What you need to know about warm floors in order to make the right choice

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Everyone agrees that buying a pig in a poke is a thankless task and, as a rule, unprofitable? The fact is that if the consumer does not even have a basic understanding of the principle of operation and the benefits of the product, then the choice comes down to two options. The first is to trust the seller, focus on the product that he recommends. The second is to listen to your "inner" voice, to give preference to your own intuition. Both methods do not guarantee 100% optimal results.

And the point is not even that the seller will specifically advise something the most unprofitable, unnecessary to anyone. It's just that no one knows better than the buyer their preferences and features of the future use of the purchased product. It is advisable to replenish your knowledge of a particular product before making a purchase.

Today we will talk about underfloor heating systems. Such solutions for organizing a main or additional heating source are extremely popular. It is enough to go to the website of one of the leading domestic suppliers of such products: https://hot-floor.com/to verify this. How Do I Pick a Good Product? To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with our material in order to gain basic knowledge of floor heating.

7 important points to consider

What you need to know:

  1. Today they produce an electric warm floor and a water one. The first is a versatile and popular option. The second, perhaps, can be recommended only for the arrangement on the first floor of a large country house. The advantage of this option is that the water circulating through the pipes is cheaper than the electricity consumed. Cons - the high cost of such solutions, high cost, installation complexity, limited use.
  2. Electrical heating requires the purchase of included heating elements, a thermostat, and temperature sensors (often included with a thermostat).
  3. Without the use of a thermostat that controls the operation of the system, it will not be economical, efficient!
  4. Heating cables are used as heating elements, ready-to-install mats based on them, and infrared foil. Each of the types has its advantages, indications for use.
  5. For the organization of the main heating, mats are not suitable due to their low power.
  6. Heating cables require laying in a screed, so their installation is accompanied by "dirty" work.
  7. It is more profitable to buy systems from installation companies. Often you can even get styling as a gift.