How to clean stainless steel pots at home?

  • Features of stainless steel utensils
  • How to clean stainless steel?
  • Method 1
  • Method 2
  • Method 3
  • Method 4
  • Method 5
  • Method 6
  • Method 7
  • Useful advices:

Without any doubt, the most practical, comfortable, durable, and at the same time beautiful kitchen utensils, is a dish made ofof stainless steel.

Over time, your dishes lose their attractive appearance, the shelf life of their products is shortened. That's why you always need timely, high-quality, and most importantly - painless for your dishes, clean from contamination, and as long as possible to preserve its properties. In this article we will look at how to clean a stainless steel pan at home.

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Features of stainless steel utensils

Convenient, easy to maintain and store, and the food cooked in it is very tasty and useful - all this is about stainless steel cookware. Thanks to special additives, stainless steel is very resistant to external influences. Radiation, corrosive processes, temperature - all these factors negatively affect steel. The oxide film, which is the main protective element of stainless steel, is constantly updated at the molecular level.

But if your dishes are contaminated in the form of grease, scale, oil, then the upgrade process slows down. Therefore, we must find a timely solution to the problem, how to clean the pans from stainless steel at home.

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Than to clean stainless steel?

To understand how to clean a stainless steel at home, you need to determine the degree of contamination of the pan. Choose the most suitable cleaning agent after a thorough inspection of your kitchen utensils, and with the observance of simple rules and our tips, you will achieve the desired result.

Specialists recommend such agents for the surface restoration of this metal:

  • Citric acid.
  • Activated carbon.
  • Detergent.
  • Special tools.
  • PVA glue and laundry soap.
  • Soda.
  • Vinegar.

Consider now how to use each of these tools to clean the stainless steel pots at home.

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Method 1

This option is good because it will also wash off the lime deposits:

  1. Boil the water according to the level of coke in the pan.
  2. Add 2-3 tablespoons of citric acid( depending on the complexity of the deposit).
  3. Boil for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Then carry out the usual procedure for washing the pan.
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Method 2

If you have something hurts, you take a first aid kit and save yourself with the necessary medications. So in this case too - you burned a pot? Do you know how to clean a stainless steel pan at home? This is a headache and it will be saved by a tablet not only for you, but for your bowl:

  1. Take the activated carbon pack.
  2. Break into powder and apply to a dirty surface.
  3. With light movements rub into the spot.
  4. Then fill with warm water and stand for 25-30 minutes.
  5. In the end, finish the procedure by washing the pot with detergents.

This method will easily remove all contaminated sites.

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Method 3

Very well suitable for the prevention of detergent for glasses. It will remove all greasy fingerprints, drops of oil and dust. Evenly apply detergent to the dishes, and wipe with a microfibre cloth. Rinse with warm water.

Important! Please note that the product for glasses includes various substances harmful to human health. When used for the recommended use, they do not cause any particular damage. But if they get inside your body from the pan after cleaning it, the consequences can be far from comforting. Therefore, rinse the surface very carefully, several times after such cleaning.

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Method 4

Our modern market is saturated with all possible means of cleaning scales, carbon deposits, and various fatty contaminants. And they are coping well with the tasks assigned to them."Amway", "Shumanit", "Sanitol" - the choice is great.

So than it is better to clean a stainless steel saucepan at home. In this case, you have a choice of price / quality and our tips:

  1. Well warm up the product.
  2. Then apply the product to the soiled portion of the pan.
  3. Wait for 15-20 minutes.
  4. With a soft sponge, flush off the surface of the pan and rinse well.
  5. Wipe clean with a dry towel.

Important! If any of the above tools or their analogs you will use on this principle, you do not have to work long hours to clean the pans from stainless steel.

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Method 5

This old Soviet recipe is remembered by many. He fights well with the stale nagar and fat:

  1. Take 5 liters of boiled water and add ⅓ of soap scraped into the shavings.
  2. Then add 1 tablespoon of PVA glue.
  3. In the resulting mixture, boil your pan for 30-40 minutes.
  4. With the help of a sponge, the sticky plaque easily disappears.

And again you will see your reflection on the pan.

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Method 6

Baking soda is a panacea for all kinds of ailments of our kitchen utensils. This miracle means you can clean the pan from the stainless steel inside and outside of the deposit:

  1. With a slight contamination, you must gently wipe the dirty places.
  2. If everything is a little more complicated, then you need to boil the pot in a deep container with 1 glass of soda.

Important! On washing one unit of kitchen utensils leaves more than half a glass of baking soda. For economy and convenience of use, it can be diluted with water to a mushy condition.

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Method 7

Very simple method, but requires a lot of vinegar:

  1. Pour your stainless steel saucepan with a 9% vinegar solution.
  2. Leave for 3-4 hours to soak.
  3. Then carry out the usual washing procedure.

Important! Contraindicated to clean a stainless steel saucepan with table salt. Salt provokes a darkening of the metal, and eventually leads to corrosion.

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Useful advices:

  1. You can brighten your kitchen utensils by wiping it with a piece of raw potatoes.
  2. Remove water spots by dipping the saucepan in vinegar for 10-20 minutes.
  3. It is necessary to fight stubborn stains with a mixture of tooth powder and ammonia. Mix the component 1: 1, put on a napkin and carefully wipe the surface of the pan. Then rinse with warm water.

Do not neglect the rules of care for your kitchen utensils, and in particular for the dazzlingly beautiful stainless steel appliances. Pay a minimum of attention every day, and they will always please you with their appearance and longevity.