In 2019, the dacha amnesty was extended, the essence of which is a simplified scheme for registering ownership of suburban real estate until the end of 2021. Before the start of the summer cottage season, the Experts of the Federal Cadastral Chamber once again talked about some of the nuances of the simplified scheme.
The main feature of the current dacha amnesty is that it applies only to real estate objects erected on horticultural land plots.
For a simplified registration of ownership, only a land document and a technical construction plan are required. The preparation of the technical plan is carried out by the cadastral engineer.
Citizens can submit documents to Rosreestr on their own in any convenient way: in paper form, by personally contacting the registration authority or the MFC, as well as in electronic form. A citizen must pay a state fee of 350 rubles.
Also, within the framework of the dacha amnesty, the term for the free provision of land plots in public property and allocated to non-profit partnerships for gardening, truck farming or dacha farms. Members of garden and horticultural non-profit partnerships have the right to purchase a plot formed from land allocated to the partnership before November 2001.
Another important point is "the duty of the authorities to inform citizens about changes in construction rules on sites of various types." This means that the administration must organize explanatory work on the ground, since it can be quite problematic to independently figure out all the nuances.
For land plots "for individual housing construction" or "maintaining personal subsidiary plots" the norms of the dacha amnesty are not applied. In this case, there is a notification nature. The owner of such real estate objects must send a notification of the planned construction to the local administration with a description of the parameters of the future object, and upon its completion - a notification of the completion of work and attach a technical plan building. The same scheme is valid for the design of a residential building, the construction or reconstruction of which began without a permit until August 2018.
Source: RBC Real Estate