When doing needlework, you must especially carefully monitor your eyesight. Small diagrams, working with complex patterns, cross-stitching, various stitches or beads - all this greatly affects vision.

- Provide yourself with good lighting
- Take a rest
- Wear safety glasses or lenses
- Eat foods that are good for your eyes
- Walk outdoors more often
- Do eye gymnastics
- Use a magnifying glass
Provide yourself with good lighting
The corner where you like to do handicrafts should be well lit. During the day, it is better to place this place by the window, and if you knit or embroider in the evenings, then you need to take care of a table or wall lamp. Don't skimp on electricity. Your vision is much more important. After all, if you squint and peer at the drawing, your eyes will quickly get tired.
It is best to choose a luminaire with a flexible leg so that you can adjust the angle and height. The light should not shine directly into the eyes, it should be soft and comfortable.
Take a rest
Just as when working with a computer, eyes strain when working with threads and fabric. Long and painstaking work requires increased attention, and the gaze concentrates on one point for a long time.
Take regular breaks while sewing or knitting to help your eyes rest. It is very useful to do special exercises for the eyes.
Wear safety glasses or lenses
Those who already have vision problems or notice that there are some changes for the worse should definitely visit an ophthalmologist. Perhaps you need glasses.
Your doctor will advise on what to use: glasses or lenses. The eyes should not be tired or strained while working, otherwise vision will fall even more.
Eat foods that are good for your eyes
It is good for eye health to eat foods that contain vitamin A. These are vegetables and fruits: tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, peaches, oranges.
There are also many vitamins in greens and berries.
Walk outdoors more often
A constant sitting position and lack of oxygen negatively affect the needlewoman. Eyesight also suffers from fatigue.
Take time to walk, relax, get some fresh air. Otherwise, you will quickly get tired, and the joy of doing what you love will disappear.
Do eye gymnastics
Various exercises have been specially designed for the eyes. They are aimed at quickly relieving fatigue. Some of them will help you see everything clearly and clearly. Repeat each exercise several times:
- Close your eyes for 5 minutes and sit quietly.
- Squinting your eyes and opening them wide alternately, repeating after 5 seconds.
- Focus on the tip of the nose for 5-6 seconds, then look in front of you.
- Blink quickly for 20 seconds.
- Close your eyes and gently massage the eyelids in a circular motion.
Use a magnifying glass
If you often use patterns, knit or embroider small patterns, you can purchase a special magnifier. With its help, you can easily see all the details, and you do not have to strain your eyes.
Following these simple rules will help preserve your vision. Prevention will protect your eyes from myopia while practicing your favorite handicrafts.