Pavel Derevyanko and his house: location, materials, design, layout, decoration, color, accents, landscape

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The charismatic actor became famous for being able to get used to any role. He plays brilliantly in both dramatic and comedy films. The actor's personal life is no less bright. Unlike many stars, he dreamed not of a palace in the elite villages of the Moscow region, but of a small house in one of the most beautiful places on earth - in Altai. Whether Pavel Derevyanko has brought his ideas to life, read today in the HouseChief review.

Read in the article

  • 1 Unusual house in the suburbs
    • 1.1 The history of the construction of a country house
    • 1.2 Interesting design ideas
    • 1.3 Distinctive accents in the kitchen
    • 1.4 Cozy bedroom of the spouses
  • 2 Construction of the first house of Pavel Derevyanko
  • 3 Summary

Unusual house in the suburbs

Pavel Derevyanko was born in Taganrog into a family of ordinary people. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming famous and getting rich. In his youth, the future actor tried himself in different fields, but he quickly abandoned what he had begun, not receiving due satisfaction. The artist conquered Moscow the second time, the first roles became significant and gave Pavel Derevianko an excellent start to a successful career.

Pavel Derevyanko and his house
On the second floor of the house, an original semicircular balcony with a wooden fence was made

Pavel Derevyanko, despite his excellent material well-being, did not seek to acquire his own housing. In his youth, the artist lived in rented apartments until he met his common-law wife and moved to live with her in an old country house.

On the ground floor, panoramic glazing was installed and decorated from the outside with wooden shutters of red-brick color
On the ground floor, panoramic glazing was installed and decorated from the outside with wooden shutters of red-brick color

The history of the construction of a country house

Daria, the actor's common-law wife, inherited a small mansion located in a dacha cooperative on Nikolina Gora. At one time, great-grandfather built a solid house, which is still in excellent condition.

The house is surrounded on both sides by a relic forestPHOTO:
The house is surrounded on both sides by a relic forest

It should be noted that Daria's great-grandfather is the famous aircraft designer Vladimir Myasishchev. At one time he received a large plot of land in a dacha village, formed for representatives of the creative intelligentsia. Then many famous people of those times became neighbors. And in the house of his great-grandfather Valery Todorovsky filmed some scenes for the film "Love".

Pavel Derevyanko is absolutely happy surrounded by his familyPHOTO:
Pavel Derevyanko is absolutely happy surrounded by his family

Interesting design ideas

The interior of the country house is made in a calm range. A French Christmas tree was laid on the floor stacked parquet and covered it with several layers of protective glossy varnish. On the walls in all rooms pasted light wallpaper with a small floral or patterned print. The ceilings were simply plastered and painted in snow-white color.

The walls of the house are decorated with drawings of girls, placed in strict wooden frames.PHOTO:
The walls of the house are decorated with drawings of girls, placed in strict wooden frames.

Distinctive accents in the kitchen

The main highlight of the kitchen is a real old stove, the façade of which is whitewashed and decorated with refractory bricks. Pavel's wife has mastered the wisdom of cooking in the hearth and now almost never uses an ordinary hob. Small steps are made on the side, along which you can climb to the upper couch. For the whole family, this is the most favorite place in the house.

Not so long ago, a small repair was made in the house and porcelain stoneware was laid on the floor in front of the stove.PHOTO:
Not so long ago, a small repair was made in the house and porcelain stoneware was laid on the floor in front of the stove.

They put in front of the window corner kitchen set in a classic style, made of solid wood. The fronts of the cabinets are decorated with panels and elegant knobs. The doors of the upper modules are completed with transparent glass with laser engraving.

A large rectangular solid wood table and a comfortable sofa upholstered in natural leather in a gray-blue shade were placed in the dining area.PHOTO:
A large rectangular solid wood table and a comfortable sofa upholstered in natural leather in a gray-blue shade were placed in the dining area.

Cozy bedroom of the spouses

The spouses' bedroom is located on the second floor. A soft carpet with a small pile of beige was laid on the floor. The walls were painted in a delicate milky color. Against double bed installed a modern plasma, under it a stylish table with frosted glass shelves.

The main highlight of the bedroom is a bright hammock, in which Pavel Derevyanko tunes into a creative moodPHOTO:
The main highlight of the bedroom is a bright hammock, in which Pavel Derevyanko tunes into a creative mood

Construction of the first house of Pavel Derevyanko

Pavel and his family spent a couple of times on vacation in Altai at recreation centers and went hiking on the mountain slopes. The couple liked the wondrous nature so much that they decided to build their own house in these places.

Pavel Derevyanko bought a large plot of land located in the Chemalsky district in the ecological village "Seventh Heaven". Nearby, on the slopes of the mountains, there are Karakol lakes, famous for their purest water and incredible natural beauty.

The Moscow architectural bureau was engaged in the project of the house in the Russian style. The future estate of the actor is being built of rounded cedar logs; natural wood and stone will also be used for decoration.

Pavel Derevyanko settled down and began to build his own house in AltaiPHOTO:

Pavel Derevyanko settled down and began to build his own house in AltaiPHOTO:


Pavel Derevyanko's fees allow buying real estate not only in the elite districts of Moscow, but also in prestigious European resorts. The actor once admitted that the stunning nature of Altai is much closer to him. After completing the construction of his own house, he plans to implement a new project - to build a spacious mansion for his mother and brother in Taganrog.

Would you be able to move from a familiar place to permanent residence in Altai - one of the most beautiful places on earth? Share your opinion in the comments.


I certainly understand the grandfather's method and so on. and what prevents you from making logs and a floor made of plastic ...

I look at everyone who gives such advice and am amazed. This is how much you need to burn. …

And I will not blame Alexander Nevzorov for something, for anything. The view of this gram ...

he is a bastard. wrote commissioned articles for Berezovsky. I licked the asses of the Oligarchs. Right ...

It exceeds atmospheric by the same 120/80 mm Hg. If equal, the device will show n ...

What oxygen will pass through n n? This is the airing system, shit radiators and a leak in ...

As he wants, as he lives, it is not necessary to have a golden toilet bowl and furniture made of mammoth skin.

Horror! In such an environment, you can wither away from melancholy... Man is what he senses ...

I was also surprised that such an important part as getting rid of the air was omitted. And I …

I heard a ringing, but I don't know where he is. The tree must be mature, the young, not strong, will rot n ...

extremely understandable. Russophobe.

and should be impressed or not by the attitude to their country and their people.