In anticipation of the upcoming renovation, you are already browsing sites with ready-made interiors, but do not yet understand where to start? Start by developing a design project. This is the surest step that will help you achieve the perfect result. You can even do without a designer and save money. Moreover, the savings will be significant (count - on average, the services of a professional cost from 1,500 rubles / m2). To simplify this task, we have prepared step-by-step instructions for you. And we will also tell you about free online planner, with which the creation of a plan for dismantling walls, furnishing, placing plumbing, electrical and other important points will turn into a fascinating process.
Read in the article
- 1 Why do we need a design project at all? Isn't it easier to do it, like the neighbors have?
- 2 How to prepare for the development of a design project
- 3 6 steps to a dream interior
Why do we need a design project at all? Isn't it easier to do it, like the neighbors have?
It may be easier, but are you sure that the final result will suit you? A good interior is not only about beautiful design. The furnishings should be ergonomic, practical, fully taking into account your preferences and the wishes of the household. Even if you like renovation with friends, it is unlikely that your tastes, and even more so your lifestyle, completely coincide. Do not be lazy - make a design project, then you will be grateful to yourself, because you can:
- Avoid mistakes. Do not forget that renovation is a rather complex process that includes many stages, from electrical installation, roughing and finishing works, and ending with the choice of finishing materials and decor. Here you need to think over everything to the smallest detail, since it will be not only difficult to correct mistakes, but also expensive. Drawing up a design project at the initial stage will help you to visualize how the apartment will look like from A to Z.
- Save money. It makes no sense to say that repairs are inexpensive. You probably already realized this when you started looking through the prices of goods in hardware stores. But if you prepare a design project, you will be able to optimize expenses and distribute them wisely over time. Otherwise, you will constantly overpay for various pop-up little things.
- To do everything safely and efficiently. All points will be taken into account in the design project: the scheme of communications, air conditioning, power supply, complex communications and redevelopment.
- Look at the result in advance. And you don't have to brush aside ideas that seem too bold. In the online planner, you can work on a wide variety of interior design options in order to choose the best one in the end.
Agree, there is something to think about. Just don't waste a lot of time thinking - start fantasizing! And if it seems to you that the work on creating a design project will be too difficult, with the free online planner you will understand that it is not so. A special program, which even a beginner can deal with, will become an indispensable assistant in preparing for repairs. You will get endless possibilities for changing the space, you can endlessly experiment with the layout, try on different wallpapers and arrange furniture in a new way every time. When you find the perfect solution, you will have not only a beautiful picture, but all the necessary technical drawings for the construction team. But let's understand everything in order.
How to prepare for the development of a design project
You need to start drawing up a design project by choosing an idea. To find it, decide what kind of atmosphere, theme, setting, would you like to see around you? This will determine what color scheme, furniture and finishing materials need to be purchased. The theme plays a decisive role in determining the style, the selection of decor elements.
Once you have decided on the main idea, you can start visualizing it. It will not be superfluous to flip through magazines, view thematic sites. Your task is to find examples of ready-made interiors in order to highlight the relevant details for yourself.
Already at the stage of building the concept, the planner will come in handy. To use it, you need to follow a few simple steps:
- Register on the site to gain access to your personal account, where you can experiment and check how suitable the selected ideas are.
- Indicate the dimensions of the premises, the layout, the location of the partitions, the placement of sockets, switches, lighting devices.
- As soon as the general picture of the desired result is formed, start working on the drawings.
Having made a design project with the help of, you will save on designer services, and during the renovation every penny is worth its weight in gold! You will receive a complete set of drawings in your hands, calculate the cost and volume of building materials.
Now the fun begins - move on to creating a design project!
6 steps to a dream interior
We have prepared for you a simple step-by-step instruction that will help you create a design project in the planner. Let's start:
- Step # 1 - take measurements. We are talking about both walls and window and doorways, arches, niches. At this stage, you need to consider the placement of batteries, radiators, water and gas pipes. Immediately enter all measurements in the planner so as not to miss anything.
- Step # 2 - choose a style. Photos of finished interiors will help you with this. Browse Instagram, go to Pinterest, read thematic sites. As soon as a complete picture begins to form in your head, note which color scheme you like most of all, think about zoning the room, pay attention to lighting design, decor, places for storage.
- Step # 3 - define your goals. At this stage, you need to decide what layout you would like to see in your apartment. Where will the bedroom, nursery, hall be? Think you prefer a separate kitchen or is it worth combining it with the living room? Mark these moments in the online planner, not forgetting about furnishings, sockets, switches.
- Step # 4 - work on drawing up. A clear picture has already been formed in your head, which can be transferred to the drawing. After taking measurements and entering this information into, you already have a plan of the apartment. Start arranging furniture, placing plumbing fixtures, lighting. The main thing is not to be limited to one idea. In the program, you can make changes as many times as you like. Create various options that can be compared with each other in the future and choose the most interesting.
- Step # 5 - add details. This is the stage at which the project acquires volume and color. In the online planner, you can freely play with shades of finishing materials, furniture, in order to find a harmonious combination in the end. And for greater clarity, the program will show you the apartment in 3D. Looking at the resulting picture, you can "walk" through the rooms and objectively assess how the created atmosphere meets your wishes.
- Step # 6 - make an estimate. Thanks to the online planner, you will have detailed technical drawings. Based on them, you can easily calculate both the amount of materials and their cost.
As you can see, creating a project becomes easier with the online planner Yes, it is not a matter of 5 minutes, but think about the future. After all, you are working on an environment that will surround you for more than one year or even two. Experiment and be creative, try on different options and choose the best. Step by step, you will independently prepare a design project for an apartment, and your home will become cozy, comfortable and ergonomic!
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