✒ How to number pages in Word: useful instructions for beginners

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Having studied the instructions for numbering, you will no longer need to think about the possibilities of Word.
Having studied the instructions for numbering, you will no longer need to think about the possibilities of Word.


  • 1 How to set up automatic pagination in Word
  • 2 Using advanced options to customize pages
  • 3 Setting sheet number through express blocks
  • 4 How to connect additional properties with page numbers in Word
  • 5 Set page numbers in Word-online
  • 6 Changing page numbers depending on the year of issue
  • 7 How to number pages in Word 2016
  • 8 Remove pagination rules in Word Office

How to set up automatic pagination in Word

In order not to manually put down the numbers of all pages that appear in Microsoft Word during work, you can provide an automatic method. However, there are several options to implement such an arrangement of numbers. Each user will be able to choose the most convenient one for himself.

  1. The standard way is carried out through the "Insert" tab. Here you can also select the location and orientation of the serial number.
  2. Numbering using Roman numerals or Latin letters is also allowed.
  3. Installation of numbers on sheets from the second or even from the third page is allowed.

Please note that a preliminary division of the already finished document into sections is required. Do not enumerate in an empty file.

Multivolume publications often use English characters
Multivolume publications often use English characters

Using advanced options to customize pages

In most cases, before submitting the text, it is necessary that the document typed in Word conforms to some standard and design. This rule applies not only to the text as a whole, but also separately affects the design of the page numbering. To do this, you have to delve into the secondary parameters of the application.

In footers, you can add lists of enumerations of interesting facts
In footers, you can add lists of enumerations of interesting facts

Numbering from the second page: customization features

To implement this instruction in practice, you will have to use such a block as "Headers and Footers". To activate them, you need to double-click on the very bottom edge of the page. Next, we proceed step by step according to the proposed algorithm.

  1. We get to the "Constructor" tab, in which we find the "Parameters" block.
  2. Check the box next to the "Special header and footer for the first page" entry.
  3. All that remains is to select the appropriate type of settings for a specific object in the document.
  4. We put any value (or gaps) and choose a location, then just click on a blank sheet or text.
  5. The program will automatically put a serial number starting from the second page.

If necessary, you can mark different headers and footers for odd and even pages. However, this approach is more suitable for text design.

The current page number can be found at the bottom of the document.
The current page number can be found at the bottom of the document.

How to put page numbers from a specific sheet

Often, if documents consist of several sections, they are individually numbered. To somehow combine them, you need to act according to the proposed instructions.

  1. First of all, we compare both documents and determine which page each of them should start from.
  2. We activate the "Constructor" tab, go to the "Headers and Footers" block. We select "Page numbers".
  3. Next, click on the "Format of page numbers". We put a marker in front of the item "Start with" and set the number or designation that is required in a particular section.
The format of the pages helps to adapt them to the type of text
The format of the pages helps to adapt them to the type of text

When using this method, it is possible to perform difficult page pagination, since it is possible to use a very large range between pages. This allows the user to combine several large sections into one document.

We put down even and odd pages in Word

Collaborative document preparation is a very popular practice. Someone is filling out the even sheets, someone is filling out the odd ones. Therefore, there is a need to put down the numbers separately. Let's see how it looks in a text editor.

  1. Activate the "Constructor" again and check the box next to the entry "Different headers and footers for even and odd pages".
  2. We put down the first numbers manually. For example, even ones will be displayed at the top, and odd ones at the bottom.
  3. Also, the names of documents and their authorship (respectively, below and above) can alternate.
Tables in a document can warp the display of pages
Tables in a document can warp the display of pages

If you re-edit the pages, you will need to open the header and footer menu again. In order not to accidentally violate the parameters, immediately after completing the manipulations, it is recommended to close the corresponding window.


In addition to pages, a chapter number can also be placed at the bottom of the document.

Learning Word from a New Side: Pagination Rules in Documents

Page numbers in Word by type "X" from "Y"

This method is suitable only if you need to specify the current page from all available in the document. This is done according to the algorithm below.

  1. We go into the "Headers and Footers" mode, open the "Page Numbers" tool. We choose the location "Top of the page".
  2. Scroll down the opened block and see the design format "Page X from Y".
  3. In this menu, click on any suitable block. After that, be sure to click "Close the window of headers and footers".
Sometimes graphics and thematic symbols are inserted into headers and footers
Sometimes graphics and thematic symbols are inserted into headers and footers

Some pages can be highlighted to mark a specific section
Some pages can be highlighted to mark a specific section

In the reporting documentation, you must put the number and the name of the page
In the reporting documentation, you must put the number and the name of the page

Numbering sheets for different sections

Large documents often require pagination for each section separately. In other words, each new chapter must start over from the first page. There is a separate instruction for this:

  1. Open the "Home" tab, here click on the "Show All Symbols" tool.
  2. Find and open the Layout tab, select the Breaks tool, and click Next Page.
  3. We open the first page of "Section 2". We make a double click to activate the "Headers and Footers". The entry "Same as previous" appears here.
  4. This component must be excluded. To do this, you need to go to the toolbar and click "As in the previous section".
The table of contents can exist without designating headers and footers, since it automatically generates pages
The table of contents can exist without designating headers and footers, since it automatically generates pages

Customization of headers and footers can be done in online versions
Customization of headers and footers can be done in online versions

When downloading a created document with pagination, the pages may not display correctly
When downloading a created document with pagination, the pages may not display correctly

Pagination can be found through " Search"
Pagination can be found through "Search"

Now you can start standard numbering setup for the next section, while choosing a different type of formatting.

Setting numbering position and appearance

Often, appearance plays a decisive role in the design of the bottom of the document page in Word. To change the format from a standard to a more designer one that creates an accent, you need to go back to the "Headers and Footers".

Changes to headers and footers are done in a few clicks
Changes to headers and footers are done in a few clicks

Next, open the "Page numbers", where we determine the location. In the same menu, you can find a way to set a number on a sheet, as well as some kind of design. For such purposes, curly tools, highlighting with color or lines can be used.

Setting sheet number through express blocks

With the help of express blocks, you can number pages not with numbers, but with any data that the document properties have. To use them, you need to perform a number of actions in an open Word document.

  1. We activate the "Headers and Footers" block by double clicking on the bottom of the page
  2. Go to the "Insert" tab, find the "Text" block, where we activate the "Express Blocks".
  3. In the list that appears, select "Document Properties".
  4. The following list defines how the pages will be displayed.
  5. Fill the displayed block in the way the format of which is selected. For example, we indicate the date or authorship.
Express blocks can be filled with your own data
Express blocks can be filled with your own data

If necessary, you can specify a sequence number next to the record directly in the block.

How to connect additional properties with page numbers in Word

In addition to the main number, it is allowed to use secondary elements on the page, with which you can refine the pagination. For this you need:

  1. Open "Headers and Footers", then go to the "Page Numbers" item.
  2. Go to the "Format of page numbers".
  3. Select the type of number display that allows the use of heading styles, as well as the use of additional characters.
Additional characters can be used on the first page
Additional characters can be used on the first page

You can download symbol packs and use them for numbering
You can download symbol packs and use them for numbering

If you need to embed a title in pagination, you should change its style to a valid phrase or word. Thus, in extended numbering, not only numbers can be used, but also some keywords from the text.

Set page numbers in Word-online

The online version of a text editor is very similar to a system application. However, before making the page numbering in html format, you should familiarize yourself with the interface in more detail.

Word-online supports exactly the same features as the desktop version. Differences only in the interface
Word-online supports exactly the same features as the desktop version. Differences only in the interface

In an Internet document, the numbering is applied in the same way as in the most recent version of a text editor on a computer. As for documents in cloud storage, this is done through the "Insert" tab, then "Page numbers".

In the version of the Internet document, it is allowed to add downloaded colored characters to the pages
In the version of the Internet document, it is allowed to add downloaded colored characters to the pages

Any serial number is indicated here. In the future, its numbering occurs automatically. It is displayed as bookmarks for each page on the right.


If you check the box next to "Add number of pages", then the document will display both the total number of sheets and the number of the current page.

Learning Word from a New Side: Pagination Rules in Documents

Changing page numbers depending on the year of issue

Each version of Microsoft Word has a different design and interface layout, so each has its own instructions. For all the features of these manuals, see this video.

How to number pages in Word 2016

Files created in an editor developed in 2016 are supposed to set page numbers in a simple way. For detailed information, we recommend that you study the instructions with the photo.

  1. Open the "Insert" tab, then move to the "Headers and Footers" block, click on the "Footer".
  2. Select the appropriate style and click on it with the mouse.
  3. Now a layout with page numbers and the ability to set the publication date is attached to each page of the document.
Automatic pagination remains available in all versions
Automatic pagination remains available in all versions

Calendars that are formatted in Word can also be paged
Calendars that are formatted in Word can also be paged

 Word-online in Yandex is different from what is provided in Google
Word-online in Yandex is different from what is provided in Google

The user only has to save this document and, if necessary, print the pages in this design.

Remove pagination rules in Word Office

Deactivation of all possible pages of the file is done in a few simple steps. It is enough to double-click on the page number on any sheet and call the "Headers and Footers" block. All that remains is to navigate to the Page Numbers tool, then click Remove Page Numbers.

In case the numbers were created with special styles, you need to go to the header in which the numbering object is located, and click, in our case, "Delete footer".

With the online versions of the Word of cloud services, you need to get acquainted in detail in advance and, only having figured it out, start creating pagination
With the online versions of the Word of cloud services, you need to get acquainted in detail in advance and, only having figured it out, start creating pagination

Dear users, join the comments under the article, share your experience in using the above instructions. Be sure to ask questions, if any. Our team will be happy to answer them.
