An ordinary city dweller always lacks space in his own apartment. There are things that seem to be not needed at the moment, but it’s a pity to throw it away - but suddenly they will come in handy. In addition, somewhere you need to keep a stroller, attach a bicycle in winter, and skis and sledges take place in summer. The most convenient solution is to take these seasonal and not very necessary things out of the front door of the apartment - on the staircase or in entrance. However, what is convenient for one person can cause dissatisfaction with other residents. In addition, there is legislation - fire safety rules, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, SanPiN, building codes and regulations. For their violation may be followed by bringing to administrative responsibility. The question of a storage room at the entrance - what is allowed and what is not - is decided by all residents on the basis of the law and rules. In some houses, premises for strollers and other equipment are immediately included in the project. These premises can be used by all apartment owners in the building.
Read in the article
- 1 Storage rooms on staircases at the entrance
- 2 Storage rooms in the basement
- 3 Conclusion
Storage rooms on staircases at the entrance
For residents, the most convenient option is when an impromptu storage room is located right outside the door of the apartment. Sometimes this is possible, but only in accordance with the current rules. Sanitary rules and regulations allow the arrangement of storage areas for vegetables, solid fuel with an area of up to 3 m2 per person. But the exit from these places cannot be combined with the exit from the living quarters, it must be separate. There is one more mandatory requirement - such storage rooms can be organized only up to the third floor inclusive, above they will be recognized as illegal. Pantries are also prohibited under the first staircase. This place is reserved for utilities.

When arranging storage facilities in common areas (stairwells), it is prohibited to block the approaches to fire extinguishing equipment and emergency exits. Do not store furniture, boxes, large-sized equipment on the way to a fire water tap, to a box with a fire hose, near escape doors and hatches on balconies. A dump of household rubbish on the staircase and in the common corridor cannot be arranged.

All extensions and alterations in a residential building must be coordinated and approved by the BTI and the fire inspection, as well as entered into the technical documentation of the house. If these rules are violated, all changes can be eliminated.
Please be aware that these storage rooms are not the property of the owner of the apartment. They belong to all residents of the house. When selling an apartment, they cannot be included in the price.

Storage rooms in the basement
Almost every town house has a basement. There are engineering communications, equipment for water and heat supply systems, electrical inputs. The very concept of "basement" is clearly defined in the building legislation. This is a room in which the floor is located below ground level to a depth greater than half the height of the room itself. Basement entrances and general building entrances must be different. There should be two independent entrances to the basement. In addition, in the basement of the house there should be two windows with dimensions of 0.9 × 1.2 m, outside the house there should be pits near the windows. Basement partitions must be fire resistant.
It is theoretically possible to arrange storage spaces in the basement for personal property, but in practice it is very difficult. First you need to hold a general meeting of homeowners and make an appropriate decision. Secondly, it is necessary to study all fire safety rules, sanitary and building codes, develop a project, agree on it in many organizations. Even if one of the tenants pays for the arrangement, the basement will still remain in the ownership of all tenants of the house as common property.
It should be noted that from 01.01. new, stricter rules of the fire regime come into force (decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 16, 2020 N 1479).

Real life does not always follow the established rules. Of course, not all grandmothers and young mothers are able to carry their babies to the upper floors after each walk. Sometimes some furniture stands on the site in the pauses between transports. It is important that in these forced situations there are no gross violations of fire safety rules, and that reasonable neighbors do not quarrel over temporary inconveniences.
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