Drywall is one of the most popular materials for summer cottage builders. They are attracted by good consumer properties, low price, ease of processing. Intra-apartment partitions are made of this material, brick and concrete walls are trimmed with sheets. But technologies do not stand still, new, equally attractive materials appear. And the builders have a natural question: - What to use for finishing instead of drywall?
Read in the article
- 1 What is drywall
- 2 Drywall analogs
- 3 Conclusion
What is drywall
Before you start replacing drywall with anything, you need to understand what it is. It is a sheet building material. Between two layers of thick construction paper, there is a layer of hardened gypsum dough mixed with filler. The standard provides for a sheet width of 120 cm. Its purpose is the construction of claddings, partitions and ceilings inside buildings with dry and humid climates. There is ordinary drywall (GKL), moisture resistant (GKLV) and fire resistant (GKLO0).
Also, builders use such types of material - gypsum fiber gypsum sheet, characterized by increased strength, and acoustic gypsum board with increased sound insulation. Its advantages are economic efficiency, low price, wide availability, high manufacturability, easy processing, long service life, ease of decoration.

Drywall analogs
On the building materials market, there is a fairly rich nomenclature of proposals, in terms of a set of parameters similar to drywall.
The gypsum fiber sheet is the same in composition as drywall, but only the outer cardboard layers are crushed to a fiber fraction and mixed in a gypsum dough. After pressing and drying, sheets of a more durable and stiffer, but also expensive material are obtained. Possesses good sound insulation properties. Sheets are installed in the form of partitions in rooms in order to prevent the spread of fire during a fire. There is an option to provide anti-radiation protection in X-ray rooms. This material is produced by the KNAUF company.

Magnelite is a new material that has not yet been tested by the mass builder. Its surface on both planes is reinforced with fiberglass mesh. In terms of strength, it surpasses ordinary drywall by 2-3 times, moreover, it is more flexible. The main advantages are absolute moisture resistance, fire resistance and incombustibility. The service life is more than 15 years. Well, it is processed without dust, firmly holds any fasteners without dowels. It can be painted, putty, covered with ceramic tiles.

Among the analogs should be called gypsum-particle board (GSP) and cement-particle board (DSP). GSP surpasses ordinary drywall in strength and sound insulation properties, more moisture resistant. A bit more expensive.
DSP is much stronger and heavier than drywall. Service life over 50 years. It has good thermal insulation properties, therefore it is used for facades.
Wood-based counterparts are plywood, particle board (chipboard) and oriented strand board (OSB).
The well-known plywood in large quantities poses a certain danger to humans, since formaldehyde resins are used in its production. Resin vapors are released into the room over time. Plywood has many different designs - fire resistant, moisture resistant and others.
Also, taking into account the release of harmful vapors, OSB should be used.
And chipboard, winning in strength, lose to drywall in terms of moisture and fire resistance.
A variety of plastic-based boards have been developed and manufactured.

Drywall has something to replace. The building materials market is rich in various proposals. But when deciding on the replacement, it is necessary to build as complete a range of requirements as possible for the operating conditions of the material and for its design capabilities. In the bathroom and in the kitchen, you need to use a material with increased moisture resistance; good thermal insulation properties, and in the living room to use taking into account the design claims of the artist on interiors. And you always have to assess the financial costs.
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