Where does the youngest descendant of Lenin live: brother Dmitry and his family, the fate of other brothers and sisters

More than 150 years have passed since the birth of the leader of the revolution. He did not have children of his own, and only his younger brother Dmitry continued the famous family. How the life of the descendants developed and where they found refuge - we will tell you today in our HouseChief review.

Read in the article

  • 1 Fatal curse
  • 2 Dmitry Ulyanov's long road to fatherhood
    • 2.1 Children of Dmitry Ulyanov
    • 2.2 Grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Dmitry Ilyich
  • 3 Summary

Fatal curse

The elder brother of the future leader of the revolution, Alexander, was a very talented young man and showed great promise from childhood. The teenager read books on chemistry until the morning and even equipped a home laboratory in which he conducted experiments that were unique at that time. Having brilliantly graduated from the gymnasium, he entered the University of St. Petersburg.

Where does the youngest descendant of Lenin live?
PHOTO: ultoday73.ru
Ilya Nikolaevich - the father of the future leader of the revolution

Soon after graduating from university with a gold medal, Alexander embarked on the path of the revolutionary movement. Outwardly restrained, he possessed tremendous charisma and leadership qualities. The young man organized a terrorist faction, for which he was sentenced to death. Despite the petition submitted, the elder brother of the leader was hanged. Thus, the biographies of all brothers and sisters were hopelessly spoiled.

Alexander, sentenced to be hanged at 21
PHOTO: saint-petersburg.sm-news.ru
Alexander, sentenced to be hanged at 21

There were no children in the marriage of Anna's older sister. She brought up her illegitimate son Dmitry and two more boys, one of whom became not only an ardent anti-communist, but also the President of the Republic of China (Taiwan). The woman passed away at the age of 71.

No less tragic fate awaited the middle sister of the future leader. Olga finished school brilliantly and dreamed of becoming a teacher. But the conceived plans were prevented from being realized by the label of the terrorist's relative. The girl decided to take up medicine, but at the age of 19 she passed away, and the cause of death was typhoid fever.

Younger sister of Vladimir Ulyanov OlgaPHOTO: vsi.reactor.cc
Younger sister of Vladimir Ulyanov Olga

Another sister, Maria, did not live to be 60 years old. She did not leave children behind. The family of Lenin himself was also not continued. Could anyone have imagined that only a younger brother would have descendants from a large family?

The photo shows the whole family of the leader of the revolutionPHOTO: adfave.ru
The photo shows the whole family of the leader of the revolution

Dmitry Ulyanov's long road to fatherhood

Dmitry is the only one of the whole family who has heirs. Surprisingly, the younger brother could also comprehend the fate of the elders. In his first marriage, his wife could not get pregnant for a long time, and before the revolution, the couple decided to separate.

Children of Dmitry Ulyanov

Dmitry worked in a hospital in those years. He began an affair with one of the nurses, and from this relationship was born an illegitimate son, Victor. Unfortunately, his mother soon died of typhoid fever, and his elder sister Anna took the boy up.

Dmitry with his illegitimate sonPHOTO: contragents.ru
Dmitry with his illegitimate son

Dmitry married a second time, and soon his wife pleased him with the news of pregnancy, which was successfully resolved by the birth of a girl. The daughter was named Olga after her sister. Before the war, the girl entered the Faculty of Chemistry at Moscow State University, with which she connected her future life. In her free time, she studied the biography of her famous family.

In 2011 Olga passed awayPHOTO: airnavigation.ru
In 2011 Olga passed away

Grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Dmitry Ilyich

Olga Dmitrievna had a daughter, Nadezhda. Subsequently, she began working in a museum at the Kremlin. In the marriage, the girl had a daughter, Elena, the great-granddaughter of Dmitry Ilyich.

Dmitry Ilyich with his legitimate daughter and wifePHOTO: russian7.ru
Dmitry Ilyich with his legitimate daughter and wife

The illegitimate son of Dmitry Ulyanov also inherited a craving for the exact sciences from his relatives. Victor graduated from one of the most difficult institutes - Baumanka. Upon graduation, he was assigned to the defense industry.

Viktor Dmitrievich had two children:

  • son Vladimir - 1940 R.;
  • daughter Maria - 1943 R.

Vladimir was fond of mathematics and worked at the Research Institute of Precision Mechanics. In marriage, his daughter Nadezhda was born, who graduated from the medical institute and defended her candidate's minimum.

Maria Viktorovna became interested in chemistry and defended her Ph.D. thesis. One of her leading developments is drugs for diabetes mellitus.

Maria Viktorovna and her son are captured against the background of portraits of famous ancestors, and the family resemblance can be seen with the naked eyePHOTO: 24open.ru
Maria Viktorovna and her son are captured against the background of portraits of famous ancestors, and the family resemblance can be seen with the naked eye

Maria had an only son who linked his life with publishing. Married to Dmitry Ilyich's great-grandson, Alexander, two sons:

  • in 1989 - Eugene;
  • in 2006 - Fedor.

Evgeniy was also fond of exact sciences and connected his life with programming. In a marriage with his wife Nina, he had a daughter.

Eugene with his wife Nina in anticipation of the birth of their daughterPHOTO: vktopface.ru
Eugene with his wife Nina in anticipation of the birth of their daughter


All the descendants of the famous family have become very worthy people. They stayed to live and work in our country and did not even think about moving abroad. In recent decades, the relatives of Vladimir Lenin have tried not to advertise their relationship with the leader of the revolution. Moreover, they do not take any part in the ceremonies dedicated to his memory.

It is noteworthy that the sly squint was inherited by all the descendants of the great leader. Do you agree with us? Share your opinion in the comments.


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