HDR - what it is and how to understand the intricacies of technology

Image contrast is evident at once


  • 1 HDR-technology to work with photos and videos - General Information
  • 2 HDR in camera and camera phone - is responsible for what option
  • 3 Support for HDR on TV - what is the fundamental difference from the usual image
  • 4 HDR in computer games - especially the transfer of depth
  • 5 HDR in the recorder - that is
  • 6 Competing technologies Dolby Vision and HDR-10 - study the nuances

HDR-technology to work with photos and videos - General Information

HDR in the photo - what is it? This is a high dynamic range image. In short, it allows greater contrast for display or image sensing. For example, the street lighting is not always suitable for making perfect shots, transmitting color and contrast. The dynamic range of the image makes it possible to expand the contrast ratio which, in turn, makes it possible to make a more complete color reproduction.

The technology allows to reveal the fullness of landscapes

To achieve such an effect is possible, using the superposition of several images with different exposures to finally get one with the highest level of color performance.

HDR in camera and camera phone - is responsible for what option

The human eye is able to distinguish and perceive much more data than any camera or camera. In order to bring the recorded scene in quality to those that can be perceived by the human eye, in modern cameras and cameras smartphones implemented dynamic range technology Images. Let's see that it is HDR-mode smartphone camera and the camera.

How it works and what is needed HDR-shooting

To understand what it is HDR-shooting, you must first learn how it is arranged. Implemented either built into the system software or third-party. In the case of a built-in HDR camera takes two or more images with different exposures. Thus, selecting the most successful, in terms of systems, staff areas, it outputs a perfect image for the human eye.

Pictures with smartphone acquire brilliance

With the help of third party software is necessary to first make a series of shots with different parameters manually. editing can be used then for manual processing or other automated means to independently choose from a number of frames the most successful and "glue" them into one. A good approach to the implementation of the technology found in Apple. The fact that it is - in HDR photos on the iPhone, we will look separately.

Advantages and disadvantages of HDR mode for photos

For shooting in mode, the dynamic range of the image are excellent static high-contrast subjects. These include landscapes, night views, interiors and architecture. It should be noted that the dynamic range of the image you need and still be able to apply to the appropriate objects. Excessive use can sometimes lead to an unnatural image. But it can serve as a plus for those who work in specific genres such as surrealism. Another obvious disadvantage, which follows from the fact that we have to use the delay - the inability to take the dynamic scene. A small change in the frame, and photo greased. In general, the dynamic range of the image need to be able to use.

Software for creating HDR-photo

The most popular graphic editor Photoshop is able to create HDR-photo of the box since version CS2. Typically, this function is located along the path of File-Automate-Merge to HDR.

Photoshop comprises a built-in dynamic range of the image

Photomatix application designed specifically for creating a dynamic range of an image based on original images with different exposures. There are two versions - Pro and Basic. The paid version has enhanced functionality and greater set of options for the accurate transmission of HDR.

Photomatix specially "sharpened" under the dynamic range of the image

Dynamic Photo HDR - this is another fee-based program that works with a dynamic range of the image. It can take as a source a wide range of different graphics file formats. three modes can be used to create a dynamic range of an image: fast, accurate and full-sized. As a result, it is possible to obtain images of different quality and direction - from the banal to the architectural photographs of unusual landscapes.

How to set up the basic parameters of the HDR image

The first thing that can help in obtaining the dynamic range of the image - bracketing. This feature is present on most modern cameras. It lets you take a series of shots, every next of which has its own changes. The result is a series of shots with different parameters, which can already be processed.

If you take pictures manually for a dynamic range of an image, you have to adjust the exposure. For example, the first frame can be set underexposure - 2 the EV, then - and only then metering remove the lightest frame - +2 EV. Of course, that each frame will need to be removed manually, and this is necessary to ensure recording of the camera, such as a tripod, and choose to shoot the scene correctly. If the device has a built-in dynamic range of the image mode, the set up and does not have anything. The system itself will do everything automatically.

Using HDR on the iPhone example

The camera's menu has a special button for that and it is written: HDR. What does it mean for a photo in the iPhone? In this shooting mode, it will last a little slower than usual. This is due to the fact that the phone needs to be done a few different shots with different exposures and combine together. It should be remembered that no subject is, neither the machine should not move.

iPhone copes with photos in dynamic range image

By the way, in the new versions of the iPhone, you can set the HDR Auto mode, which automatically takes a picture of higher quality if it sees fit. You can also save the original files in HDR mode, which means in a photo on the iPhone Applied on the absence of further changes.

Support for HDR on TV - what is the fundamental difference from the usual image

Hot new TV and dazzle abbreviation HDR technology. What is it on TV and how to use it?

What does HDR video playback

HDR in TV is considered a slightly different angle than when shooting. Now we try to understand what it is - the HDR video. The fact that new TVs have learned greatly expand the color gamut. So now the colors are more saturated due to a large spectrum, black has become even blacker, and the transition from color to color - more realistic.

The difference in the modes is visible from afar

It is interesting that no matter how smart or was the technology, it requires an appropriate content that can perform in a superior way. And what if the picture director planned to shoot it just in dull colors? Plus, the really relevant content - it is a rarity, as before to display HDR-image, it is necessary to prepare.

What is the difference between the HDR in televisions and photos

The whole difference is that in the first case, the dynamic range of the image is used as a method of displaying, in the other - as a way of creating. And if you create a camera can have a significant impact on the final result, the TV HDR only slightly improves the display quality.

It is preferable to look in HDR

Content there is not much to see in this format, but its base is maintained and developed. The fact is that the dynamic range of the image should contain additional metadata that define how to use the dynamic range of a scene. And these data can be implemented only on the video creation stages. In order to be able to display simple SDR-content, there is a so-called pseudo-HDR, which may intelligent way to bring about image quality dynamic range Images. Incidentally, as for video transmission HDR format from one device to another, it requires at least HDMI version 2.0. Until all of the content will not be displayed with a dynamic range of the image, it is necessary first to make sure that it - HDR format.

HDR in computer games - especially the transfer of depth

Games have a great advantage in displaying HDR, since the content is generated on the fly and can be changed at any time. However, this possibility must first take into account the code of the game.

In games the difference is more significant

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that not all monitors are capable of displaying full HDR.

And in some scenes it is noticeable not so much

In fact, the dynamic range of the image for video games is almost the same as that TV, - increases the number of colors and improves contrast, in general, making the picture clearer and more saturated.

HDR in the recorder - that is

DVR often have to shoot video in low light conditions, the burning bright sun and other situations that degrade image quality.

Now you can see more details

Therefore, the introduction of the dynamic range of the image in this type of devices has appeared at an opportune moment. Now you can get a picture, which will clearly emerge the small details, such as counting, numbers or symbols. This will help to quickly understand the traffic situation, trapped in the video, and just let you enjoy a more beautiful picture.

Competing technologies Dolby Vision and HDR-10 - study the nuances

Compare these two standards, as of today, it is practically useless. The average user will hardly be able to distinguish the difference in the display of images on the screen.

Dolby Vision Demonstration screen

This is due to the fact that TV sets compatible formats Dolby Vision and HDR-10 is simply not able to "squeeze" out of them all the maximum. But it is worth saying that the Dolby Vision more than ready for a brighter future, when the TV and the device will be able to achieve the performance, suitable for all conditions.

Support for technology manufacturers

It is able to maintain a high peak brightness of 10000 cd / m2 against 4000 cd / m2 at HDR-10. However, in the first case, the maximum that can display TVs - 4000 cd / m2, while the second - 1000 cd / m2. Color depth is also different: Dolby Vision is set to 12 bits, and the HDR-10 - 10-bit.

Studio, generating content with specific formats

In general, the difference between the two technologies is very difficult to notice, although Dolby Vision and has better performance. Perhaps in the future the situation will change, and the HDR-10 will pass a competitor. In any case it will be possible to find out if the corresponding equipment technology appears.

Game and TV set-top box capable of operating in the HDR-10 and Dolby Vision

Now we know that means HDR settings in cameras, televisions and video games. If you want to add information about HDR, you can share it in the comments.