At the jubilee in honor of the silver wedding of the conductor and his beautiful wife, Konstantin Ernst said that their life is pure literature. Indeed, Vladimir Spivakov's reverent attitude towards Sati can be seen with the naked eye even after so much time. For more than forty years, the couple have been going through life together, raising their daughters. A successful career as a musician has brought excellent material well-being. Over the years, the family has changed more than one home, but most of all they value and love the apartments located in the Swedish cul-de-sac. Today, in the HouseChief review, we will tell you about all the design features of the unique interior of the apartment of Vladimir and Sati Spivakov.
Read in the article
- 1 Favorite apartment of Vladimir Spivakov
- 2 Selection of antique furniture and antique decor
- 3 Unique collection of Vladimir Spivakov
- 4 Rest room decoration
- 5 Romantic bedroom of the spouses
- 6 Summary
Favorite apartment of Vladimir Spivakov
The conductor owns three apartments, one of which is in Paris, as well as two plots of land. In Moscow, Vladimir Spivakov lives with his family in spacious apartments located in Shvedsky Lane. This housing is especially dear to the spouses, since only he had no owners before them.
Vladimir Spivakov bought an apartment at the construction stage. The spouses did not have to redo everything and adapt to someone else's energy. It was here that they independently decided which materials for finishing to choose and how to decorate their homes.

Selection of antique furniture and antique decor
The couple independently thought through every detail of the interior design. Oak parquet was definitely chosen for the floor. In the living room he was laid with a French Christmas tree. Perfectly aligned the walls were painted in light colors, as well used wallpaper with a discreet floral print. So little by little, step by step, a real classic style loomed in the apartment.

The spouses were in no hurry with the furnishings, preferring not modern models, but unique antiques. Vladimir and Sati were looking for antique items all over the world. So, for example, the chest of drawers in the living room came from Italy. His conductor found it in one of the private shops in Milan. The seller literally insisted on the additional purchase of a nondescript console table, which needed restoration.

The chest of drawers and the console were transferred to a restoration workshop, where unique cabinetmakers literally breathed a second life into the furniture. The facades were decorated with antique overlays, and the frames were covered with a protective glossy varnish.
Over time, the interior of the living room was supplemented with an antique curbstone, the facade of which is decorated with hand-painted in the style of French romanticism. Vladimir Spivakov bought a low bench in Moscow for mere pennies, since the seat was required to be tightened.

Unique collection of Vladimir Spivakov
The walls of the apartment are decorated with paintings by domestic and foreign artists. Vladimir Spivakov began collecting works of art about forty years ago. The conductor once admitted that in his youth he stood at a crossroads - to choose music or painting. Even from school, he ran away from lessons to get into the Tretyakov Gallery.
During his school years, Vladimir Spivakov could write etudes for six hours; at that time he devoted much less time to musical notation. Once he was "caught" by a violin teacher while doing this and gave him an ultimatum - to choose one thing. The future conductor gave preference to music, while art remained as a hobby.
After some time, Vladimir Spivakov began collecting paintings and graphics of the 19th and 20th centuries. Not so long ago, an exhibition of works of art was held, at which about 90 works by Russian and foreign artists belonging to the conductor were presented. The best paintings have found a worthy place in the interiors of the Spivakovs' cozy house.

Rest room decoration
All creative people need privacy in order to relax in a calm environment and prepare for new projects. Vladimir Spivakov also has such a room. The interior is decorated in light colors, which are effectively combined with amber-colored parquet.
Near the window there is a cozy armchair with a curly back, decorated with capitonné stitching. The seat is decorated with graceful fringe, gathered in small bunches. The window is decorated with cotton Roman shades and plain curtains.

Romantic bedroom of the spouses
In the bedroom, the couple chose delicate wallpaper with a small floral print for the walls. Luxurious bed with a high curly backembellished with capitonné stitch. A unique nude painting by Boris Chaliapin was hung over the headboard.

The couple tried to avoid the use of pure white in the interior design. In their opinion, this cold palette is completely unsuitable for living rooms and creates the appearance of a sterile hospital space. Vladimir and Sati preferred all shades of beige, which gives a feeling of diffused light and incredible peace. The widow of Vladislav Listyev, designer Albina Nazimova, provided great assistance in decorating the apartment.
Share in the comments what impression the interior of the unique apartment of the great conductor Vladimir Spivakov made on you.
I lived in Russia when he was just starting out. The face was softer. Now only a whip in ...
He is a militant atheist; therefore, such a category as sin is not a being for him ...
Megalomania is off scale, this is a great sin.
Pisaka pulled photos from open sources and other people's interviews from different times and on them ...
Mannered, evil genius of satire, certainly has its own taste and the house I like it hot ...
A clever woman made the interior cozy for herself, and not for show. And many do not understand this ...
A very muddy and unpleasant type. Like some kind of leprechaun... I sold my soul to buy a house ...
Ponty is more expensive than money and conscience.
The blood pressure in the body is higher than atmospheric pressure and oxygen enters there.
I open it with a device for unscrewing the oil filter from the Zhiguli.
The situation in the apartment is crushing. I would not want to live there.