Which hair straightener is better to buy to tame naughty curls

It would seem that every girl dreams of luxurious curls. To do this, you have to wind hair curlers( even if soft) or indefinitely curl them with a curling rod. Then you involuntarily envy those who have naturally curly hair. However, almost all owners of curly hair are dreaming to straighten their hair.

Modern technologies have come to the aid of such "sufferers".Special rectifiers( often called ironing) have been created, which allow you to lay any even the most disobedient curls in a beautiful and fashionable hairstyle. In this article, we'll tell you what kind of hair straighteners to buy.

Where to start

When choosing a hair straightener, you should pay attention to the presence of a thermostat. It is this function that will allow to set the optimum temperature for each type of hair, which means that the iron does not dry the hair. With excessive heating, they become dehydrated, because the action of the rectifier is based on the release of hair from the excess moisture contained in the hair. That is why it is necessary to adjust the temperature of the device with the help of a thermostat, having found the optimum mode for itself.

The temperature range can range from 100 to 230 degrees. For thin, brittle and weak hair, the minimum temperature is set. For stiffer and thicker, as well as curly hair, naturally, maximum heating is required. As a rule, a temperature switch with three levels is set on the device: minimum, medium and maximum.

It is much more convenient to use such a hair iron, where there is a regulator, gradually increasing or lowering the temperature by a certain degree. Since the speed of heating the plates is fast enough - from 10 to 30 seconds, you will not have to wait long. In this case, the iron has a small display showing the selected temperature.

Metal or ceramic

When choosing a hair straightener, special care must be taken to cover the plates themselves. At the first stylers in history, the plates were covered with metal as the best conductor of heat. But because of uneven heating, they constantly dried their hair and even burned them. Therefore, you could use this device 1-2 times a month. In addition, there was always the danger of burning yourself when putting the hair on your own.

Later, rectifiers with ceramic plates appeared. This coating practically does not damage the hair, but due to uniform heating and optimum temperature, leaves them shiny and silky. Iron with a ceramic coating easily slips through the hair, and in terms of personal safety can not do any harm.

Such a device is much more expensive than having a metal surface, but it makes it possible to use it twice a week without harm to the hair. In this case, experts recommend wiping the plates immediately after each application with wet wipes or alcohol-containing tonic, otherwise all the remnants left on the surface will wither, making it rough, and later on, this will destroy the hair.

Recently, more and more popular ironing with tourmaline, Teflon or titanium coating. These devices are already of a higher class, and they are used in professional packing, so it is rather difficult to find them on a free sale.

Tourmaline plates, when heated, release negative ions that neutralize static electricity, which occurs when repeated ironing through the hair. And there is an ionization process that restores the water balance of the hair. Teflon coating has the same advantage as frying pans: neither heat-shielding, nor styling products adhere to it. Titanium's same coating adds even the most dull shine hair, giving a well-groomed look.

The dimension has the value

When choosing a rectifier, you must pay attention to the size of the coating. Actually for straightening curly and naughty, and also long hair it is more convenient to use wide plates, and then it will be possible to grasp a thicker strand of hair. In this case, the width can vary from 40 to 80 mm. But with such a device it will be impossible to curl the hair.

If you intend to use an iron not only for straightening, but also for curling, then it is better to buy a hair straightener with medium-sized plates - 23-25 ​​mm. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the plates are rounded at the edge. If there is no rounding, the strand can not be twisted. There are rectifiers and with narrow plates - up to 10 mm, and they are used mainly for styling short hair and twirling bangs. But practice shows that for waving such hair it is more convenient to use all the same traditional plojka.

Which hair straightener is better

Everyone can answer this question, what is called, feeling the difference. And yet there are already some recommendations given by professionals in the field of styling and ordinary consumers.

First and foremost, you need to decide for yourself exactly how often and for what purpose you will use this device. If not more than once a month, so to speak, for great holidays, then you can afford and inexpensive styler firms "Scarlettt" or "Vitek".They are quite cheap, because basically these rectifiers are manufactured with metal plates.

The rectifiers of the companies "Roventa", "Remington", "Filipps", "Braun" with ceramic coating of plates are considered to be the most widespread now. Each of the firms offers its "chip".This can be ionization, and thermoregulation, and even steam treatment. Of course, each of the customers will choose their design, color, weight. Someone is important to have different attachments, for someone it's just necessary that the wire rotates around its axis, and someone will choose the ironing along with the bag for storage and transportation.

And then - someone as lucky. There were cases when devices of seemingly well-established firms broke down a month after use. A completely unpretentious styler of an untapped company served as faith and truth for many years. Moreover, all modern devices are not designed for repair. If it's broken, it's easier to throw it away and buy another, more modern one.

To date, the best hair straightener is the professional styler of the Italian company "GaMa".This company produces machines with both ceramic and tourmaline coating. Of course, such devices are much more expensive, but, according to customers, hair after their use look like after laying in the most expensive salon. Perhaps that's why it's worth to buy an ironer more expensive, because for several times of its use you will not only pay for its cost, but also considerably save the time that you usually spend to visit the hairdresser.

So, of course, you can ask advice from professionals, read reviews on various sites, listen to the opinions of your friends, but decide which hair straightener to use better, you will have to.

The beauty or health of the hair

It is this dilemma that will have to be solved when you purchase a hair straightener. Although the stylers of the new generation should protect the hair from thermal exposure, it is still not absolute. All experts agree that the hair straightening procedure can not be recognized, so it is better not to abuse it. To prevent the negative effects of high temperature, you need to use special cosmetics marked "for hot styling."These can be gels, mousses or liquids containing substances that begin to activate during heating and neutralize the harmful effects of high temperatures on the hair.

If the hair has already lost its healthy appearance, become brittle, began to be cut at the ends, then it is necessary to stop using the iron for a while and to restore the hair to the hair with the help of masks or healing and restoring shampoos. After all, everyone knows that beautiful hair is primarily healthy hair! So let the styler become for you not an enemy, but a best friend in creating a unique image!