Passionate gardeners are like magpies. Only greedy birds rush to everything shiny, and country fans - to beautiful pictures. They see a photo of roses on boxes in a supermarket, and the price is ridiculous - how not to buy it? And then - one disappointment. Interestingly, someone managed to achieve such a result as in the picture? Many doubt this, but still buy these boxes with cuttings, not looking at the contents. And this is wrong: not to buy, but not to look what's inside. However, if you approach this issue correctly - believe me, everything will work out!
Read in the article
- 1 Nobody plans to deceive you
- 2 Choosing a viable rose in a box
- 3 How to tame a rose in a box
- 4 How to plant a rose from a box so that it takes root
Nobody plans to deceive you
There is such a strong belief that all these flowers in supermarkets are sheer deception. And it did not arise from scratch. Indeed, it is true that buying live plants in stores often brings grief when they begin to die after a few days. And the reason is simple: like any pets torn out of a comfortable environment, they experience extreme stress. And like gentle creatures tied by roots to their home, they rarely endure change.

Cheating is when you are offered blue roses or orchids. If blooming orchids have this color, it means that they were simply watered with a special compound. And if you can keep these flowers alive, next season you will see that they are white, and this natural color is beautiful in its purity.
Choosing a viable rose in a box
So, if you want to pick a resilient "fighter" who can handle the stress of a transplant, take a close look. If the shoots of the rose are broken, do not take it, most likely she will not have enough strength to cope with the injury. Another sign of a serious condition is blackening or drying of the shoot.

How to tame a rose in a box
You have chosen a healthy looking "pet" and brought it home. What to do next? Remove the box, scrape off the green wax from the branches?
Let's start with wax: it's not just wax, but a mixture of paraffin and copper sulfate. It prevents the shoots from drying out and at the same time protects them from infection, so this protective coating should never be removed.

Roots in special soil should not be disturbed either. They are in the composition to which they are accustomed from birth, and let it remain until the flower gets used to your soil.
It is not necessary to remove the shoots, injuring the plant. Let it get comfortable for a year or two before you start pruning.
If you bought a rose before you can plant it in the ground, do not rush to transplant it into a pot. A rose will just begin to adapt to new conditions when she will again have to experience the new stress of transplanting into the ground. She may not bear it.

How to plant a rose from a box so that it takes root
It's very simple: for planting, prepare soft and loose soil, add deoxidized peat - it holds water well.

Next, be extremely careful. Remember that roots, even the smallest ones, cannot be damaged. And, of course, in no case - cut or break off. You can slightly stimulate their viability in a solution of root or phytosporin.
When planting, the vaccination site needs to be deepened by only a couple of centimeters. Then, if necessary, you can add a little soil. At first, you need to protect the seedling from direct sunlight - let the flower gradually get used to its place. It is good if the planting is carried out in a cool time and the plant lives for at least a week at a temperature of 15-16 ° C.

And some more tips from practitioners:
Have you planted roses out of the box? What happened? Share your opinion in the comments!
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