Is it worth investing in the arrangement of a summer residence in 2021

The question is not idle, especially against the backdrop of this year's events. And although the summer cottage season of 2020 is just ending, it makes sense to think about plans for next year, and this time - more thoroughly, given the circumstances.

Read in the article

  • 1 Covid is still making adjustments
  • 2 Why not make some money next season?
  • 3 Private home ownership is a reliable investment
  • 4 Arrangement of a summer residence: what needs to be done now

Covid is still making adjustments

It is too early to talk about a decline in the rate of the pandemic. Moreover, the lower the temperature outside the window falls, the higher the risk of catching this dangerous virus becomes. Winter is ahead, followed by spring, and no one can guarantee that the quarantine situation will not repeat itself. Yes, the domestic vaccine will soon begin to arrive in the regions, but, firstly, one should not wait for the rapid pace of vaccination, after all, research is still underway, and secondly, people of elderly people, vaccinations are still contraindicated, so in case of an aggravation of the situation, they will again have to retire for a long time, and in the country it is better to do this Total.

Is it worth investing in the arrangement of a summer residence in 2021
Insulation in the country is perhaps the best option for residents of large cities. No curfews, no permits or other inconveniences. And in return - fresh air and useful work in nature

In addition to the likelihood of isolation, it is worth considering the prospect of a new closure of international and intercity tourism. Some countries are already closing their borders, and it is possible that the next vacation season will also fail.

Where to take the children out of the stuffy city without the risk of getting infected in public transport and the need to rent a house in other people's houses? Of course, to your own dacha
Where to take the children out of the stuffy city without the risk of getting infected in public transport and the need to rent a house in other people's houses? Of course, to your own dacha

Why not make some money next season?

And even if you, owning a summer cottage with a house, are not going to isolate in it or spend a vacation there, why not consider a summer cottage as a way of real earning money? You have no idea how many requests have been received from residents of megalopolises for renting summer cottages this season! For many, this has become downright a gold mine. Who would have thought that a country house could be rented out at the price of a comfortable apartment, or even more!

Of course, the more comfortable this dwelling is, the more you can earn from it. So, did you think we were talking about selling cucumbers from the site?

Private home ownership is a reliable investment

Again, let's talk about an unstable environment that affects all of us. Economic crises fall on our heads like a rockfall in the mountains, we do not have time to dodge and prepare for a new blow. Deposits are depreciating, interest is jumping, the currency is up and down. The most reliable investment that has always been and will always be real estate.

And any improvement only makes your property more valuable. This is exactly the option when you should not be afraid to miscalculate.PHOTO:
And any improvement only makes your property more valuable. This is exactly the option when you should not be afraid to miscalculate.

Arrangement of a summer residence: what needs to be done now

As you can see, there are a lot of arguments in favor of the improvement of the summer cottage and the suburban area. So what should you be puzzled about now, before the cold weather comes?

The first thing to think about if this issue has not yet been resolved is the heating system. It was this year that many faced the inconvenience of an unheated country house. Who would have thought that you would have to move here not in June, as usual, but in April, when in some regions the snow is just beginning to melt? What if this year the move happens in February? There are many options for organizing heating, choose to your taste. If it is possible to connect to the mains gas, do not even think about other ideas: this is the most profitable one. Install the boiler and the water circuit, and when the X-hour comes, fill the circuit with water and turn on the heating. There is no mains gas - you can connect the boiler to a cylinder or install heating on diesel or solid fuel.

In principle, you can also supply an electric boiler or batteries, it is expensive, but then there is no hassle with the care of the boilerPHOTO:
In principle, you can also supply an electric boiler or batteries, it is expensive, but then there is no hassle with the care of the boiler

The second thing to think about is a warm toilet. If until now the amenities were in the yard, as in many plots, then it makes sense to think about an extension that will not be so cold in February. And the arrangement of the toilet implies a local sewage system and the installation of a septic tank.

It is better to start this work immediately, before the frost begins.PHOTO:
It is better to start this work immediately, before the frost begins.

Another important piece of the arrangement is the greenhouse. Have you planned its construction yet? It's time to do it. The sooner you start planting, the better, and the greenhouse will help you grow seedlings and get a great harvest in two passes.

And you need to build it right now, in order to lay the fertile land and prepare everything for the future harvest.PHOTO:
And you need to build it right now, in order to lay the fertile land and prepare everything for the future harvest.

And then - plan your work depending on how you are likely to use the dacha next year. It makes sense to prepare a playground if your younger generation is growing up, to make a stationary stone barbecue, to equip high beds for new plantings. Do you want to rent a summer cottage? Get involved in furniture repair and redecoration of the house.

In any case, autumn at the dacha is no less hot time than summer. There are a lot of things to do, so do not postpone them during the cold weather, when work will no longer be a joy. How do you equip your summer cottage? Share your secrets in the comments!

And for dessert, we suggest you watch an interesting video collection of country ideas that can serve as a source of inspiration for you:
