- Than to wash off a stain from vegetable oil?
- How to wash the oil stain?
- How else can I wash oil from things?
- How to wash engine oil from clothes?
People who often cook, as often face a problem - how to wash the oil off the clothes. In general, the problem of oil stains can arise in any person. It is important to act quickly, while the pollution is still fresh, because in this case it is much easier to remove. If you find an old oil scent - do not despair! Our tips will definitely help you to remove it efficiently and quickly.
to the contents ↑How to wash the stain from vegetable oil?
There are a lot of remedies for removing such a stain. When choosing everyone, be guided by the composition of the fabric of your thing. Always apply before first applying the substance to a less prominent area of clothing.
When removing fat, you can use such tools:
- soda;
- corn or wheat flour;
- dish remover;
- powder;
- salt;
- alcohol;
- chalk;
- petrol, kerosene, acetone;
- tooth powder;
- bleach;
- toilet paper;
- vinegar;
- laundry soap.
You will also need these additional tools:
- sponge;
- clean towels;
- knife;
- washer;
- clean rags;
- toothbrush;
- iron;
- bowl for soaking.
How to wash the oil stain?
As already mentioned, you need to act quickly. Once you notice the stain, immediately proceed to remove it with a detergent in one of the ways described below.
Solution 1
Follow these step-by-step instructions:
- Use a towel or cloth to blot the greasy print.
- Apply the detergent directly to the soiled area.
- Wipe it with a damp sponge until it starts to foam.
- Then rub this foam with a toothbrush.
- When the trail disappears, put the thing in the washing machine and wash it at high temperature with the addition of 1 tbsp.vinegar.
- If you prefer hand washing, then after you have processed the fat on the fabric with a toothbrush, wash the thing with laundry soap in hot water.
Solution 2
Still fresh contamination is well removed with tooth powder. He is able to absorb oil from the tissue into himself. To act with its help it is necessary so:
- Sprinkle the stain with powder.
- Wait for the powder to turn yellow with oil.
- Sprinkle again and so on until the powder ceases to change color.
- Wash the thing with powder or soap.
Solution 3
An interesting way to remove fat from clothes with toilet paper and iron. A hot iron heats up the oil, and the paper, thanks to its composition, quickly absorbs it. Do this as follows:
- Place paper on both sides of the thing.
- iron.
- Clean contaminated paper and repeat the procedure.
- Do this until the spot disappears completely.
Solution 4
In case you do not know when you have drunk fat on your things, do not despair. There are many effective ways to remove it, for example, a universal tool - soda. It is able to literally pull oil out of the fabric. Apply it this way:
- Spill plenty of dirt with soda.
- Leave for 1 hour or wait until soda turns brownish.
- Scratch the product with a knife.
- Clean your item as normal.
How else can I wash the oil from the things?
Some more simple enough variants, one of which by all means will attract you.
Method 1
Petrol also has the property of absorbing fats and copes well with many types of contaminants on the fabric. Follow these instructions:
- Dilute 1 tbsp.flour 1 tspgasoline.
- Apply the resulting gruel to the canvas.
- Wait until the mixture has dried.
- Remove with a brush.
- Wash in hot water in a convenient way.
Method 2
Very old greasy traces will help remove kerosene or acetone. Use any of these solvents as follows:
- Apply liquid to the cotton pad.
- Treat contaminated area.
- Rinse off excess fat and solvent with warm water and soap.
Method 3
If you find alcohol, gasoline and ammonia in your hands, then their combination will also help to remove fat from any origin on any fabric without a trace. In this case, proceed as follows:
- Mix 1 tsp.ammonia, 0.5 tsp.gasoline and 3 tbsp.alcohol.
- With the solution obtained, treat the contamination with a cotton swab.
- Leave it for 1 hour.
- Wash in cool water with powder.
Method 4
Chalk copes well with oil on the fabric and while the substance itself is easily removed. To do this:
- Wipe the chalk into powder.
- Sprinkle a stained piece of clothing.
- Leave for 4 hours.
- Wash in the machine at 40 degrees.
Method 5
Old oil stains on plain light fabrics show good bleach for clothes. It is most effective to use it as follows:
- Apply bleach to the stain.
- Leave it for 10 minutes.
- Wash in a washing machine with the addition of the same bleach and powder.
Important! Do not forget to check clothes for color fastness and start working on the spot always with less radical means.
to the contents ↑How to wash engine oil from clothes?
Motor or engine oil is also most efficiently washed immediately after contamination. First of all, try to remove it with a washing concentrate for the dishes, leaving it for 15 minutes on the fabric and overtaking in hot water. If you do not have a detergent near you, a laundry soap will do.
Old or heavy, stale soiling removes gasoline well. To do this:
- Dampen a piece of dense cloth with gasoline.
- Rub with a brush.
- Thoroughly wash with hands using household soap.
Remember that a thing stained with engine oil and any other oil can not be washed or soaked with other items of the wardrobe. In case you do not have the opportunity to process the contaminated things with the means provided, do not throw away the thing. Take it to the dry cleaners, and with this, too, do not tighten - even professional cleaning is not in all severe cases can help.