Foil is one of the most common materials found in almost every home. Most often housewives use it while cooking, protecting surfaces from scorching or drying out. However, we do not always know how unusual and amazing properties a material that has long been familiar to us can possess. This statement can be fully attributed to foil. And today we will tell you about 5 completely unexpected ways to use aluminum foil in everyday life.
Read in the article
- 1 Reducing ironing time
- 2 Extending battery life
- 3 Down with rust
- 4 Freshness of bananas
- 5 Sharpen scissors
Reducing ironing time
Probably everyone knows how hard it is to iron dry laundry: iron as if he does not want to warm up at all or is cooling down quickly. In this case, aluminum foil will be an excellent assistant. This is especially true for ironing very delicate fabrics, when the iron cannot be very hot, but you need to iron it.

Extending battery life
Very often, devices refuse to operate on batteries at the most inopportune moment. It is especially offensive if the remote control is out of order. TV. A simple life hack will help save power and extend the battery's life - just crumple up a small piece of foil and place it between the cathode and the battery contact.

Down with rust
Foil is an excellent tool in the fight against rust. If you don't have a hard brush on hand to clean carbon deposits or dirt, including rust, use a piece of crumpled foil. 10 minutes of effort - and the surface will shine clean.

Freshness of bananas
If you have not seen the Soviet times, then you are unfamiliar with the practice of ripening and overripe bananas. Soviet citizens bought fruit in boxes in the capitals and sent parcels home to the outback. Very often, the delivery process was delayed, and enterprising owners prevented spoilage of the valuable product by wrapping the legs of the fruit in foil - so the fruit did not overripe and spoil on the way.

Sharpen scissors
A fairly popular and effective way to quickly sharpen scissors is to cut the foil with them. The life hack is so simple that very soon you will only use this method of restoring the cutting tool.

How do you use aluminum foil? Tell us about your life hacks with this truly fantastic material.