How to hide pipes in a bathroom for a penny if there is a boiler nearby: methods, cost, the best option

Repair in bathroom and a bathroom - a troublesome business. Tile on the walls and on the box covering the pipes, and one should not forget about the inspection hatch. And here many people may have problems. It is about the fact that sometimes you have to close and boiler. But what about the revision? Indeed, in this case, the hatch will be more than a square meter in size, and no door of this size can withstand the tiles laid on it. As it turned out, there is a way out. Today we will consider how to close the pipes in the bathroom for a penny and at the same time leave a large inspection hatch.

Read in the article

  • 1 Is it worth making a custom-made large inspection hatch
  • 2 Options for which the hatch door is not needed
  • 3 If you hide the pipes in the closet
  • 4 Creative people - creative renovation
    • 4.1 How the canvas is fixed to the wall
  • 5 Photo gallery of canvases with images
  • 6 Final word

Is it worth making a custom-made large inspection hatch

It is clear that you can order an inspection hatch of any size and with reinforced hinges. But what about the financial component? After all, such a pleasure will cost a pretty penny. And even if you order an invisible hatch, where is the guarantee that it will be really invisible? In any case, the seams will remain. And everyone probably wants the renovation to be perfect. It is clear that this does not happen, but you need to strive for this.

How to hide pipes in a bathroom
Large, reinforced access hatch can make a dent in the family budget

Options for which the hatch door is not needed

There are options in which the hatch will not be needed at all. Now we are talking about roller shutters, which are fixed at the top and unwind down. If necessary, they can be raised, readings taken from the meters, and then lowered again. But not everything is smooth here either. Firstly, they stand out too much against the background of the tiles laid on the false wall of the box, and secondly, the cost of one roller shutter (700 × 1600 mm) with installation, depending on the region, can cost from 7,000 to 10,000 rubles (as of August 2020 of the year).

This may be a similar option, but the box on top spoils everything
PHOTO: express-curtains.rf
This may be a similar option, but the box on top spoils everything

If you hide the pipes in the closet

Another option is the installation of double-leaf doors from thin laminate the color of the bathroom. It seems to be both beautiful and inexpensive, but again the question of aesthetics arises. Hardly anyone wants to see the doors from laminated chipboard or MDF. Although it is worth thinking about such a method. After all, it will really be cheap. But it's worth moving on.

The cabinet above the toilet may not please everyone, although it looks goodPHOTO:
The cabinet above the toilet may not please everyone, although it looks good

Creative people - creative renovation

The option of printing on canvas may seem very interesting. The cost of such pleasure in comparison with the previous ones is negligible, the canvas looks aesthetically pleasing, and any image on it can be done. Today, many companies are engaged in this, it is enough just to choose what will look good in this place. And this method of replacing the hatch has one very big plus - unlike roller shutters, it will fit snugly against the wall, practically merging with it. Let's try to figure out how to achieve this.

If there is a boiler inside, there is no other way to do it, or ...PHOTO:
If there is a boiler inside, there is no other way to do it, or ...

How the canvas is fixed to the wall

If you look at the roller shutter, then this structure simply goes down, while not fixing in any way. In addition, a box also hangs on the ceiling, which is designed to roll it up. Now you can imagine the usual picturelocated on the wall. This is a completely different matter.

Drawing on canvas will fit into any interior, especially since this option is a rarityPHOTO:
Drawing on canvas will fit into any interior, especially since this option is a rarity

In order to fix the canvas, you will need regular flat magnets. Surely almost everyone sees similar ones every day on their refrigerators. If you buy these bands in Russia, then they will cost no more than 60 rubles. per running./m.

Magnetic tape can be purchased both in the Russian market and in Chinese online stores.PHOTO:
Magnetic tape can be purchased both in the Russian market and in Chinese online stores.

Capturing a canvas with a photo or drawing of your choice is pretty easy. But one person cannot do this, and therefore an assistant is needed. One should hold the canvas the way it will be positioned in the end. The second traces the canvas with a simple pencil. It should be noted that not every tile can be drawn with a regular pencil, so, most likely, a carpenter's one will be needed.

Such a pencil will definitely not let you down, because you can draw with it even on glass.PHOTO:
Such a pencil will definitely not let you down, because you can draw with it even on glass.

Further, retreating from the drawn line by 0.5 mm inward, the magnetic strip is glued along the entire perimeter. The pencil can now be erased and transferred to the canvas.

You can already use metallized tape here. It is also glued around the perimeter. By the way, if you take aluminum instead of it, nothing will work - it simply will not be magnetised. At this point, the work can be considered finished. All that remains is to attach the canvas to the magnet on the wall - and the revision hole is gone.

Such beauty can cover the revision hole in the bathroom.PHOTO:
Such beauty can cover the revision hole in the bathroom.

Photo gallery of canvases with images

And now you can consider several examples of such canvases, which can not only close the opening, but also decorate the bathroom.

Quite an interesting and creative solution for a public bathroomPHOTO:
Quite an interesting and creative solution for a public bathroom
This funny dog ​​is already ready to take a place behind its owner, covering the revision hatchPHOTO:
This funny dog ​​is already ready to take a place behind its owner, covering the revision hatch
It's never too late to learn, but you won't be able to do this while sitting - a hatch in the backPHOTO:
It's never too late to learn, but you won't be able to do this while sitting - a hatch in the back
But it is better, of course, to join the beautifulPHOTO:
But it is better, of course, to join the beautiful

Final word

Summing up, I would like to say that it is better to initially think over how and what will be done in order not to get into difficult situations later. A separate rear wall should have started with reinforcing the structure. Although a painting on canvas is also good, if there is some kind of photo on it that brings back memories to every member of the family. Someone will say that such things have no place in the bathroom. But memories are good always and everywhere, especially if they are kind. In fact, painting on canvas is a very interesting and almost unknown option for replacing the revision window. Or maybe you should take a closer look at him?

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