Along with the purchase or rental of housing, people often get things, decor items and furniture. They keep the energy of the previous owners and their guests. Particular attention is paid to mirrors: their negative impact can cause strange dreams, quarrels in the house and health problems.

- Candles
- Holy water
- Salt
You can protect yourself and your family from negativity by using candles. A burning candle is led along the perimeter of the mirrored surface, reading the prayer "Our Father". To enhance the effect, they pronounce cleansing conspiracies. After this ritual, the candle stub cannot be left at home, so it is thrown away the same evening.
- This cleansing practice is best done in the evening so that no one looks in the mirror for a while after completion.
- The best time to neutralize negativity in this way is the waning moon.
- Choose church candles.
Holy water
Mirrors are most often located in the hallway or bathroom. The owners of the apartment, relatives or guests, looking at their reflection, do not always feel positive emotions. The reasons are bad mood, personal troubles, or an unfriendly attitude towards household members.
It is advisable to use the cleaning of an object with holy water in the following cases:
- you do not always want to return home, even after a hard day;
- close people quarrel for no apparent reason;
- you feel that the atmosphere in the apartment has ceased to be pleasant;
- you have had relatives or friends who you doubt the purity of their thoughts.
Read the plot by running a candle across a reflective surface. Then wipe it off with a clean cloth dipped in holy water.
If you need to remove the negative not only from the mirror, but also from the apartment as a whole, then you can use the charmed water. After washing the surface, the container with the liquid is left in front of it for three days.
- choose spring water;
- read the conspiracy on the waning moon;
- perform the ceremony when you are full of strength and energy, in a positive mood.
The arrival of guests does not always leave happy memories. If the owners are not happy with such a visit, then the floors, furniture and interior items are washed with water and dissolved Thursday salt.
An old mirror can also be cleaned with salt. You will need:
- Thursday salt.
- Holy water.
- Church candles.
One option would be to remove the mirror from the wall and sprinkle it with salt. If this option is not possible (dressing table or cabinets with a reflective surface), then light a candle and put it in a jar filled with this spice. The subject is sprinkled with holy water. Then they read the conspiracy: "I remove the negative with salt, cleanse the saint with water, burn out anger with the flame of a candle." After completing the ritual, do not forget to brush the remains of bulk material into a bag and discard immediately.