You are the lucky owner country house and your own car? You are definitely in luck, you can come to the cottage at any time and enjoy nature with maximum comfort. There are only a couple of nuances, and one of them is the arrangement of the investment space on your site. After all, if it rains, everything will become limp and it will be problematic to leave. At the same time, I would not like to spend too much money on the arrangement of this site. Let's analyze the possible options.
If you often live in the country: garage
Now it has become not just fashionable, but vital to spend as little time as possible in a cramped city. The pandemic dictates to all of us the need to retire outside the city, so dachas have become a safe haven for many from a new infection. Whole families go there from April to the end of October, and many stay for the winter.

Garage can be made free-standing - right at the entrance to the site or adjacent to the house. The adjoining garage is convenient in that you can park the car and immediately get into the house, bypassing the path with pouring rain.

As for materials for the garage, there is a large selection. If you can afford it, build a garage out of the same material as your home. A brick or block structure will last a long time. In addition, such a garage will be warm, and it is easy to place, in addition to a car, a workshop in it.
You can build a garage from metal profiled sheet. In this case, you will need a metal frame and corrugated board. Honestly, if you compare the prices of metal and the costs of building the same garage from blocks, it will turn out to be about the same, so it's better from blocks.

A wooden garage is an economical option. Of course, provided that the tree in your area is sold for a reasonable price. The wood retains temperature well, it is easy to repair it if necessary, it does not require a solid foundation. Its only drawback against the background of bricks and blocks is that the tree is susceptible to decay and insect infestations.

Related article:
How to build and equip a garage with your own hands: choice of location, materials for construction and the nuances of arrangement, heating and interior decoration, advice and recommendations from specialists.
Parking options without a garage
Not everyone needs a garage, and not everyone can afford to spend on it. You can equip a parking space without capital construction. The easiest option is to fill the site concrete. In any case, it will be much more practical than the usual filling of the entrance with rubble or gravel, because over time, a track will still appear on such a site, and there will be puddles in the rain.

It's a good idea to complement a concrete parking lot with a canopy. You can do without it if there is a large tree nearby, which gives a good shade to the parking lot, but if such no, you need to make either a canopy with a roof, or a pergola along which you can let grapes or other curly plants. If there is shade, your car will not turn into an oven on a summer day.

If you are a fan of eco-style, then instead of concrete, you can make a parking with a lawn. How is this possible, since the wheels will destroy all landings? There is an option - a lawn lattice. After planting the lawn, a hard plastic grate is installed and sunk into the ground on top of the greenery. The grille structure is quite strong and can support the weight of a passenger car without any problems.

You can also cover the parking lot paving slabs. So that the elements do not creep along the sides due to the weight of the machine, you first need to make a contour, select the soil to a depth of 20 cm, and make the filling with crushed stone or gravel and sand. So that the sand does not go into the soil, they are additionally covered with geotextile.
How easy it is to make a parking from tiles, in this video:
What do you think is the best way to arrange a parking for a car in the country? Share your opinion in the comments!
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