Interior arches of plasterboard: photo ideas, assembling their own hands

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Arched passageways completely change the character of the room. They not only competently zoned space. They make the free space and form his appointment. Materials which are used for decorating passages emphasize common Interior Design. arches of drywall, Photo options which we will consider in this material, can have different forms, but all of them are made of classic and universal drywall.

Interior Design: Interior arch of the drywall, photos
Arched design radically transform space

Read article

  • 1 Types of interior arches in the interior photo
  • 2 Arch made of plasterboard: the photo, the interior design of premises for different purposes
    • 2.1 Kitchen
    • 2.2 Living room
    • 2.3 Hallways
  • 3 Arch with their own hands Plasterboard: step by step instructions with photos and video tutorial
    • 3.1 Video: arch made of plasterboard with their hands
  • 4 Tips for design arch aperture
  • 5 Arc de Triomphe in the house

Types of interior arches in the interior photo

This architectural form was born in the ancient world and has become an essential attribute of luxurious architectural ensembles of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Rome. While the arch was not just decoration, it was considered a strong pillar for the construction of hinged construction.

One of the examples of the ancient times of ancient Rome
One of the examples of the ancient times of ancient Rome

Modern building materials make it possible not to use the arch as an indispensable element of strength, but it had no effect on their popularity. This design allows for smooth angular forms, make too big cozy room and turn them into elegant and luxurious rooms.

arches options:

  • deaf niche;
  • great design for zoning large spaces;
  • Interior arch designs.

In the photo arch doorways:

Arch, decorated with white veneer
Arch, decorated with white veneer
Classical solution with stucco on the contour
Classical solution with stucco on the contour
Simple. but no less spectacular arch
Simple, but no less spectacular arch
Arch in the size of the doorway: it looks more spectacular?
Arch in the size of the doorway: it looks more spectacular?

What is the main purpose of interior arches? They decorate doorways and at the same time combine small rooms into one space. They are used when the installation doors inexpedient. For example, if too narrow passages or arranged so that uncomfortable dotting furniture.

Note! Modern technologies allow to combine arched walkways and door leaf.

Arch: a photo in interior different species:

View of archesPictureDescription
RomanRomanHer second name - classic. It has a smooth arcuate shape and looks very ascetic. It is ideal for areas with ceilings above standard.
BritishBritishSuch structures are suitable for Nouveau. Arc arch truncated and has a slight straightening. Suitable for apartments and houses with standard ceilings.
SlavyanskayaSlavyanskayaIt is rectangular with rounded edges design. It looks good in any interior.
ThaiThaiOn one side of this arch is rounded, the other - a straight line. Wheel dimensions, may be any.
PortalPortalNormal box with decorative elements flanking the doorway. Versatile option.
EllipseEllipseThis ovals regular or irregular shape. Give the room an original look and can be used in rooms with low ceiling.
trapezetrapezeIn this embodiment, terminations carry decorative angles opening. This is an easy way to create an arch without capital investments.
TransomTransomAn excellent way to combine the arch structure and the door leaf. Part of the wide aperture can be closed by stained glass or other decorative material.

Arch made of plasterboard: the photo, the interior design of premises for different purposes


Arch in the kitchen It plays a more decorative than practical role. The bright design of the opening draw attention to the situation of the premises. In addition, the wide opening allows to easily carry into the living room to the table ready-made meals.

Often, natural stone arches are made or imitation. Such a decoration in ancient style reminiscent of medieval castles and organically looks in country cottage.

In this embodiment, an organic continuation of the stone decoration looks beyond the arch - on the walls, floor or ceiling
In this embodiment, an organic continuation of the stone decoration looks beyond the arch - on the walls, floor or ceiling

Arched doorway in the kitchen can be arranged wood details with classical carvings. Important combine colors lining with interior colors. You can use a darker color. Universally considered as black, brown or beige. They are suitable for any interior palette.

To enliven the design combines the colors in the design of the arch and used colored glass or ceramics
To enliven the design combines the colors in the design of the arch and used colored glass or ceramics

Tip! Arched doorway harmoniously fit into kitchen interierIf repeat its design in the kitchen headset.

If the kitchen requires the presence of several arches - it is logical to use the construction of a gypsum material or columns wood. Emphasize the grandeur of the columns will molding.

Tip! Kitchen - the space where occasionally something needs to change. In the operation of the furniture and equipment, decoration of the walls and floor are deteriorating. Arch should be framed in a universal manner, that is, so that, if necessary, to fit in the new design.

Should provide protection arch material from moisture and deposited on kitchen grease. varnishing - a good idea
Should provide protection arch material from moisture and deposited on kitchen grease. varnishing - a good idea

From time to time it is necessary to isolate the kitchen from other rooms to prevent the spread of odor around the house or hide from the guests cook a storm of activity. Set the upper arch mounting passage curtains. You can use thick blinds thread or thin curtains.

What is worth considering installing an arched structure in the kitchen:

  • working disorder will be immediately noticeable and cooking ceases to be mystery;
  • kitchen odors, smoke and steam will freely penetrate into the house;
  • next to the arch will be difficult to put kitchen furniture.

However, the design of the kitchen facilities archway - stylish design techniqueWhich will decorate any home.

Examples arch photo on the kitchen instead of the door:

1 of 6

Arch Hall in plasterboard
Arch Hall in plasterboard
Arch instead of a door to the kitchen
Arch instead of a door to the kitchen
Arch instead of a door to the kitchen
Arch instead of a door to the kitchen

Living room

Archway into the living room from hall or food immediately makes the interior an elegant and beautiful.

Tip! Highlight constructions emphasize the well-placed lighting. They are mounted in the vault.

Use pass finishing natural materials is not necessary. There are many cheap imitators of wood or stone. The living passage design should be combined with furnishings and room decor.

If the ceiling in the room did not differ in height, the arch will help visually correct the situation. at multilevel ceiling coverings It should draw arched doorway in such a way that it starts from a lower level and fit into the overall design of the room.

Photo hall of arches in drywall with different design:

1 of 4

Arch Hall in plasterboard
Arch Hall in plasterboard
Arch Hall in plasterboard
Arch Hall in plasterboard


hallway - usually a small room, especially if we are talking about small apartments. Archway in this room immediately adds spaciousness and freedom of movement. Arch will complement and decorate the interior of the hall. She will perform a zoning tool and help to correct the shortcomings are too narrow or tight spaces.

Photo options interior arches in the hallway and hallway:

1 of 7

Arch Hall in plasterboard
Arch Hall in plasterboard
Arch Hall in plasterboard
Arch in the hallway
Arch in the hallway
Arch in the hallway
Arch in the hallway

Arch with their own hands Plasterboard: step by step instructions with photos and video tutorial

Arched passages may be made of wood, metal, concrete and even plastic. But modern construction is the most common and convenient use of the material - plasterboard. How to make a step by step of interior arch with their hands?

For the construction of designs will need:

  1. Plasterboard thickness of 12 and 6.5 millimeters.
  2. U-shaped cross-section profiles and 2.7sm 6 x 2.8 x 2.7 cm.
  3. corners, screws, Nylon dowels.
  4. screwdriver, Metal scissors, knife building, measuring instruments.
Started, must be performed first thorough measurement doorway and develop detailed drawing
Started, must be performed first thorough measurement doorway and develop detailed drawing

You can then proceed to the cutting blade.

Plaster board construction cut with a knife on a line length limitation rule. The technology of this: first incision cardboard and held a deep furrow on the plaster, and then the sheet breaks down the entire length of the bottom and cut a piece of cardboard.

To outline a semicircle, using a rope, screw and pencil. One end of the rope is attached self-tapping on the center circle of the future, the other end is attached to the loop pencil and pencil with this limitation will describe the correct arc.

When all the necessary design details are cut, you can start installation
When all the necessary design details are cut, you can start installation

The frame for the arch is formed from metal sheets. It is attached to concrete or brick wall with dowels. frame shape should fit the shape of the arch.

To avoid mistakes, use a pre-prepared drawing with size details
To avoid mistakes, use a pre-prepared drawing with size details

On the frame are fixed parts of the drywall with screws. In the first place - the front surface, then - the end. Screws should be slightly utaplivat in drywall, then fixing points shpaklyuyut. The distance between the fasteners - about ten - fifteen centimeters. The hardest part - the formation of the arch. To gypsum workpiece is not broken, its pre-soak in water. To water penetrated gypsum formation, it pierce or puncture awl special spiked roller.

To set using a thin sheet
To set using a thin sheet

Once all construction details are fixed, and its shpaklyuyut coated surfacing materials.

Video: arch made of plasterboard with their hands

Detailed instructions for the manufacture of the arched passage in the following footage:

Tips for design arch aperture

  • Arch, you can simply paint. For this purpose, it should be perfectly straight plaster surface. If desired, you can create on its surface relief with the help of special plaster mixtures. To corners and joints are smooth, use corners.
Coating is performed by brush, roller or airbrush
Coating is performed by brush, roller or airbrush
  • Facing stone or tiles a stone, mosaic. For a natural effect of stone elements are arranged in a chaotic manner. Plaster imitation stone - a good and inexpensive solution to the apartment. Clay tiles stoneware items or require certain skills and careful preparation of the base.
For installation using tile adhesive
For installation using tile adhesive
  • Decor moldings and decorative panels. Most often used for these purposes MDF It mimics natural wood and covered with veneer or PVC film. This design is organically fit into any decor. MDF attached parts in the opening besshlyapochnymi nails. Stucco is set on the basis of plasterboard using liquid nails.
It is better to choose a polyurethane decorative details. Foam options are short-lived
It is better to choose a polyurethane decorative details. Foam options are short-lived
  • The use of curtains. It must be admitted that blinds It is not as popular for the decoration of doorways as before. But if you approach the task with imagination - a great design can get. Use thread curtains, or the composition of the beads, bamboo sticks or other decorative materials.
To apply arcuate arches bent rods which coincide with the shape of the passage
To apply arcuate arches bent rods which coincide with the shape of the passage
  • Setting columns. Columns will be an organic look in a frame of wide arches. They successfully written to the interior in a classical style. Columns can be not only a stone or plaster.
They can be made of wood, using elaborately carved
They can be made of wood, using elaborately carved
  • Making lighting fixtures. Good lighting does not only give the original look of the arch, but will make a comfortable passage. It is particularly in demand in the arched doorways of the corridor and hallway. options lighting several: You can use the built-in fixtures, LED strip or classical candlesticks with lamps in the form of candles.
The last option looks colorful in the archway, decorated with natural stone
The last option looks colorful in the archway, decorated with natural stone

Arc de Triomphe in the house

What we suggest a photo design arches of drywall? Interior with them literally transformed. Banal boxes rooms are elegantly decorated and unlimited space.

Everyone can feel to some extent with the triumph arch in the house
Everyone can feel to some extent with the triumph arch in the house

To implement ideas, it needs a good drawing and high quality materials, as well as artistic taste for a design business. If you work - share your experience with our readers!