Top 10 most evil dogs in the world

Dog experts believe that the reason for the aggressiveness of dogs is to look in the person himself. After all, any dog ​​can become very dangerous when it gets into bad hands. True, some representatives of different breeds for many years training and breeding for some reason have become even more aggressive than others. We present to your attention the rating, which included the most evil dogs in the world .Top 10 dogs that represent the greatest danger to humans.


Canary Dog

This evil dog is considered a shepherd and watchdog. She has a very strong physique, as well as a threatening appearance. Despite this, it is not as aggressive as it seems, and quite balanced. The Canarian Dog is jokingly attached to its owner, but to strangers is wary. When there is an immediate threat to his master, this dog instantly rushes to his defense.


German Shepherd Dog

This breed is very famous. Perhaps its popularity is directly connected with the famous American film called "K-9: dog work".German Shepherds are considered to be great companions and guards. In addition, they are the most intelligent. True, experienced cynologists say that because of this, these dogs are not always ready for submission. Therefore, they are capable of causing significant damage to a person and, by right, are in the top ten most evil dogs on the whole planet.



Externally, the chow-chow looks very nice and cute dog. She, in principle, melancholic in nature. In this case, it is one of the most evil. Representatives of the Chow-Chow with suspicion refer to strangers. They also do not like it when other people try to stroke them with perseverance. In such situations, these animals can be irritable. As for their right to food, they can clearly prove their aggressiveness. In a word, with representatives of this breed, it is always worthwhile to be on the alert.



These dogs, bred in Germany, are considered watchdogs. They are excellent protectors of their owners and clearly understand when the host is in fact in real danger. However, these animals with aggression refer to other dogs or to strangers. They have an explosive temperament and, in case of anger, really represent a serious danger.


Caucasian Shepherd Dog

"Caucasians" are considered watchmen, and the breed itself is one of the most popular in Russia. According to ancient legends, the Caucasian sheep-dogs first appeared on the territory of the ancient state of Urartu. Despite the threatening appearance and great growth, they are easy to train. They are respected for their cleverness, excellent watchful qualities and amazing restraint. They are also wary of strangers and, accordingly, pose a serious threat to health. Therefore, getting this breed into the rating of the most evil and aggressive dogs in the world seems to be very reasonable.


Siberian Husky

On the fifth line of the top of the most evil dogs in the world - Husky. Initially people used them for driving and cargo transportation on the snowy Russian expanses. But in the second half of the 20th century the cynologists of the Soviet Union somehow decided to exclude them from the roster of northern species. The further history of the husky has moved to the territory of North America. At the moment, these dogs are completely non-aggressive. True, people who are far from working with them are afraid of them. Perhaps, fear is caused by an external resemblance to wolves. Be that as it may, the Siberian husky in certain cases presents a real danger to man. In addition, these dogs can not be trained. Only in the process of playing they can try to educate.


German boxer

The ancestors of German boxers - English Bulldog and Bullenbeyser, which, incidentally, has long been considered a disappeared species. In those days, the cynologists wanted to create such a dog, whose jaws could easily bite into the flesh without releasing it. So, actually, it happened. Initially, representatives of this breed were excellent hunters for bears and boars. They say that some of them even could take part in battles with huge adult bulls. True, now these animals are relatively balanced, playful, devoted and very fond of children. However, if they consider that strangers represent a certain threat not only to them, but also to their owners, they will be defended to the very end with lightning speed. Boxers, by right, fall to the fifth position in the top ten worst dogs in the world.



Bull terrier means bull. This dog was bred in the UK in the XIX century. She has an awesome appearance( in particular - her head).It has powerful muscles and a strong jaw. The Bull Terrier does"A dead grip."In fact, he is active, friendly, loyal to his owner, easy to train, but, unfortunately, outbreaks of aggression are sometimes not manageable. In addition, the bull terrier does not get along well with other animals. Therefore, it is no coincidence that these dogs were in our top of the most evil breeds in the whole world.



This breed is one of the most popular. Rottweilers were withdrawn in Germany and are considered guard dogs. They are powerful, well-formed, active, assertive and bold. They have very strong jaws. Their inalienable credo is the defender. Usually these dogs, like many, are incredulous to strangers. Therefore, this breed, by right, is at the top of the rating of malicious dogs. Rottweilers can only obey their master. And when he is in real danger, the Rottweilers instantly turn into an aggressive and evil animal. Attacking, it can cause a person monstrous injuries.



The first position in the top ten most evil dogs in the whole planet is pit bull. This is perhaps the most dangerous dog. It was specially taken out for dog fights in the USA.There are many contradictory judgments about it. Some argue that the representatives of this breed are devoted to the owner. They are reliable defenders. Others believe that pit bulls, in fact, have excellent fighting qualities and, accordingly, they are considered the most aggressive dogs. Representatives of this breed are able to attack immediately. Probably, that's why they are forbidden to breed in many countries of the European Union. However, in America and in the CIS states the breed is still allowed.

. .. In conclusion, it is worth recalling that the rating of the top 10 most evil dogs in the world is, perhaps, rather ambiguous. After all, the main reason for the aggressiveness of dogs depends only on incorrect education. In one word, if a person does not give the pet enough time, he will necessarily become dangerous. And this is probably the most important thing.