reflect the front door. Through the door come different people, not always positive. In addition, the intentions of people may not always be positive, like the mood.

Important! Mirror accumulates their energy and mood, and then transfers this energy to the household.

Rule number 10.Do not look in the mirror often

In the mirror smoothness can only look for its intended purpose and in a good mood. This informative field should be fueled only by positive emotions and the information you need. It is best to exchange positive emotions with a mirror after a successful meeting, and before leaving - smile at your reflection and all day will be successful.

Important! According to popular beliefs, in the mirror one can not often look pregnant women, otherwise - the birth will be heavy, and children, as it is possible to frighten away and jinx your luck.

Rule No. 11.Do not use someone else's mirrors

Even if the mirror belongs to a close friend or friend, do not look at it. You do not know with what mood and attitudes the person peered into his reflection.

Important! To protect yourself from negativity, never buy an antique mirror from your hands. Every time you peer into your reflection, you will be transferred to the emotions and aura of the former owners.

To remove the negative energy from the old mirror, wipe it once a week with holy or spring water. After - remove the remaining negative lighted candle. You can put a mirror in the sun to protect yourself from the negative.

Rule number 12.Do not look into the broken or cracked

mirror. If the mirror itself is neither a positive nor a negative object, since it gives away what it receives, it is an absolutely negative object. That's why from what can not be done in front of a mirror - look at it if it has cracked, and even more so - it broke.

There are many reasons for this:

  • A person in a broken mirror sees the reflection in parts. The same happens with energy. The biofield breaks or gives cracks. All this leads to a deterioration in health and well-being.
  • Smashing, the object gives space all the accumulated negative energy, and the one who looks at it, takes the whole blow to itself.

Important! The broken mirror must be discarded immediately, wrapped in a dark cloth, otherwise - it will long fill the room with the accumulated negative. You can not touch a broken mirror with your bare hands. Put on gloves or collect shards with a handkerchief.

If, for some reason, nothing is at hand, then after you throw the shards with your hands, rinse thoroughly hands with running water. The place where the fragments lay was wipe with a rag and sprinkle with holy water.

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Interesting signs:

  • It is believed that the larger the size of the mirror, the greater and stronger its positive energy. Particularly strong are round mirrors. Consider this nuance when buying products for home and interior.
  • From the evil eye, take with you to the crowded places a small round mirror. Turn it with the reflecting side away from yourself and put it in the pocket.

Mirrors remain mystical and mysterious for us. Many people with a sensitive biofield perceive their impact, and many do not experience such influence. But even if you do not believe in mysticism and are very confident in yourself, do not take risks, since with such mysterious objects jokes are bad.