More and more owners of their own square meters are thinking about creating a more environmentally friendly and safe atmosphere for themselves and their loved ones. Many European designers have taken seriously the implementation of projects without the use of chemical additives and materials that negatively affect the environment, and therefore the atmosphere of your home. Responsible consumption and environmental friendliness are in trend, which means that in such an apartment every item is responsible for your safety and comfort. This applies not only to the elements of home decoration, but also to the choice of more environmentally friendly products and everything that surrounds you. But not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance.
Fundamental principles for choosing furniture and materials
How do you determine how well your home is in line with the new sustainable design trend? First of all ─ look around, furniture from Chipboard, PVC panels, floor coverings based on adhesives - all these materials familiar to our generation of toxic consumers are banned, according to supporters of sustainable design.

However, there are really many materials on the market that will help make your home exactly what you dream of. Even in a simple mass market, it is easy to find recyclable items: wallpaper from waste paper production or lamps from reclaimed wood.
However, sustainable design is not only about sustainable materials, but also the very philosophy of life. Approach the choice of things in this way: how comfortable they are, what materials are they made of, whether they will be in fashion in the near future. It will help renew your home, freeing up space for new ideas!

The choice of things with this approach will be extremely simple: ask the question - how functional, easy to clean, and environmentally friendly this item is. Create a comfortable design timeless and spaceless. Consider how environmentally safe using the item you just bought will be, including the path from recycling, transportation to you, and the very life of the item in your home.
Important! High-quality materials and furniture for our interior will allow us not to change it for as long as possible, and this has a positive effect on the environment and ─ ultimately ─ on our budget.
This is why a floor covering made from plastic waste will be a more sustainable choice than natural material or parquetfor the sake of which a rare tree was cut down in the forests of the Amazon.

All materials that you plan to use must have a special certificate of conformity for environmental safety. For example, paints are best purchased with the so-called zero VOC label - where water-based plant materials are used. Feel free to reuse your old items. This will save you money and reduce your environmental impact. Buy reclaimed wood shelving, carpets from recycled plastic bottles.

They are easy enough to buy, they have been used for a longer time, and they have learned to recycle them. And finally, one more piece of advice! Do not clutter up the space with a lot of furniture and objects. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to maintain a uniform style. In addition, the room should be as convenient and comfortable as possible. The more natural light and space there is, the easier and freer it will be to live in it!