Device for connecting elements "in a mustache": step-by-step instructions for making the bottom

The connection of wood "in a mustache" is quite common among craftsmen. However, when using only a hacksaw, it is not always possible to make a perfectly straight cut, which leads to the appearance of cracks, a loss of strength and an unpresentable appearance of such a connection. Therefore, today we will talk about how to assemble the perfect frame with a similar connection of elements using the bottom.

Read in the article

  • 1 What is "bottom", and is it difficult to make it
  • 2 What is required for self-manufacturing of the bottom
  • 3 Manufacturing of fixture parts
  • 4 Assembling the bottom from prepared elements
  • 5 Refinement of the support bar
  • 6 How to work with a manufactured bottom
  • 7 Summing up

What is "bottom", and is it difficult to make it

The bottom is a special device that allows you to straighten uneven cuts at different angles. If we talk about the assembly of frames, then here you need an angle of 45 °, which is quite simple to set. As for making the device with your own hands, everything is done very quickly and without unnecessary problems. And a minimum of material is required. Now we will analyze step by step how to make such a bottom and forget about uneven connections forever.

Device for connecting elements " in a mustache"
It is not difficult to assemble a frame for a picture, but there are also some nuances here.

What is required for self-manufacturing of the bottom

The main working tool of this device is an ordinary wooden plane. However, in order to work comfortably, it needs to be slightly modernized.

The planer upgrade will be to move the handle from the back to the front, positioning it to the side. As a result, when working with a plane, its cutting part should be on the side. In the photo example below, this is clearly visible.

The handle of the planer should be moved to the front to the right side
The handle of the planer should be moved to the front to the right side

Manufacturing of fixture parts

For further work, you need to prepare a small piece of a bar (you can use a part of the door frame), one edge of which is cut off at an angle of 45 °. You will also need a pair of wooden slats and a piece of laminated chipboard to be used as the main platform. It is on it that all the elements will be located.

All that is needed to make the bottom is a minimum of materialPHOTO:
All that is needed to make the bottom is a minimum of material

Assembling the bottom from prepared elements

The first step is to fix a pair of slats on the chipboard so that they turn into guides for the plane. The distance between the runners is measured along its width, and then they are fixed with self-tapping screws.

Do not think that if you use a self-tapping screw, you can do without drilling. Such a mistake can lead to the fact that the timber of the guides simply splits along the fibers. Therefore, it is better to spend a couple of minutes of time.

Slats-guides are fixed on self-tapping screws to laminated chipboardPHOTO:
Slats-guides are fixed on self-tapping screws to laminated chipboard

Refinement of the support bar

In order to prevent chips from appearing on the wood when working with a plane, it is necessary to install it on the chipboard so that the edge cut at an angle is flush with the guide rail. Also, in the bar you will need to make a couple of cutouts for the clamps - without them, the bottom will be useless. In order not to boggle the reader's head with various sizes and unnecessary explanations, we suggest just taking a look at the photo example below.

Bottom cutouts allow you to fix the workpiece with clampsPHOTO:
Bottom cutouts allow you to fix the workpiece with clamps

After the final adjustment, you can fix the bar with self-tapping screws, and then proceed to check its performance.

How to work with a manufactured bottom

In order to test the manufactured device, you need to take a couple of rails and try to file them at an angle, collecting the frame. When joining, you should pay attention to the gaps between the elements. It is unlikely that it will be possible to perfectly dissolve the rail evenly, which means that further processing will be carried out using the bottom.

After working with a hacksaw, gaps are visible at the junction of the frame elementsPHOTO:
After working with a hacksaw, gaps are visible at the junction of the frame elements

Now you need to lay the frame element that needs to be processed on the bar and fix it with clamps. It remains to make a few movements with the plane, and the corner of the element will be perfectly drawn.

The frame element must be fixed to the fixture using clamps.PHOTO:
The frame element must be fixed to the fixture using clamps.
After processing, all elements are perfectly aligned, without the slightest gapPHOTO:
After processing, all elements are perfectly aligned, without the slightest gap

Here, in fact, are all the actions that need to be performed.

Summing up

Making various frames for paintings or photographs is a simple process. But often it is impossible to do without such a device as the bottom. This is especially true for wide elements. But the simplicity of making such a device and the minimum material requirements for this indicate that it is worth making the bottom for personal use. This is especially true for those who have decided to change their type of activity during a pandemic and start making various crafts with their own hands. As for the plane, the handle can be rearranged at any time to its original position, which will allow it to be used for its intended purpose.

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