Practical ideas for a PVC pipe workshop

Workplace order everyone needs it. Without it, it is difficult to concentrate, find the necessary things and simply place all tools. In a garage or workshop, this is especially important because there are a lot of tools here. It is not very convenient to place them in blind boxes: this leads to an additional loss of time looking for what is needed. But if everything is at hand - then it's another matter. How to cope with this task and at the same time not spend money on expensive specialized devices such as racks and other things? Several ideas were suggested by the author of the YouTube channel Crazy Workshop. Their undoubted advantage is that inexpensive material was used for the manufacture, which everyone can simply have as a remainder after repair: PVC pipes.

Read in the article

  • 1 How to make a comfortable screwdriver stand
  • 2 Pliers organizer
  • 3 Simple stand for spray cans
  • 4 Convenient attachment for a large trash bag

How to make a comfortable screwdriver stand

Let's start with a stand for the smallest tool: a screwdriver. Usually they are stored in a box, and you have to dig for a long time to find the head you need in shape.

Practical ideas for a PVC pipe workshop
To make the stand, you need 4 pipe plugs, 4 tees, two corners, 2 pieces of pipe about half a meter long and 6 about 15 cm long
The author used a special soldering device to connect the parts. If it's not there, a glue gun will help you out.
The author used a special soldering device to connect the parts. If it's not there, a glue gun will help you out.
The photo shows how to connect the parts. For each short piece of pipe, you need to put on plugs on one side, corners are put on one long tube, and tees on the other.PHOTO:
The photo shows how to connect the parts. For each short piece of pipe, you need to put on plugs on one side, corners are put on one long tube, and tees on the other.
The assembled rack will look like this. It is very stable due to the wide support legs.PHOTO:
The assembled rack will look like this. It is very stable due to the wide support legs.
Through holes must be drilled on long pipes. Use a drill of different diameters so that any screwdriver fits into the holesPHOTO:
Through holes must be drilled on long pipes. Use a drill of different diameters so that any screwdriver fits into the holes
Aesthetes can paint the rack in an attractive color. This makes a special sense, because white is the most easily soiled color, and traces of grease and metal dust will soon become very noticeable. Plastic can be painted with any enamel, it is better to use paint in an aerosol can. Please note: the lower tube is slightly turned with the holes forward so that the instruments in it are tiltedPHOTO:
Aesthetes can paint the rack in an attractive color. This makes a special sense, because white is the most easily soiled color, and traces of grease and metal dust will soon become very noticeable. Plastic can be painted with any enamel, it is better to use paint in an aerosol can. Please note: the lower tube is slightly turned with the holes forward so that the instruments in it are tilted

Pliers organizer

In addition to a set of screwdrivers, each workshop also has a variety of wire cutters, pliers and other hand tools. To store it, it is also convenient to use a PVC pipe organizer.

For this organizer you will need a 32 mm pipe. It needs to be cut into pieces 15 cm long. Such a pipe can be easily cut with a jigsaw.PHOTO:
For this organizer you will need a 32 mm pipe. It needs to be cut into pieces 15 cm long. Such a pipe can be easily cut with a jigsaw.
Then each piece needs to be cut into two more, but already at an angle of 45 °PHOTO:
Then each piece needs to be cut into two more, but already at an angle of 45 °
Fasten the plastic blanks on a strip of plywood with self-tapping screws so that the oblique cut is on one sidePHOTO:
Fasten the plastic blanks on a strip of plywood with self-tapping screws so that the oblique cut is on one side
This strip can now be fixed to the edge of the table or to the wall opposite the workbench.PHOTO:
This strip can now be fixed to the edge of the table or to the wall opposite the workbench.
The tools will be securely fixed in the organizer by one of the handles, and you will always have free access to themPHOTO:
The tools will be securely fixed in the organizer by one of the handles, and you will always have free access to them

Simple stand for spray cans

The workshop uses not only tools, but also various liquids: oil, paint, glue, varnishes. Storing them is also problematic. Open shelves can be used, but there is always a risk that something will tip over and spill.

For the shelves with fixation, the author used a piece of duct pipe. You need to cut the plastic into rings about 4-5 cm wide. Alternatively, you can use 2L plastic bottlesPHOTO:
For the shelves with fixation, the author used a piece of duct pipe. You need to cut the plastic into rings about 4-5 cm wide. Alternatively, you can use 2L plastic bottles
The shelf itself consists of two parts: a rectangular strip approximately 30 cm long and a short section on which the bottle will be placedPHOTO:
The shelf itself consists of two parts: a rectangular strip approximately 30 cm long and a short section on which the bottle will be placed
Fasten the plastic ring about 10 cm from the bottom of the shelfPHOTO:
Fasten the plastic ring about 10 cm from the bottom of the shelf
Nothing will fall from such a shelf, even if you inadvertently touch the bottle with varnish or glue. You can place several such shelves above the workbench and put the necessary fluids there while working with them.PHOTO:
Nothing will fall from such a shelf, even if you inadvertently touch the bottle with varnish or glue. You can place several such shelves above the workbench and put the necessary fluids there while working with them.

Convenient attachment for a large trash bag

The trash can rarely contains everything that is formed in the workshop. Board trims, pipes and other materials do not fit in a regular bucket. You need to use big bags to get rid of everything that accumulates during the day of work. Of course, you can buy a special tank of a large size, but why waste money if you have leftover PVC pipes.

To make a rack for a bag, you will again need corners, tees and pieces of pipe. In total, you need 8 tees, 8 corners, 16 pieces of pipe 20 cm long and 4 racks about 1 m longPHOTO:
To make a rack for a bag, you will again need corners, tees and pieces of pipe. In total, you need 8 tees, 8 corners, 16 pieces of pipe 20 cm long and 4 racks about 1 m long
For the top and bottom, short pieces need to be assembledPHOTO:
For the top and bottom, short pieces need to be assembled
The lower support and the upper part of the structure - these are the contours. In the center of each side there are tees into which high posts will be insertedPHOTO:
The lower support and the upper part of the structure - these are the contours. In the center of each side there are tees into which high posts will be inserted
Connect the two circuits with high postsPHOTO:
Connect the two circuits with high posts
Assembled the bag stand looks like this. It is stable, takes up little space and looks pretty neatPHOTO:
Assembled the bag stand looks like this. It is stable, takes up little space and looks pretty neat
The bag is simply placed inside the rack and the edges are wrapped around the top contourPHOTO:
The bag is simply placed inside the rack and the edges are wrapped around the top contour
You can use clothespins or plastic staples from the same plumbing range to fix the bag. They are usually used to fix pipes to the wall.PHOTO:
You can use clothespins or plastic staples from the same plumbing range to fix the bag. They are usually used to fix pipes to the wall.

As you can see, a lot of useful things for a workshop can be made from PVC pipes. All the above products are made literally in a matter of minutes, and will serve you faithfully for more than one year. And this is only part of a large collection of homemade products. In addition to the material, here is a video master class on making an organizer for clamps:

Which of the following ideas did you like? Are you ready to repeat this experience in your workshop? Share your opinion in the comments! And if you have your own developments for organizing the storage of tools - send us your photos and a description of the manufacturing process.
