The so-called "regulatory guillotine" is going to be carried out by the Ministry of Construction regarding previously used documents concerning the energy efficiency of buildings. It provides for recognition as invalid documents that contain outdated or duplicated mandatory requirements are either transferred to federal laws, the explanatory note says departments. Among those canceled are a number of provisions related to energy efficiency, in particular, the rules for setting energy efficiency requirements for buildings. The revision of old, already irrelevant regulations is being carried out.
Requirements for the energy efficiency of apartment buildings are undoubtedly needed, first of all, for new buildings, which should be built as energy efficient, says Irina Gentsler, Director of the Urban Economy Department of the Institute for Urban Economics Foundation: “Requirements for energy efficiency of houses are not canceled. And no one is going to do it. A “revision” of normative legal documents is carried out, within the framework of which outdated documents, duplication, etc. are revealed. Energy efficiency requirements apartment buildings it was proposed to abolish the regulations, the content of which was included in the Requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings, structures, structures, approved by order Ministry of Construction ".
Many experts were skeptical about such changes. The regulatory guillotine, which kills the requirements for energy efficiency, seems to be a dubious decision, says Svetlana Razorotneva, executive director of NP ZhKKhKontrol:
“Today, the housing stock is characterized by extremely high energy consumption, which results in inflated payments of citizens. The measures and requirements prescribed in the Law on Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement did not bring the expected results. The cancellation of the RF government decree on the approval of the rules for establishing energy efficiency requirements will be another step back from saving resources. " In her opinion, the rules may need to be improved, but it makes sense to cancel the document. only when other mechanisms are proposed to ensure the energy efficiency of buildings and structures. At the same time, as noted in "ZhKKH-Kontrol", the norms of the canceled government decree are concretized in the order of the Ministry of Construction on the approval requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings, structures, structures that have not been proposed for abolition and will continue to operate upon cancellation regulations.
At the moment, developers independently, at the design stage of objects, immediately lay down the level and class of energy efficiency. They understand that the subsequent operating conditions at home can be competitive for them. That is why it is useless to oblige someone to count money at the legislative level, according to the Ministry of Construction.
Source: RGRU