What is the best way to cover the floor in the hallway?

The hallway is one of the most problematic areas in a house or apartment. This is not surprising, there is a large cross-country ability and plus dirt, abrasive from sand and small stones, probable dampness from wet shoes. If you also have a dog, then there are claw marks and muddy puddles on the floor from wet paws. So the question of choosing a material for the floor is very relevant. Let's figure it out and find the best option?

Read in the article

  • 1 Sky-high demands and harsh reality
  • 2 Cheap, practical and simple: linoleum
  • 3 Reliable, robust and durable: ceramic tiles
  • 4 Carefully selected aesthetics: laminate
  • 5 Proven for centuries: wood
  • 6 Beauty at the expense of common sense: carpeting

Sky-high demands and harsh reality

So what do we want from the floor in the hallway? First of all, resistance to moisture, and not just atmospheric, but actually moisture, which can be on the coating for a long time. Roughly speaking, it is a puddle. It leaked from boots, from dog's paws or the wind opened the front door to the porch - not so important.

The better to cover the floor in the hallway
PHOTO: img.fruugo.com
In the hallway, puddles are common. You need to try to avoid their appearance, but it is important that the flooring does not care how long the puddle is.

The second requirement is ease of cleaning. This is also not without reason - after all, dirt crumbles from the shoes in the hallway, and it is important to easily get rid of it without rubbing it with a brush or using special equipment and tools. It is desirable that it be removed with a wave of a broom or mop.

And finally, where to go from this - we all want our house to be beautiful and cozy, so it should be like this in the hallway, especially since this is the first thing your guests will see
PHOTO: roomble.com
And finally, where to go from this - we all want our house to be beautiful and cozy, so it should be like this in the hallway, especially since this is the first thing your guests will see

These are not simple requirements, we will select the material for them.

Cheap, practical and simple: linoleum

If you look at the statistics of sales and search queries, then most often Russians buy linoleum for the hallway. And what? There is simply nothing cheaper. PVC in rolls is easy to lay, there is no need for narrow specialists or special tools. Spread it on the floor, secured it with a plinth - and is free to admire the result of your own labors. Linoleum will lie on the floor in the hallway for 10 years, or even twice as much, depending on the abrasion class.

And if anyone complains that it is slippery, then here is news for you: there are many modern models that have anti-slip properties.PHOTO: santehkeram.ru
And if anyone complains that it is slippery, then here is news for you: there are many modern models that have anti-slip properties.

What's in the red? Only that it looks cheap, whatever one may say, and even the most expensive models are inferior in aesthetics to the rest of the coatings. This is a budget option for a low-income family.

Reliable, robust and durable: ceramic tiles

The second most popular is ceramic tiles. Very durable, not afraid of claws and sharp heels, holds water well. If the seams are sealed, then you don't have to worry about anything at all.

In order not to regret your choice - in the hallway you need to take tiles with 3-4 class of abrasion and a rough surface on which you will not accidentally slip. Remember that street tiles are not suitable here - their operation does not provide for periodic wet cleaning.

But when choosing ceramics, you need to be ready to pay the master for laying it, and this makes the coating at least twice as expensive as linoleumPHOTO: santehkeram.ru
But when choosing ceramics, you need to be ready to pay the master for laying it, and this makes the coating at least twice as expensive as linoleum

Carefully selected aesthetics: laminate

Let's be honest with ourselves: laminate is essentially polymer-coated pressed cardboard. What follows from this? Yes, about the same as flowing in - that is, the water will work against you every time. There are, of course, models with increased strength and a sealed lock - but all of them begin to lose ground after 7-10 years.

But beautiful, no doubt about it. If you can afford to replace the coating at such intervals, why not?PHOTO: belstroyimport.ru
But beautiful, no doubt about it. If you can afford to replace the coating at such intervals, why not?

Proven for centuries: wood

Yes, and it has also been proven for centuries that the board shrinks, swells and still creaks very piercingly. At current wood prices, pleasure is not cheap. And plus to everything - and the need for regular care: touch-up and impregnation.

So today only oligarchs choose natural wood in the hallway. They don't mind changing the flooring every 5 years.PHOTO: tiu.ru
So today only oligarchs choose natural wood in the hallway. They don't mind changing the flooring every 5 years.

Beauty at the expense of common sense: carpeting

Where was the last time you saw this? Surely in a hotel: this is where there is a dedicated employee who will fight wet spots and dirt with a powerful cleaning vacuum cleaner. If you have not bought such a unit yet, then answer the question for yourself which is more important for you: beauty for a year or reliability for 50 years.

If aesthetics come first - no doubt, look for a maidPHOTO: kovrolin-spb.ru
If aesthetics come first - no doubt, look for a maid

And here's some more reasoning on this topic from a practitioner:

What do you think is the best coverage? Share your opinion in the comments!


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